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Re: Recurring payment app using stripe as payment gateways

Recurring payment app using stripe as payment gateways

1 0 0


I am new on Shopify and I am looking for a subscription app that let our customers purchase subscription boxes and one-time purchases products on the same cart using Stripe as payment gateways. I found some apps that fit on the Shopify app store such as Recharge, Bold or Paywhirl but they all require as payment gateway Shopify payments.

With the release of Subscription API it is said that "To use subscriptions, the merchant must be using Shopify Payments as their primary payment gateway". As France not on the list of supported countries for Shopify payment, we are not able to add recurring payment and subscription product on our Shopify store. 

I know that Shopify is still developing some subscription features and that will be released later this year. And on their product roadmap is written that they are going to add additional gateways such as stripe or PayPal in Q2 2021. 

Additional gateway: PayPal ExpressQ2 2021
Additional gateways: StripeQ2 2021


I'd like to ask when exactly these features will be available? and if there is any other solution for us now? 

Thank you very much!

Replies 18 (18)

Shopify Staff
6 4 1

Hi Andsomebox,

Unfortunately, we don't have any updates on this.  The Q2 2021 roadmap is still accurate for supporting these additional gateways.

To learn more visit the Shopify Help Center or the Community Blog.

1 0 1
Hi, my company started to build a store on Shopify. The decision was based on the research that showed we can build a European subscription business based in Poland on Shopify, integrating Shopify with ReCharge and Stripe. According to your roadmap the integration with Stripe was planned for Q2 2021 and we plan to launch late in Q3 / early in Q4.
To confirm that information we contacted the Shopify developer a month ago, who confirmed the release, saying it might extend to the beginning of Q3 the latest... The delivery in Q2 was also confirmed in this thread.
However, to our great surprise the roadmap was updated a few days ago.
The updated roadmap pushed the integration with Stripe to Q4 2021. It is a crucial bit for my business, as you do not offer Shopify Payments in Poland, Authorize is not available in Europe either, PayPal Express is not popular among the users, so only Stripe will do the work.
Hence, we have a few questions to better understand our position:
1/ Can we expect the Stripe gateway to happen in Q4? Which month should we expect?
2/ Do you plan to introduce Shopify Payments to Poland? When?
Thank you in advance for understanding and taking the time to help us out.
Shopify Staff
29 4 4

Hi nika18,

Stripe gateway support is still planned for Q4. Unfortunately, we cannot give more details than that regarding a date.

We do not have details to share at the moment regarding the availability of Shopify payments in Poland, unfortunately.


I hope this helps.


To learn more visit the Shopify Help Center or the Community Blog.

Shopify Partner
3 0 5

We're halfway through Q4 I am building a new store that needs that feature which we plan to launch before the end of the year. Is there any update as to when this functionality will be available?

Shopify Staff
87 9 22

We appreciate the importance of this feature to you, and we appreciate your patience. This feature is currently being beta tested and is still on track to be delivered in Q4 of this year.

To learn more visit the Shopify Help Center or the Community Blog.

Shopify Partner
3 0 5

Is there a way to sign up for the beta on a development store?

8 0 4

Hi there,


Another month has passed and so far I do not see the Stripe situation resolved - it is so crucial to many of us and an update would be massively appreciated! Many thanks in advance!


Did other chat members find any alternative solutions or also still stuck? On the issue with Paypal, given Paypal Express allows to also include credit cards (without login), do you still experience the same conversion rate drop?


Many thanks!

8 0 4

Hope all is well - had posted on this topic a few days back and wanted to kindly follow up and get an answer by Shopify. Your update would be much appreciated. Thanks! 

Shopify Staff
87 9 22

We now expect to deliver this in Q1 2022. We apologize for the delay. Thank you for your patience.

To learn more visit the Shopify Help Center or the Community Blog.

8 0 4

Dear LarryReid,


Thank you for your response, appreciate it. I just struggle do understand why Shopify does not put higher priority on this. There seem plenty of people that need this across Europe as many use Shopify specifically for the purpose of e-commerce subscription boxes. At the same time, the roll out of Shopify Payment seems not to happen. 


As such, mind providing us with alternative solutions or tips how other people have dealt with this?


Many thanks again & kind regards

5 0 5

Hi Ecorvi,


We are in France and we have been facing the same problem for months ...


A solution exists, it is to use Recharge Checkout.  Indeed, since November 2020, Shopify has decided to internalize the Checkout on subscription payments, thus reducing a large number of features on their solution ...


Recharge is used to manage subscriptions (that you know) but before was also master of the payment of the expedition and much more! We have asked Shopify for the possibility of using this Recharge feature again, which, moreover, is being rolled out to merchants who have created their store before November 2020. We hope that, given the large number of requests, they will be able to restore place functionality!


I invite you to send an email to Shopify support in this free in order to get things done. It is no longer possible to wait so long for payment by card in an e-commerce store ...


Thanks and see you soon!



5 0 5

Thank you Nika for your message !


We are also in a similar situation as you and the integration of Stripe is becoming vital for our business.

Luckily, in France, we have PayPal Express which allows us to take into account the subscription. On the other hand, the unique use of PayPal drastically reduces the conversion rate and a lot of people stop at the moment of paying...

Is there any news on the progress of Stripe integration?


Thanks for your help ...

11 0 3

This is a joke, it has already been delayed by more than a year, shopify has privileged payment solutions that discriminate large portion of the world... Include stripe or make shopify payments available everywhere... 

First Q1-Q2 then Q4, then someone from shopify confirmed mid November that it will be in Q4 and now suddenly it's Q1 2022... Should we move to other e-commerce platforms?


8 0 4







I could not agree more. The payment gateway is the most important feature why one would use Shopify and yet it seems that nobody at Shopify takes this very serious. Big parts of the world can't properly use the platform, only because of this one specific delay (and the fact that for whatever reason the Shopify Payment roll-out is also not happening). 


Shopify otherwise is such a great solution, we really love it, but it is so disheartening that this one specific, crucial issue so many of us here face is not being fixed. 


PLEASE Shopify fix this problem, we beg you!!










Shopify Staff
37 14 16

Hey there,

I understand how frustrating this must be and how the delay might impact your business opportunities.

We've been busy bringing Stripe and Subscriptions to all of you. The team has been hard at work, and while we've progressed a lot on this initiative, we didn't feel it was quite ready for a Q4 launch in the end. Be sure that this is on top of our priority list at the moment.

Again, we apologize for the delay and the harm that this might have caused. Thank you for your patience 🙇‍♂️

To learn more visit the Shopify Help Center or the Community Blog.

Shopify Staff
37 14 16

Hey everyone,

Thank you again for the patience, we've rolled out compatibility earlier this week. Here's our latest changelog entry https://shopify.dev/changelog/stripe-as-additional-payment-gateway-for-subscriptions

To learn more visit the Shopify Help Center or the Community Blog.

5 0 2

Hi Philibert_Dugas,


What does this mean? Can I use Stripe in subscriptions now?

Shopify Partner
5 0 0

Ahhh no, it looks like Shopify has just enabled the capability to achieve this, you still have to code it in or what for development business to create app to easily program it into your store.