Why am I not making any sales on my new online store?

Why am I not making any sales on my new online store?

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1 0 1



I have had my store www.home-lifegcr.com for 2 months or more and I have put a lot of money into it and I get people to come to my store but have yet to get a single sale yet.  I'm definitely new to all of this. I did just jump in and hoping that I could do what others do and make a living doing this and now I'm at the point to just give up.  I don't want to but feel like I jumped into the shark tank during dinner time.  Anything helps even though mostly bad but I don't want to keep setting it up for failure.  Thanks

Replies 3 (3)

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830 28 74

Hope the following will help you


1. Improve page speed


2. Add problem-solving blog post 

3. Do some SEO

4. Run Google shopping ads

5. Check your traffic whether they are bot or real by checking IP address

6. If traffic is ok then check bounce rate and queries intent

7. Chekc any technical issue, UX etc.

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Hi @jueldavid , 

I was checking your request and I would like to share some of my thoughts with you: 

  • Please check this PageSpeed review all the information that is provided.
  • Regarding mobile version, you need to review that you need to solve 3 things: The menu needs to stay at the top always when the user scrolls down, when the user opens hamburger menu the chatbot is overlapping with your menu and this does not looks good, the same happens when the user is navigating through the site (i.e. Contact Us page) and this may lead the user to an unexpected error.

 Captura de pantalla 2023-06-22 a la(s) 12.11.15.pngCaptura de pantalla 2023-06-22 a la(s) 12.06.34.pngCaptura de pantalla 2023-06-22 a la(s) 12.06.02.png

Ricardo | InventoryHero app Specialist
InventoryHero - Automatically Discount Weak Inventory


Ottawa, ON, Canada

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67 1 5

Hello, try using the SEOmatic app to optimize your site for better SEO. It can help increase your visibility on search engines, attracting more organic traffic to your store. Don't give up yet, as building a successful online business takes time and effort. Good luck!
