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For my website, this product - https://blaraorganichouse.ca/products/blara-adult-bathrobe?_pos=2&_sid=1a6cc682f&_ss=r. If you choose any size and color ( need to select both ) other than XL ( I only have XL inventory left, other variant inventory is zero), the add to cart button is still available( It should be grey out and unclickable ) and when I click add to cart, it will show error 404 - Parameter Missing or Invalid: Required parameter missing or invalid: items. Thank you!
The code :
<!-- /templates/product.liquid -->
<div itemscope itemtype="http://schema.org/Product" id="ProductSection" data-section-id="{{ section.id }}" data-section-type="product-template" data-image-zoom-type="{{ section.settings.zoom_enable }}" data-enable-history-state="true">
<div itemscope itemtype="http://schema.org/Product">
<meta itemprop="url" content="{{ shop.url }}{{ product.url }}">
<meta itemprop="image" content="{{ product.featured_image.src | img_url: 'large' }}">
{% assign current_variant = product.selected_or_first_available_variant %}
{% assign size_chart_type = '1' %}
<div class="grid product-single">
<div class="grid__item large--seven-twelfths text-center">
{% include 'magiczoomplus' %}
<div class="grid__item product-single__meta--wrapper large--five-twelfths">
<div class="product-single__meta">
{% if section.settings.product_vendor_enable %}
<h2 class="product-single__vendor" itemprop="brand">{{ product.vendor }}</h2>
{% endif %}
<h1 class="product-single__title" itemprop="name">{{ product.title }}</h1>
{% comment %}Start automatically added Judge.me widget{% endcomment %}
{% render 'judgeme_widgets', widget_type: 'judgeme_preview_badge', concierge_install: true, product: product %}
{% comment %}End automatically added Judge.me widget{% endcomment %}
<div itemprop="offers" itemscope itemtype="http://schema.org/Offer">
{% comment %}
Optionally show the 'compare at' or original price of the product.
{% endcomment %}
{% if product.compare_at_price_max > product.price %}
<span id="PriceA11y" class="visually-hidden">{{ 'products.general.regular_price' | t }}</span>
<span class="product-single__price--wrapper">
<span id="ComparePrice" class="product-single__price--compare-at">
{% if current_variant.compare_at_price > current_variant.price %}
{{ current_variant.compare_at_price | money }}
{% endif %}
<span id="ComparePriceA11y" class="visually-hidden">{{ 'products.general.sale_price' | t }}</span>
{% else %}
<span id="PriceA11y" class="visually-hidden">{{ 'products.general.regular_price' | t }}</span>
{% endif %}
<span id="ProductPrice"
class="product-single__price{% if product.compare_at_price > product.price %} on-sale{% endif %}"
content="{{ current_variant.price | divided_by: 100.00 }}">
{{ current_variant.price | money }}
<hr class="hr--small">
<meta itemprop="priceCurrency" content="{{ shop.currency }}">
<link itemprop="availability" href="http://schema.org/{% if product.available %}InStock{% else %}OutOfStock{% endif %}">
<form action="/cart/add" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" class="product-single__form" id="AddToCartForm">
{% unless product.options.size == 1 and product.variants[0].title == 'Default Title' %}
{% for option in product.options_with_values %}
<div class="radio-wrapper js product-form__item">
{% assign option_index = forloop.index %}
<select class="single-option-selector__radio"
name="{{ option.name }}"
id="ProductSelect-option-{{ forloop.index0 }}" data-index="option{{ option_index }}">
<option selected disabled>{{ option.name }}</option>
{% for variant in product.variants %}
{% if variant.available %}
<option {% if variant == product.selected_or_first_available_variant %} selected="selected" {% endif %} value="{{ variant.id }}">
{{ variant.title }}
{% else %}
<option disabled="disabled">{{ variant.title }} - {{ 'products.product.sold_out' | t }}</option>
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% for value in option.values %}
{% if value == '50cm' or value == '60cm' or value == '70cm' or value == '80cm' or value == '90cm' or value == '100cm' or value == '110cm' or value == '120cm' or value == '130cm' %}
{% assign size_chart_type = 'clothes' %}
{% elsif value == 'XS' or value == 'S' or value == 'M' %}
{% if product.tags contains 'Rain gear' %}
{% assign size_chart_type = 'rain coat' %}
{% endif %}
{% elsif value == '12cm' or value == '12.5cm' or value == '13cm' or value == '13.5cm' or value == '14cm' or value == '14.5cm' or value == '15cm' or value == '15.5cm' or value == '16cm' or value == '16.5cm' or value == '17cm' or value == '17.5cm' or value == '18cm' or value == '19cm' or value == '20cm' or value == '21cm' %}
{% assign size_chart_type = 'shoes' %}
{% endif %}
{% assign variant_label_state = true %}
{% if product.options.size == 1 %}
{% unless product.variants[forloop.index0].available %}
{% assign variant_label_state = false %}
{% endunless %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
{% endunless %}
<select name="id" id="ProductSelect" class="product-single__variants no-js">
{% for variant in product.variants %}
{% if variant.available %}
<option {% if variant == product.selected_or_first_available_variant %} value="{{ variant.id }}">
{{ variant.title }}
selected="selected" {% endif %}
data-sku="{{ variant.sku }}"
value="{{ variant.id }}">
{{ variant.title }} - {{ variant.price | money_with_currency }}
{% else %}
<option disabled="disabled">
{{ variant.title }} - {{ 'products.product.sold_out' | t }}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
<select name="id" id="ProductSelect-{{ section.id }}" class="product-form__variants no-js">
{% for variant in product.variants %}
{% if variant.available %}
<option {% if variant == product.selected_or_first_available_variant %} selected="selected" {% endif %} value="{{ variant.id }}">
{{ variant.title }}
{% else %}
<option disabled="disabled">{{ variant.title }} - {{ 'products.product.sold_out' | t }}</option>
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% comment %}
<div class="product-single__quantity">
<label for="Quantity" class="product-single__quantity-label js-quantity-selector">{{ 'products.product.quantity' | t }}</label>
<input type="number" hidden="hidden" id="Quantity" name="quantity" value="1" min="1" class="js-quantity-selector">
{% endcomment %}
<div class="product-single__add-to-cart">
<button type="submit" name="add" id="AddToCart" class="btn"{% unless product.available %} disabled="disabled"{% endunless %}>
<span id="AddToCartText">
{% if product.available %}
{{ 'products.product.add_to_cart' | t }}
{% else %}
{{ 'products.product.sold_out' | t }}
{% endif %}
<div id="mswishlist" class="mswishlist mswlbtn" data-product="{{ product.id }}" data-variant="{{ product.variants.first.id }}"></div>
<div class="product-single__description rte" itemprop="description">
<ul class="tabs">
<li style="width:35%;text-align:center;"><a href="#tab-1"><b>DESCRIPTION</b></a></li>
<li style="width:32%;text-align:center;"><a href="#tab-2"><b>SIZE</b></a></li>
<li style="width:32%;text-align:center;"><a href="#tab-3"><b>SHIPPING & POLICY</b></a></li>
<div id="tab-1">
{{ product.description }}
<div id="tab-2">
<a class="size-chart-open-popup" href="#size-chart">See the full size guide</a>
<div id="tab-3" style="text-align:justify;">
Free shipping is offered for: <br/>
Within British Columbia - orders over $148+ (excluding applicable taxes)<br/>
Across Canada - orders over $200+ (excluding applicable taxes)<br/>
Standard: Within 7 Business Days for $20<br/>
Express: Within 3 Business Days for $35<br/>
Please note that taxes on shipping charges vary between provinces. Shipping charges and any applicable taxes will be indicated at the time of checkout.<br/>
See our <a href="/pages/return-exchange-policy" target="_blank">return & exchange policy</a>.
{% if section.settings.social_sharing_products %}
{% include 'social-sharing', share_title: product.title, share_permalink: product.url, share_image: product %}
{% endif %}
{% if product.type=="SHOES" %}
<div class="grid-uniform">
<div class="grid__item one-half medium--one-whole small--one-whole" style="width:100%;text-align:center;">
<a href="/pages/how-to-choose-shoes"><img src="https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/1892/1813/files/how_to_choose_shoes.png?13846113688904162760" style="width:100%"></a>
{% endif %}
{% comment %}Start automatically added Judge.me widget{% endcomment %}
{% render 'judgeme_widgets', widget_type: 'judgeme_review_widget', concierge_install: true, product: product %}
{% comment %}End automatically added Judge.me widget{% endcomment %}
{% if collection %}
<hr class="hr--clear">
<div class="text-center">
<a href="{{ collection.url }}" class="return-link" style="font-size:12px;">← {{ 'products.general.collection_return' | t: collection: collection.title }}</a>
{% endif %}
<br /><br />
<div id="size-chart" class="mfp-hide">
{{ pages.size-chart.content }}
#size-chart {
border: 2px #555 solid;
background-color: #ffffff;
padding: 20px;
max-width: 800px;
margin-left: auto;
margin-right: auto;
{% unless product.empty == empty %}
<script type="application/json" id="ProductJson-{{ section.id }}">
{{ product | json }}
{% endunless %}
{% schema %}
"name": "Product pages",
"settings": [
"type": "checkbox",
"id": "zoom_enable",
"label": "Enable image zoom"
"type": "checkbox",
"id": "social_sharing_products",
"label": "Enable product sharing",
"default": true
"type": "checkbox",
"id": "product_vendor_enable",
"label": "Show product vendor"
{% endschema %}
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The problem is in your theme.js file. The _onSelectChange/_updateImages functions are failing. There is probably some code there to disable the add to cart button when a product is out of stock, but because those functions are failing it won't work.
Thanks for the reply, is there anyway i can find out which part of my theme.js is not working? i know only some basic coding and been research for hours but still cant solve this.
This error 404 is very hard to solve when I try to access my add to cart button as you can seehere some detail about this issue.
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