Re: BEWARE Store Owners - One-TIME (Per customer) Discount is a PERSISTENT Discount

BEWARE Store Owners - One-TIME (Per customer) Discount is a PERSISTENT Discount

Shopify Partner
3 0 0

[ Environment: Theme (Dawn version 2.5.0); Browser (Chrome Version 106.0.5249.119) (Official Build) (64-bit) on a Laptop running Windows10 - 10.0.19044 Build 19044]


"Limit to one per customer" to limit the (fixed value) discount by tracking a customer's email address or phone number does not work as described at Shopify help page   Amount off discounts  (make sure you pick the Desktop button when you verify our claims) !


Step 12 refers to a  "Usage limits section" at Shopify > admin > discounts 


Yesterday, we spent an hour (ticket ID: 33866611) demonstrating that this "section" does not exist - at least for theme Dawn version 2.5.0 and trying, in vain, for a workaround !


The Support person felt that this might be pervasive across all eCommerce stores and not theme-specific !


In other words, One-off discounts (per Customer) are BROKEN !


Unless my CustSvc Rep. and I missed something basic (and I would love to be corrected), this needs to be escalated as a High Priority Bug!


Should Shopify Leadership deem this a mere Documentation error, an acceptable admin "feature" and rushes merely to "fix" the Help page, consider this scenario:


Shopify Corp. plans to launch a Cyber Monday I hour Special Offer:  a Customer Acquisition Discounted Signup Plan(s).


A Shopify QA employee detects (changing the system clocks, what have you ..) that the roll-out extends beyond the designed 1 hour window for the discounted rate.


Shopify leadership is alerted on prior Sunday night.


How fast would Shopify act to rectify this ?



a cursory check on Shopify App v9.84.1 (33064) on Android shows a similar situation  - Step 14 of the above FAQ talks about "Usage limits" - this is nowhere to be seen on the App.

Reply 1 (1)

Shopify Partner
143 13 24

Not entirely sure what you mean here. Are you saying that the /admin/discounts path doesn't exist in the admin? It definitely does, and the link you mention in the help docs brings me straight to it. This isn't a special link by any means, you can access your discount page from anywhere in your admin by simply clicking on the appropriate links. As long as you're logged in to a staff account that has access to discounts of course. From there you can create any kind of discount, including one-time per customer discounts.