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Hi all,
I built a Shopify app and extension using the CLI tool. The sample code works as intended (a product is created when clicking the button in the Admin dashboard) but I am unable to call the Admin API from my extension.
my-app/app/routes/app._index.jsx contains sample code that successfully calls the Admin API. When I copy the entire file exactly as is to my-app/extensions/post-purchase-ui/src/index.jsx (only modifying the relative import from import { authenticate } from "../shopify.server"; to import { authenticate } from "app/shopify.server";). I get errors. First, there was this:
$ shopify app dev /my-app/node_modules/wrap-ansi/index.js:2 const stringWidth = require('string-width'); ^ Error [ERR_REQUIRE_ESM]: require() of ES Module /my-app/node_modules/string-width/index.js from /my-app/node_modules/wrap-ansi/index.js not supported. Instead change the require of /my-app/node_modules/string-width/index.js in /my-app/node_modules/wrap-ansi/index.js to a dynamic import() which is available in all CommonJS modules. at Object.<anonymous> (/my-app/node_modules/wrap-ansi/index.js:2:21) { code: 'ERR_REQUIRE_ESM' } Node.js v21.7.2
which went away after running yarn add string-width@v4.2.3 -W . But after that I got the following error:
node_modules/@remix-run/node/dist/sessions/fileStorage.js:17:19: 17 │ var path = require('node:path'); ╵ ~~~~~~~~~~~ The package "node:path" wasn't found on the file system but is built into node. Are you trying to 00:32:09 │ extensions │ ✘ [ERROR] Could not resolve "node:crypto" 00:32:09 │ extensions │ 00:32:09 │ extensions │ node_modules/@remix-run/node/dist/sessions/fileStorage.js:15:21: 00:32:09 │ extensions │ 15 │ var crypto = require('node:crypto'); 00:32:09 │ extensions │ ╵ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 00:32:09 │ extensions │ 00:32:09 │ extensions │ The package "node:crypto" wasn't found on the file system but is built into node. Are you trying to bundle for node? You can use "platform: 'node'" to do that, which will remove this error. 00:32:09 │ extensions │ 00:32:09 │ extensions │ ✘ [ERROR] Could not resolve "node:fs" 00:32:09 │ extensions │ 00:32:09 │ extensions │ node_modules/@remix-run/node/dist/sessions/fileStorage.js:16:22: 00:32:09 │ extensions │ 16 │ var node_fs = require('node:fs'); 00:32:09 │ extensions │ ╵ ~~~~~~~~~ 00:32:09 │ extensions │ 00:32:09 │ extensions │ The package "node:fs" wasn't found on the file system but is built into node. Are you trying to bundle for node? You can use "platform: 'node'" to do that, which will remove this error. 00:32:09 │ extensions │ 00:32:09 │ extensions │ ✘ [ERROR] Could not resolve "node:path" 00:32:09 │ extensions │ 00:32:09 │ extensions │ node_modules/@remix-run/node/dist/sessions/fileStorage.js:17:19: 00:32:09 │ extensions │ 17 │ var path = require('node:path'); 00:32:09 │ extensions │ ╵ ~~~~~~~~~~~ 00:32:09 │ extensions │ 00:32:09 │ extensions │ The package "node:path" wasn't found on the file system but is built into node. Are you trying to bundle for node? You can use "platform: 'node'" to do that, which will remove this error. 00:32:09 │ extensions │ 00:32:09 │ extensions │ ✘ [ERROR] Could not resolve "node:stream" 00:32:09 │ extensions │ 00:32:09 │ extensions │ node_modules/@remix-run/node/dist/stream.js:15:26: 00:32:09 │ extensions │ 15 │ var node_stream = require('node:stream'); 00:32:09 │ extensions │ ╵ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 00:32:09 │ extensions │ 00:32:09 │ extensions │ The package "node:stream" wasn't found on the file system but is built into node. Are you trying to bundle for node? You can use "platform: 'node'" to do that, which will remove this error. 00:32:09 │ extensions │ 00:32:09 │ extensions │ ✘ [ERROR] Could not resolve "node:crypto" 00:32:09 │ extensions │ 00:32:09 │ extensions │ node_modules/@remix-run/node/dist/upload/fileUploadHandler.js:15:21: 00:32:09 │ extensions │ 15 │ var crypto = require('node:crypto'); 00:32:09 │ extensions │ ╵ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 00:32:09 │ extensions │ 00:32:09 │ extensions │ The package "node:crypto" wasn't found on the file system but is built into node. Are you trying to bundle for node? You can use "platform: 'node'" to do that, which will remove this error. 00:32:09 │ extensions │ 00:32:09 │ extensions │ ✘ [ERROR] Could not resolve "node:fs" 00:32:09 │ extensions │ 00:32:09 │ extensions │ node_modules/@remix-run/node/dist/upload/fileUploadHandler.js:16:22: 00:32:09 │ extensions │ 16 │ var node_fs = require('node:fs'); 00:32:09 │ extensions │ ╵ ~~~~~~~~~ 00:32:09 │ extensions │ 00:32:09 │ extensions │ The package "node:fs" wasn't found on the file system but is built into node. Are you trying to bundle for node? You can use "platform: 'node'" to do that, which will remove this error. 00:32:09 │ extensions │ 00:32:09 │ extensions │ ✘ [ERROR] Could not resolve "node:fs/promises" 00:32:09 │ extensions │ 00:32:09 │ extensions │ node_modules/@remix-run/node/dist/upload/fileUploadHandler.js:17:23: 00:32:09 │ extensions │ 17 │ var promises = require('node:fs/promises'); 00:32:09 │ extensions │ ╵ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 00:32:09 │ extensions │ 00:32:09 │ extensions │ The package "node:fs/promises" wasn't found on the file system but is built into node. Are you trying to bundle for node? You can use "platform: 'node'" to do that, which will remove this error. 00:32:09 │ extensions │ 00:32:09 │ extensions │ ✘ [ERROR] Could not resolve "node:os" 00:32:09 │ extensions │ 00:32:09 │ extensions │ node_modules/@remix-run/node/dist/upload/fileUploadHandler.js:18:22: 00:32:09 │ extensions │ 18 │ var node_os = require('node:os'); 00:32:09 │ extensions │ ╵ ~~~~~~~~~ 00:32:09 │ extensions │ 00:32:09 │ extensions │ The package "node:os" wasn't found on the file system but is built into node. Are you trying to bundle for node? You can use "platform: 'node'" to do that, which will remove this error. 00:32:09 │ extensions │ 00:32:09 │ extensions │ ✘ [ERROR] Could not resolve "node:path" 00:32:09 │ extensions │ 00:32:09 │ extensions │ node_modules/@remix-run/node/dist/upload/fileUploadHandler.js:19:19: 00:32:09 │ extensions │ 19 │ var path = require('node:path'); 00:32:09 │ extensions │ ╵ ~~~~~~~~~~~ 00:32:09 │ extensions │ 00:32:09 │ extensions │ The package "node:path" wasn't found on the file system but is built into node. Are you trying to bundle for node? You can use "platform: 'node'" to do that, which will remove this error. 00:32:09 │ extensions │ 00:32:09 │ extensions │ ✘ [ERROR] Could not resolve "node:stream" 00:32:09 │ extensions │ 00:32:09 │ extensions │ node_modules/@remix-run/node/dist/upload/fileUploadHandler.js:20:26: 00:32:09 │ extensions │ 20 │ var node_stream = require('node:stream'); 00:32:09 │ extensions │ ╵ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 00:32:09 │ extensions │ 00:32:09 │ extensions │ The package "node:stream" wasn't found on the file system but is built into node. Are you trying to bundle for node? You can use "platform: 'node'" to do that, which will remove this error. 00:32:09 │ extensions │ 00:32:09 │ extensions │ ✘ [ERROR] Could not resolve "node:util" 00:32:09 │ extensions │ 00:32:09 │ extensions │ node_modules/@remix-run/node/dist/upload/fileUploadHandler.js:21:24: 00:32:09 │ extensions │ 21 │ var node_util = require('node:util'); 00:32:09 │ extensions │ ╵ ~~~~~~~~~~~ 00:32:09 │ extensions │ 00:32:09 │ extensions │ The package "node:util" wasn't found on the file system but is built into node. Are you trying to bundle for node? You can use "platform: 'node'" to do that, which will remove this error. 00:32:09 │ extensions │ 00:32:09 │ extensions │ ✘ [ERROR] Could not resolve "crypto" 00:32:09 │ extensions │ 00:32:09 │ extensions │ node_modules/@remix-run/node/node_modules/cookie-signature/index.js:5:21: 00:32:09 │ extensions │ 5 │ var crypto = require('crypto'); 00:32:09 │ extensions │ ╵ ~~~~~~~~ 00:32:09 │ extensions │ 00:32:09 │ extensions │ The package "crypto" wasn't found on the file system but is built into node. Are you trying to bundle for node? You can use "platform: 'node'" to do that, which will remove this error. 00:32:09 │ extensions │ 00:32:09 │ extensions │ ✘ [ERROR] Could not resolve "crypto" 00:32:09 │ extensions │ 00:32:09 │ extensions │ node_modules/@shopify/shopify-app-remix/build/cjs/server/adapters/node/index.js:3:21: 00:32:09 │ extensions │ 3 │ var crypto = require('crypto'); 00:32:09 │ extensions │ ╵ ~~~~~~~~ 00:32:09 │ extensions │ 00:32:09 │ extensions │ The package "crypto" wasn't found on the file system but is built into node. Are you trying to bundle for node? You can use "platform: 'node'" to do that, which will remove this error. 00:32:09 │ extensions │ 00:32:09 │ extensions │ ✘ [ERROR] Could not resolve "stream" 00:32:09 │ extensions │ 00:32:09 │ extensions │ node_modules/stream-slice/index.js:3:24: 00:32:09 │ extensions │ 3 │ var Transform = require('stream').Transform; 00:32:09 │ extensions │ ╵ ~~~~~~~~ 00:32:09 │ extensions │ 00:32:09 │ extensions │ The package "stream" wasn't found on the file system but is built into node. Are you trying to bundle for node? You can use "platform: 'node'" to do that, which will remove this error. Error: Build failed with 14 errors: node_modules/@remix-run/node/dist/sessions/fileStorage.js:15:21: ERROR: Could not resolve "node:crypto" node_modules/@remix-run/node/dist/sessions/fileStorage.js:16:22: ERROR: Could not resolve "node:fs" node_modules/@remix-run/node/dist/sessions/fileStorage.js:17:19: ERROR: Could not resolve "node:path" node_modules/@remix-run/node/dist/stream.js:15:26: ERROR: Could not resolve "node:stream" node_modules/@remix-run/node/dist/upload/fileUploadHandler.js:15:21: ERROR: Could not resolve "node:crypto" ...
I've been trying to fix this for a couple hours now but have no clue how. I already tried installing the modules with yarn, setting build target to "node" in vite.config.js and adding the following to remix.config.js:
module.exports = { serverNodeBuiltinsPolyfill: { modules: { crypto: true, stream: true, fs: true, path: true, "fs/promises": true, os: true, util: true, } },
but still get the same error.
Edit: Fixed it by deleting yarn.lock and node_modules and running yarn install. However, now I get
Uncaught (in promise) DOMException: Failed to execute 'importScripts' on 'WorkerGlobalScope': The script at 'ExtensionSandboxPostPurchase.latest.de.e953c1f6c2f63e67b5fd.worker.js'
which is triggered immediately when importing {authenticate} from "app/shopify.server";
Hi @washingmachine, I'm stuck at the same place, were you able to fix it? If yes, It'll be great if you can add your solution to this thread.
Hi @Strydar , unfortunately I still have no idea why authenticate.admin doesn't work but sending HTTP requests to the admin API does work.
let response = await fetch(`https://${shopName}.myshopify.com/admin/api/${apiVersion}/graphql.json`, {
method: "POST",
headers: {
"Content-Type": "application/graphql",
"X-Shopify-Access-Token": <SHOPIFY-ACCESS-TOKEN>,
body: `query customers {
customers(first: 5) {
nodes {
addresses {
HOWEVER, the Shopify-Access-Token, to my understanding (but I could be wrong), is not a permanent token and has to be regenerated every session. And I have no idea how to fetch the token during runtime (I only tried this request with a hardcoded token that I got after running npm run prisma studio). Moreover, I don't know how secure this approach is - I think anyone could see the access token upon inspection of the browser console (network requests)? Please let me know if you make any progress here!
Hi @washingmachine , Is there any progress on this?
I have some follow-up questions too:
1. Are you sending this HTTP request from index.jsx/tsx file in your extension or are you sending in through a route (i.e api-offers.jsx)
2. Where can we get the access tokens from to send the request, is it the same as inputData.token?
Having the same problem.
deleting yarn.lock and node_modules and running yarn install didn't fix it for me
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