Why isn't form validation mandatory on Shopify's address page?

Why isn't form validation mandatory on Shopify's address page?

49 1 6

Hello everyone,


My self Jay here,


I want to ask about form validation in shopify. Why there is no Form validation on add or edit address page there is not a single mandatory field like first name, Last name, Address1, city, Country, Provinace, Phone number should be required field. and in phone number also there is no validation i can add text also. And if i submit the form by filling some of the field it get submitted if there is any required field like country and I not filled it form is not submitting and does not show any error and page get refresh.


Same thing happen when I enter email without extension In Email subscribe fields it does not show any error

if any body knows how to handle it please help me this occur in dawn theme and other theme too. 

Reply 1 (1)

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The lack of required fields and validation might be due to how the theme handles form inputs or how Shopify's default forms are set up. Unfortunately, Shopify's default forms don’t always have built-in validation.


You can consider adding custom validation scripts to ensure required fields are filled and proper formats are used. This might involve some custom coding in your theme's Liquid files or JavaScript.

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