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Below is the sample payload of what I am sending and response I receive (Below are dummy values)
mutation { checkoutCreate(input: { email: "aefjnewi@mai.com", lineItems: [{ customAttributes: [{key: "lineItemId",value: "4999"}], variantId: "gid://shopify/ProductctVariant/430647449", quantity: 1},{ customAttributes: [{key: "lineItemId",value: "41100"}], variantId: "gid://shopify/ProductVariant/4326268057", quantity: 1}], buyerIdentity: { countryCode: IN }, note: "pragma_1c", customAttributes: [{key: "1c_checkout_url",value: "https://bepragma-demo.myshopify.com/cart/?cid=05e7a0d7dc05b547074a1&t1c=true&refresh=true"}], shippingAddress: { address1: "5/F, FLAT 126 A MANDARIN COURT BLOCK 5, 126 - 128A ARGYLE STREET, HO MAN TIN, KLN, HK", address2: "", city: "MUMBAI", phone: "9490555656", province: "MAHARASHTRA", zip: "400050", country: "IN", firstName: "test", lastName: "address" } }) { checkout { id webUrl lineItems(first: 50) { edges { node { id customAttributes { key value } variant { id } title quantity } } } } } }
It happens randomly for random mobile numbers but works fine with the same payload for another phone number. Is there a limit or such a thing that if a particular numbers places x number of abandoned checkouts then shopify bans you or restricts you from creating any other abandoned checkouts for y period of time ?
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