Bill payment not going through even though card is fine. Says it retried days ago but won't retry no

Bill payment not going through even though card is fine. Says it retried days ago but won't retry no

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My store is now offline because of a billing issue. I went to go pay the bill and i get error messages even though the funds are available. It seems I am stuck in a loop. It just gives me the same error message no matter what I try. It says that it will retry the card on Feb 25th. It is now Feb 28th and I can't get the system to just charge my card.


Yes the funds are available.

Can a REAL human please help me? My account is offline now and people are messaging me about it wanting to shop. Your ai help that you now have WAS NOT helpful AT ALL. I have been with you over 10 years and we should be able to access humans in cases like this.



Reply 1 (1)

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Having the same issue, I have tried 3 different cards and nothing. 
Did you get it resolved?