Why is my website not converting visitors into customers?

Why is my website not converting visitors into customers?

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hey all, I’m asking if someone can look at my site and have an idea on how I can covert my traffic. I’ve had over 1000 site visits with no conversion yet, which is concerning. They aren’t even adding to the cart which makes me think it might be a product issue not a site issue. Anyways, let me know what you think, thanks!



Reply 1 (1)

25 2 4

Hey Greenswardgear,
The online clothing industry is competitive, and getting conversions can take some time. Therefore, I recommend optimizing your website and making these changes. Moreover, make sure you have your analytics set up so that you have more information on the actions people are taking on your website.

Home Page:
Visitors decide in less than 3 seconds whether they want to buy from your website. Hence, the first impression is extremely important.

Here are some suggested changes:

- Reduce the size of your navigation section (It is wasted space at the moment)

Hero Section: 
- Change your headline. This needs to be more user-centric. At the risk of not knowing your business enough - try "Quality that will turn heads at the golf course," "Level up your Golf Attire,"  or something that will talk about the benefit you provide
- "Remove see our latest offerings below". This is a no-brainer and wastes space. 
- Change Show All to browse collections. Shop all is aggressive, and your user is not ready to shop right now
- Reduce the size of your hero section
- SOCIAL PROOF: You need to create trust in why people should choose you. As humans, we trust 3rd party people. Talk about how many people love your product.  Talk about your review

Featured Products:
- I love this section

Collections Page:
- Sort By: This should be best-selling. Alphabetically provides no value to the user. Best Selling showcases your best items, and if they like it, they can scroll more

Product Page:
- The green text is hard to read. 
- The Add to Cart button should be highlighted and prominent. (Maybe have this entirely in green). The text in black?

I see a huge potential for optimization on your website. I spent about 5-10 minutes going through it at the moment. Let me know if you found this helpful, and I can do a full complimentary teardown and create some mockups for you.

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