Can someone help me the issue? My cart cannot automatically update the subtotal with adjusted quantity. My store is using customized theme.
{% if cart.item_count > 0 %}
<form action="/cart" method="post" class="cart-form" novalidate>
<h1 class="h2">{{ 'cart.general.title' | t }}</h1>
{% for item in cart.items %}
<div data-hulkapps-lineitem class="cart-row {% include 'w3-product-options', step:'item_row_class' %}" data-line="{{ forloop.index }}">
<div class="grid">
<div class="grid-item large--seven-twelfths">
<div class="grid">
<div class="grid-item one-third large--one-quarter">
<a href="{{ item.url }}" class="cart-image">
<img src="{{ item | img_url: 'medium' }}" alt="{{ item.title | escape }}">
<div class="grid-item two-thirds large--three-quarters">
<a href="{{ item.url }}"><strong>{{ item.product.title }}</strong></a>
{% include 'w3-product-options', step:'money_line' %}
{% unless item.variant.title contains 'Default' %}
{{ item.variant.title }}
{% endunless %}
{% if settings.product_quantity_message and item.variant.inventory_management and item.variant.inventory_quantity <= 0 and item.variant.incoming %}
{% assign date = item.variant.next_incoming_date | date: format: 'month_day_year' %}
<p><small>{{ 'products.product.will_not_ship_until' | t: date: date }}</small></p>
{% endif %}
{% assign property_size = | size %}
<span class="Bold-theme-hook-DO-NOT-DELETE bold_cart_item_properties" style="display:none !important;"></span>
{% if property_size > 0 %}
{%- comment -%}{% for p in %}
{% if p.first.first == '_' %}{% continue %}{% endif %}
{% if forloop.first %}<br>{% endif %}
{% assign first_character_in_key = p.first | truncate: 1, '' %}
{% unless p.last == blank or first_character_in_key == '_' %}
{{ p.first }}:
{% if p.last contains '/uploads/' %}
<a href="{{ p.last }}">{{ p.last | split: '/' | last }}</a>
{% else %}
{{ p.last }}
{% endif %}
{% endunless %}
{% endfor %}{%- endcomment -%}{% for p in %}
{% if p.first contains '_apo' %}{% continue %}{% endif; %}
{% unless p.last == blank %}
<div class="cart-property">
<span class="property_name">{{ p.first }}:
{% if p.last contains '/uploads/' %}
<span class="property_value" >
<a href="{{ p.last }}">Uploaded File</a>
{% else %}
<span class="property_value" >{{ p.last }}</span><br/>
{% endif %}
{% endunless %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
<div class="grid-item large--five-twelfths medium--two-thirds push--medium--one-third">
<div class="grid">
<div class="grid-item one-half medium-down--one-third text-right">
<input type="number" class="cart_quantity-selector" name="updates[]" id="updates_{{ item.key }}" data-id="{{ item.key }}" value="{{ item.quantity }}"
{% unless item.variant.inventory_management == blank or item.variant.inventory_policy == 'continue' %} max="{{ item.variant.inventory_quantity }}"
{% endunless %} min="0" data-line="{{ forloop.index }}"
<div class="grid-item one-third medium-down--one-third medium-down--text-left text-right">
{% if item.original_line_price != item.line_price %}
{% include 'w3-product-options', step:'money_line' %}
<small data-hulkapps-ci-price data-key='{{item.key}}' class="cart-item--original-price"><s>{{ item.original_price | money }}</s></small>
{% endif %}
<span class="h2">
<span data-hulkapps-ci-price data-key='{{item.key}}' class="Bold-theme-hook-DO-NOT-DELETE bold_cart_item_price" style="display:none !important;"></span>
{% include 'price' with item.price %}
<div class="grid-item one-sixth medium-down--one-third text-right">
<a href="/cart/change?line={{ forloop.index }}&quantity=0" data-line="{{ forloop.index }}" class="icon-fallback-text btn-secondary remove">
<span class="icon icon-x" aria-hidden="true"></span>
<span class="fallback-text">{{ 'cart.general.remove' | t }}</span>
{% endfor %}
<div class="grid-item one-whole text-right small--text-left">
{% for discount in item.discounts %}
<small class="cart-item--discount">{{ discount.title }}</small>
{% endfor %}
<div class="cart-row">
<div class="grid">
<div class="tbtDiscountCombine" data-brandcolor="#3f51b5" data-boxtitle="Discount Code"
data-boxdes="If you have multiple discount code please separating them using a comma" data-buttontext="Apply" data-maxcode="0" data-maxcodetext="We only allow this maximum codes per combination"
data-placeholder="Enter discount codes here" data-enable="1"></div>
{% if settings.cart_notes_enable %}
<div class="grid-item large--one-half">
<label for="cartSpecialInstructions">{{ 'cart.general.note' | t }}</label>
<textarea name="note" class="input-full" id="cartSpecialInstructions">{{ cart.note }}</textarea>
{% endif %}
<div class="grid-item text-right {% if settings.cart_notes_enable %}large--one-half{% endif %}">
<div class="cart-subtotal">
{{ 'cart.general.subtotal' | t }}
<span class="h1 cart-subtotal--price">
<span data-hulkapps-cart-total class="Bold-theme-hook-DO-NOT-DELETE bold_cart_total" style="display:none !important;"></span>{% include 'price' with cart.total_price %}
{% if cart.total_discounts > 0 %}
{% assign savings = cart.total_discounts | money %}
<small class="cart-subtotal--savings">{{ 'cart.general.savings_html' | t: price: savings }}</small>
{% endif %}
<p class="cart-subtotal__note"><em>{{ 'cart.general.taxes_extra' | t }}</em></p>
<button type="submit" name="checkout" class="btn">
<span class="icon icon-cart"></span>
{{ 'cart.general.checkout' | t }}
{% if additional_checkout_buttons %}
Before you checkout, make sure you agree to all the customer policies, terms, and conditions.
By click checkout, you agree to all the customer policies, terms, and conditions.
{% endif %}
{% else %}
<div id="EmptyCart">
<h1 class="h2">{{ 'cart.general.title' | t }}</h1>
<p class="cart--empty-message">{{ 'cart.general.empty' | t }}</p>
<p class="cart--continue-message">{{ 'cart.general.continue_browsing_html' | t }}</p>
<p class="cart--cookie-message">{{ 'cart.general.cookies_required' | t }}</p>
{% endif %}
<p class="mlvedaCartNote" style="display:none">
{{ }} process all orders in {{ shop.currency }}.
While the content of your cart is currently displayed in
<span class="selected-currency"></span>,
you will checkout using {{ shop.currency }} at the most current exchange rate.