Automated tests are now beginning to trigger Cloudflare / Hcaptcha on our DEV theme

Automated tests are now beginning to trigger Cloudflare / Hcaptcha on our DEV theme

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Hello everyone, 


We've been running playwright automation tests on our ecommerce staging theme without any issues for the last month.

Just this monday, when running my first automation test of the week, we began to get a Cloudflare verification on account creation. This is something that only happens over our cloud service LambdaTest, doesn't seem to trigger when ran locally.


Screenshot 2024-08-06 at 11.23.12 AM.png

We have tried to do many things to rectify the issue include tunneling, limiting our test rates, changing up some of the behavior on our automation and it has had little to no result. The account creation continues to bring up a cloudflare verification about 25-50% of the time, but never locally.

We have been trying to find a resolution and today after a meeting when running another test, we now started to get an hCaptcha during payment process, something that has also never been an issue. 


Screenshot 2024-08-07 at 9.52.06 AM.png I found this article and realized that Shopify had updated to hCaptcha a couple of weeks ago which leads me to believe there may be some relation.

Does anyone have any insight on how we can proceed from here? We just want to be able to do regression on our store after an update and its very hard when we're being blocked on account registrations and payments. Our hCaptcha enabled check boxes are all blank inside of our online store properties. 

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