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Too many selling plan group options (maximum 3 options)

Too many selling plan group options (maximum 3 options)

Shopify Partner
11 0 0

Hi, I'm trying to update my selling plan group and add a fourth option for the UI, but I get the following error from GraphQL:



Too many selling plan group options (maximum 3 options)



3 options are not enough, 😞 is this truly the limit? can it be increased?

Please let the devs know that it's not enough. Thanks

Replies 3 (3)

Shopify Staff (Retired)
66 6 8

Hey ,

 3 options is the current limit, and cannot be increased. We'll update our docs to make this limitation apparent.
Could you share the selling plan you're setting up and what you would use a 4th option for?


To learn more visit the Shopify Help Center or the Community Blog.

Shopify Partner
11 0 0

Hi @J-ROM , thanks for replying. Thanks for updating the docs, this might help others.


The options I was using were

* billing policy description (in words - like "billed yearly")

* delivery policy description (in words - like "delivered every 3 months")

* trial cycles (if there's a free or discounted trial period, like 1 or 2 months)

* billing interval unit ("month" or "year")


For now I removed one of the descriptions in words, but I still wanted to raise this issue in the forum, since there's no access to a lot of the selling plan's attributes in Liquid.

Shopify Staff (Retired)
66 6 8

You could try leveraging a SellingPlanPricingPolicy to specify the free or discounted trial periods. When this policy is provided, the Product, Cart and Checkout pages will render the discounted recurring payments to your customers.

This would bring you back at the 3 options limit. More information can be found here and here.

Hope this helps,

To learn more visit the Shopify Help Center or the Community Blog.