SubscriptionContracts bulk query returns INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR

SubscriptionContracts bulk query returns INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR

Shopify Partner
13 1 5

Since 2023-08-11 18:50 UTC all our bulk queries for SubscriptionContracts are returning INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR. We have not changed anything in our application. The queries just started failing. Needless to say this is quite a big problem for our business.


Example of one query where I removed everything except contract id: 01c44309-3665-4607-9972-282d1cfbe2e5:


query AllSubscriptionContracts {
  subscriptionContracts {
    edges {
      node {


 Here is response:

BulkOperation gid://shopify/BulkOperation/4084048953668 (with status FAILED) exception caused by SERVER with error message: INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR
ShopifyBulkOperationException(bulkOperationId=gid://shopify/BulkOperation/4084048953668, query=query AllSubscriptionContracts { subscriptionContracts { __typename edges { __typename node { __typename id } } } }, type=SERVER, status=FAILED, errorMessage=INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR)
Replies 3 (3)

Community Manager
3108 340 871

Hi Cleankitchen,


This doesn't sound ideal for sure. The best option here would be to contact Shopify Partner Support through your partner dashboard and provide the x-request-id along with the timestamp that you received in the API response headers, so our API support team can look into this deeper. 


Hope this helps!

Liam | Developer Advocate @ Shopify 
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Shopify Partner
13 1 5

It looks like Shopify recovered. But yes this error was happening for more than 24 hours 😞

Shopify Partner
56 3 14

Seems like a few subscription-related issues were going on this weekend. We were only intermittently getting subscription_contracts/create webhooks since Friday, which caused a bunch of chaos. The Webhooks admin page in the partner portal is showing that virtually no webhooks were sent, even though we did receive some.


Hopefully partners team can acknowledge an issue.