Re: Accessing metaobject field with list of files type

Accessing metaobject field with list of files type

Shopify Partner
2 0 1

I have a metafield in my page which accepts a metaobject as its input type. In a section referencing this page metaobject I can access the fields which have a single input type no problem using this:


{% assign myMetaobject = page.metafields.custom.example.value %}


This lets me access fields with single or multi line text inputs using myMetaobject.title or myMetaobject.description. But I also have a field which accepts multiple files, specifically image and video. This is where I am struggling to access the files in a loop. 


If I try this {{ myMetaobject.images }} it prints:




If I try to do a for loop on myMetaobject.images, it doesnt print anything out. Any ideas?

Replies 4 (4)

Shopify Partner
263 35 47
{% for image in myMetaobject.images %}
        <div class="item-cell">
          <img class="lazyload"
            src=" {{ image | image_url: width: '1640x' }}"
            data-widths="[475, 880, 1200, 1620]"
            data-aspectratio="{{ image.aspect_ratio }}"
            data-sizes="auto" />
            <img class="grid-product__image lazyloaded"
              src="{{ field | image_url: width: '1640x' }}">
      {% endfor %}


Here is beautify code for you, kindly accept my answer.



Custom theme and app [remix] expert.

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Hii bro do you know how we can access single image from a file list metafield using index without for loop?

Shopify Partner
263 35 47

{% assign myMetaobject = page.metafields.custom.example.value %}

use this for single

Custom theme and app [remix] expert.

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Shopify Partner
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You can access the fields inside a metaobject in this way:

{% for metaobject in product.metafields.custom.metafield_key_name.value %}
  {% if metaobject.system.type == "metaobject_identifier" %}
    {{ metaobject.title }}
    {{ metaobject.content | metafield_tag }}
  {% endif %}
{% endfor %}