Re: Store Feedback Please

Why is my online store getting visitors but no sales?

35 0 1

Hi Everyone


I am about 2 weeks in for my store and seem to be getting visitors from Facebook but no sales, so hoping someone could point me in the right direction. I'm still a learner and trying to get my head around what makes a successful site work while others don't. Have enjoyed the journey so far but not as easy as some people portray.

Hoping you all have a safe and enjoyable New Year.



Replies 6 (6)

Shopify Partner
38 0 15

Hi, ive tested your store and here are a few things ive noticed, keep in mind ive only tested your product page and cart page. Im assuming your links on facebook go directly to a product page and not home page. If not, that would be a whole other discussion (in my experience, links directly to home page are the worst converting):


  • when you add an item to your cart, the drop down cart is very confusing, id suggest changing your themes setting to actually go to the cart page. Or if your theme permits, a slide out cart.
  • if there are no product reviews, the review stars at the top of product page should be suppressed. (I immediately clicked the stars on a product and it went to write a review section. Personally, I know how to navigate back from this but alot of people dont.)
  • Your product images need to have a white background, in my opinion colored backgrounds do not look professional nor will search engines like google accept them.
  • On your cart page, you need spacing or some sort of text between your checkout button and the accelerated checkout buttons.


Actually I stopped finding things as I wanted to share this:


The best piece of advice I have for you is, I know it sounds bad, but pretend you are the dumbest person on the internet and consider how they would think or how they would navigate any little thing on your website.


Literally any little spot on your product page where theres no direction on what to do (like after they click the review stars), alot of people will leave. It is mind blowing how many people dont know how to navigate a website.


And judging by your products (I may be wrong) I am picturing your customer base at the mid-high age range, in which my above point is especially true.


35 0 1


Thank you so much for your feedback, it was very much appreciated.

Have made a couple of changes such as removing the stars from the product page and hopefully have fixed the cart as well. 

I have a Facebook (fan page) with the same name as my store and have a Facebook campaign running which is linked to a product and not directly to the store. 

I'm not sure what you meant by having  white background images so would love some clarity around this.

Wasn't sure how to create a space between the checkout button and the other buttons as these are on 2 separate templates and wasn't sure how to do it.

If there is anything else that you can suggest. I would greatly appreciate.

Having over 350 sessions but no sales...One does get a little eager on feedback to understand what he's doing absolutely wrong.

Have a great New year





Shopify Partner
38 0 15

Messaged you on your website contact form.

Shopify Partner
494 50 97

Here are few things I would change to improve the stores look and feel, as well as sales hopefully:

1) Your store has no logo, this is very important not only because it makes your store more professional but also for brand recognition


2) Your homepage banner should have a CTA button (call-to-action) such as "Shop Now" which leads to your product(s)


3) On the homepage there is an empty banner section, this does not inspire trust with potential customers so I would add an image or remove the section


4) I would change "Catalogue" to "Catalog" in the main menu options and also "Shop our collections" to "Collections"

5) Make headings bold so they stand out, or add some more color to your store to breakup white space.

6) Consider adding "quick add" buttons to your products, it removes one step for customers to make a successful purchase


I hope these tips will be useful to you! Don't hesitate to reach out for help with your store!

Don't hesitate to reach out for more help with your store.
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35 0 1
Thank you so much for your feedback.
I have learned so much in the last week
And am slowly understanding what it takes to make this work. Kind regards
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2 0 1

I agree with the other people who've left feedback. You really need some branding like an About Us. There are too many fake sights online that people need to know you are real and they can connect easily with you if they have questions. No one will give out their credit card information unless they fully trust your website. Pour more personalization into it and branding.