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Hello everyone,
I have an 'item_location' metafield which is to locate where an item is within our warehouse. When someone orders an item that has an item location, I wish for it to be displayed under the product line within their email confirmation.
Please see my attached images to better explain the location and the metafield.
Hope someone can help me with the code 🙂
Thanks so much.
item_location metafield in the product
item_location preferred position in the email
Order confirmation mail use order object which don't refer to your product object therefore you can't access product metafield here.
However it's feasible by doing some tweaks in theme files, let me know if you are interested to work on it.
Hi @gr_trading ,
Thank you for your reply 🙂 Arh that's a shame - the products are not variant items, all single variants... do you still think it is not possible?
I've managed to edit the theme files to show the item location on product page... is that what you were thinking with editing the theme files? Or is there a way to make it appear in the email confirmations through here?
As per my understanding about order object, your item_location is associated with product, that means when your create custom metafield. The owner of metafield is product id, since mailer use order object for listing the products.
Refer the screenshot below
I checked it again no metafield is accessible in order object. you managed to show it in product page because you are working with product object not with order.
Ok so you don't think it is possible to show metafields in email confirmations?
Hi @ccanning ,
I am really sorry for my little knowledge, after looking around I found yes you can add product metafield in notification e-mails.
Below is the edited version of order confirmation e-mail template as my apology.
{% capture email_title %}Thank you for your purchase! {% endcapture %}
{% capture email_body %}
{% if requires_shipping %}
{% case delivery_method %}
{% when 'pick-up' %}
You’ll receive an email when your order is ready for pickup.
{% when 'local' %}
Hi {{ customer.first_name }}, we're getting your order ready for delivery.
{% else %}
Hi {{ customer.first_name }}, we're getting your order ready to be shipped. We will notify you when it has been sent.
{% endcase %}
{% if delivery_instructions != blank %}
<p><b>Delivery information:</b> {{ delivery_instructions }}</p>
{% endif %}
{% if consolidated_estimated_delivery_time %}
Estimated delivery <b>{{ consolidated_estimated_delivery_time }}</b>
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endcapture %}
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<title>{{ email_title }}</title>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width">
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/assets/notifications/styles.css">
.button__cell { background: {{ shop.email_accent_color }}; }
a, a:hover, a:active, a:visited { color: {{ shop.email_accent_color }}; }
<table class="body">
<table class="header row">
<td class="header__cell">
<table class="container">
<table class="row">
<td class="shop-name__cell">
{%- if shop.email_logo_url %}
<img src="{{shop.email_logo_url}}" alt="{{ shop.name }}" width="{{ shop.email_logo_width }}">
{%- else %}
<h1 class="shop-name__text">
<a href="{{shop.url}}">{{ shop.name }}</a>
{%- endif %}
<td class="order-number__cell">
<span class="order-number__text">
Order {{ order_name }}
<table class="row content">
<td class="content__cell">
<table class="container">
<h2>{{ email_title }}</h2>
<p>{{ email_body }}</p>
{% assign transaction_count = transactions | size %}
{% if transaction_count > 0 %}
{% for transaction in transactions %}
{% if transaction.show_buyer_pending_payment_instructions? %}
<p> {{transaction.buyer_pending_payment_notice}} </p>
<table class="row">
{% for instruction in transaction.buyer_pending_payment_instructions %}
<td>{{ instruction.header }}</td>
{% endfor %}
{% for instruction in transaction.buyer_pending_payment_instructions %}
<td>{{ instruction.value }}</td>
{% endfor %}
<td>{{transaction.amount | money}}</td>
{% endif %}
{% endfor%}
{% endif %}
{% if order_status_url %}
<table class="row actions">
<td class="empty-line"> </td>
<td class="actions__cell">
<table class="button main-action-cell">
<td class="button__cell"><a href="{{ order_status_url }}" class="button__text">View your order</a></td>
{% if shop.url %}
<table class="link secondary-action-cell">
<td class="link__cell">or <a href="{{ shop.url }}">Visit our store</a></td>
{% endif %}
{% else %}
{% if shop.url %}
<table class="row actions">
<td class="actions__cell">
<table class="button main-action-cell">
<td class="button__cell"><a href="{{ shop.url }}" class="button__text">Visit our store</a></td>
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% assign gift_card_line_item = line_items | where: "gift_card" %}
{% if gift_card_line_item.first %}
<table class="row section">
<td class="section__cell">
<table class="container">
<h3>Gift card</h3>
<table class="container">
<p> You’ll receive separate emails for any gift cards.</p>
{% endif %}
<table class="row section">
<td class="section__cell">
<table class="container">
<h3>Order summary</h3>
<table class="container">
<table class="row">
{% for line in subtotal_line_items %}
<tr class="order-list__item">
<td class="order-list__item__cell">
{% if line.image %}
<img src="{{ line | img_url: 'compact_cropped' }}" align="left" width="60" height="60" class="order-list__product-image"/>
{% endif %}
<td class="order-list__product-description-cell">
{% if line.product.title %}
{% assign line_title = line.product.title %}
{% else %}
{% assign line_title = line.title %}
{% endif %}
{% if line.quantity < line.quantity %}
{% capture line_display %} {{ line.quantity }} of {{ line.quantity }} {% endcapture %}
{% else %}
{% assign line_display = line.quantity %}
{% endif %}
<span class="order-list__item-title">{{ line_title }} × {{ line_display }}</span><br/>
{% if line.variant.title != 'Default Title' %}
<span class="order-list__item-variant">{{ line.variant.title }}</span><br/>
<span class="order-list__item-variant">{{ line.product.metafields.custom.material }}</span><br/>
{% endif %}
{% if line.selling_plan_allocation %}
<span class="order-list__item-variant">{{ line.selling_plan_allocation.selling_plan.name }}</span><br/>
{% endif %}
{% if line.refunded_quantity > 0 %}
<span class="order-list__item-refunded">Refunded</span>
{% endif %}
{% if line.discount_allocations %}
{% for discount_allocation in line.discount_allocations %}
{% if discount_allocation.discount_application.target_selection != 'all' %}
<span class="order-list__item-discount-allocation">
<img src="{{ 'notifications/discounttag.png' | shopify_asset_url }}" width="18" height="18" class="discount-tag-icon" />
{{ discount_allocation.discount_application.title | upcase }}
(-{{ discount_allocation.amount | money }})
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
<td class="order-list__price-cell">
{% if line.original_line_price != line.final_line_price %}
<del class="order-list__item-original-price">{{ line.original_line_price | money }}</del>
{% endif %}
<p class="order-list__item-price">
{% if line.final_line_price > 0 %}
{{ line.final_line_price | money }}
{% else %}
{% endif %}
</tr>{% endfor %}
<table class="row subtotal-lines">
<td class="subtotal-spacer"></td>
<table class="row subtotal-table">
{% for discount_application in discount_applications %}
{% if discount_application.target_selection == 'all' %}
{% capture discount_title %}
{% if discount_application.title %}
{{ discount_application.title | upcase }}
{% else %}
{% endif %}
{% endcapture %}
<tr class="subtotal-line">
<td class="subtotal-line__title">
<span class="subtotal-line__discount">
<img src="{{ 'notifications/discounttag.png' | shopify_asset_url }}" width="18" height="18" class="discount-tag-icon" />
<span class="subtotal-line__discount-title">{{ discount_title }}</span>
<td class="subtotal-line__value">
<strong>-{{ discount_application.total_allocated_amount | money }}</strong>
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
<tr class="subtotal-line">
<td class="subtotal-line__title">
<td class="subtotal-line__value">
<strong>{{ subtotal_price | money }}</strong>
{% if delivery_method == 'pick-up' %}
<tr class="subtotal-line">
<td class="subtotal-line__title">
<td class="subtotal-line__value">
<strong>{{ shipping_price | money }}</strong>
{% else %}
<tr class="subtotal-line">
<td class="subtotal-line__title">
<td class="subtotal-line__value">
<strong>{{ shipping_price | money }}</strong>
{% endif %}
{% if total_duties %}
<tr class="subtotal-line">
<td class="subtotal-line__title">
<td class="subtotal-line__value">
<strong>{{ total_duties | money }}</strong>
{% endif %}
<tr class="subtotal-line">
<td class="subtotal-line__title">
<td class="subtotal-line__value">
<strong>{{ tax_price | money }}</strong>
{% if total_tip and total_tip > 0 %}
<tr class="subtotal-line">
<td class="subtotal-line__title">
<td class="subtotal-line__value">
<strong>{{ total_tip | money }}</strong>
{% endif %}
{% assign transaction_size = 0 %}
{% assign transaction_amount = 0 %}
{% for transaction in transactions %}
{% if transaction.status == "success" %}
{% unless transaction.kind == "authorization" or transaction.kind == "void" %}
{% assign transaction_size = transaction_size | plus: 1 %}
{% assign transaction_amount = transaction_amount | plus: transaction.amount %}
{% endunless %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
<table class="row subtotal-table subtotal-table--total">
{% if payment_terms %}
{% assign due_at_date = payment_terms.next_payment.due_at | date: "%b %d, %Y" %}
<tr class="subtotal-line">
<td class="subtotal-line__title">
<span>Total paid today</span>
<td class="subtotal-line__value">
<strong>{{ transaction_amount | money_with_currency }}</strong>
<div class="payment-terms">
<tr class="subtotal-line">
<td class="subtotal-line__title">
<span>Total due {{ due_at_date }}</span>
<td class="subtotal-line__value">
<strong>{{ payment_terms.next_payment.amount_due | money_with_currency }}</strong>
{% else %}
<tr class="subtotal-line">
<td class="subtotal-line__title">
<td class="subtotal-line__value">
<strong>{{ total_price | money_with_currency }}</strong>
{% endif %}
{% if total_discounts > 0 %}
<p class="total-discount">
You saved <span class="total-discount--amount">{{ total_discounts | money }}</span>
{% endif %}
{% unless payment_terms %}
{% if transaction_size > 1 or transaction_amount < total_price %}
<table class="row subtotal-table">
<tr><td colspan="2" class="subtotal-table__line"></td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" class="subtotal-table__small-space"></td></tr>
{% for transaction in transactions %}
{% if transaction.status == "success" and transaction.kind == "capture" or transaction.kind == "sale" %}
{% if transaction.payment_details.credit_card_company %}
{% capture transaction_name %}{{ transaction.payment_details.credit_card_company }} (ending in {{ transaction.payment_details.credit_card_last_four_digits }}){% endcapture %}
{% else %}
{% capture transaction_name %}{{ transaction.gateway_display_name }}{% endcapture %}
{% endif %}
<tr class="subtotal-line">
<td class="subtotal-line__title">
<td class="subtotal-line__value">
<strong>{{ transaction.amount | money }}</strong>
{% endif %}
{% if transaction.kind == 'refund' %}
{% if transaction.payment_details.credit_card_company %}
{% assign refund_method_title = transaction.payment_details.credit_card_company %}
{% else %}
{% assign refund_method_title = transaction.gateway %}
{% endif %}
<tr class="subtotal-line">
<td class="subtotal-line__title">
<small>{{ refund_method_title | capitalize }}</small>
<td class="subtotal-line__value">
<strong>- {{ transaction.amount | money }}</strong>
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% endunless %}
<table class="row section">
<td class="section__cell">
<table class="container">
<h3>Customer information</h3>
<table class="container">
<table class="row">
{% if requires_shipping and shipping_address %}
<td class="customer-info__item">
<h4>Shipping address</h4>
{{ shipping_address | format_address }}
{% endif %}
{% if billing_address %}
<td class="customer-info__item">
<h4>Billing address</h4>
{{ billing_address | format_address }}
{% endif %}
<table class="row">
{% if requires_shipping and shipping_address %}
<td class="customer-info__item">
<h4>Shipping method</h4>
<p>{{ shipping_method.title }}</p>
{% endif %}
{% if transaction_size > 0 %}
<td class="customer-info__item">
<h4>Payment method</h4>
{% for transaction in transactions %}
{% if transaction.status == "success" or transaction.status == "pending" %}
{% if transaction.kind == "capture" or transaction.kind == "sale" %}
{% if transaction.payment_details.credit_card_company %}
<p class="customer-info__item-content">
<img src="{{ transaction.payment_details.credit_card_company | payment_icon_png_url }}" class="customer-info__item-credit" height="24" alt="{{ transaction.payment_details.credit_card_company }}">
<span>ending with {{ transaction.payment_details.credit_card_last_four_digits }}</span>
{% elsif transaction.gateway_display_name == "Gift card" %}
<p class="customer-info__item-content">
<img src="{{ transaction.gateway_display_name | downcase | replace: ' ', '-' | payment_type_img_url }}" class="customer-info__item-credit" height="24">
ending with {{ transaction.payment_details.gift_card.last_four_characters | upcase }}<br />
    Gift card balance: {{ transaction.payment_details.gift_card.balance | money }}
{% else %}
<p class="customer-info__item-content">
{{ transaction.gateway_display_name }}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
<table class="row footer">
<td class="footer__cell">
<table class="container">
<p class="disclaimer__subtext">If you have any questions, reply to this email or contact us at <a href="mailto:{{ shop.email }}">{{ shop.email }}</a></p>
<img src="{{ 'notifications/spacer.png' | shopify_asset_url }}" class="spacer" height="1" />
I have added below matafield in product which is visible in order confirmation mail.
<span class="order-list__item-variant">{{ line.product.metafields.custom.material }}</span><br/>
Thank you @gr_trading , I have added your code and changed the metafield code to my item_location metafield name.
I have placed a test order, but can't see the metafield being shown in the order confirmation?item_location = AB30 (not appearing)
see metafield at bottom of screenshot
hy line word is important for this
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