Re: Bulk Delete ALL Product Images / Photos / Pictures from over 12,000 products.

Bulk Delete ALL Product Images / Photos / Pictures from over 12,000 products.

20 0 14


I have over 12,000 products in my Shopify store.  My original API automation only had one photo per product in the automation so, I ran an SEO app on the photos to rename them along with adding my own photos manually.  Now that the photos are renamed and I am unable to restore the original file names (long story), how do I delete ALL the product images at once?  Once they are removed my developer can re-sync the feed to include multiple photos per product, with updates.  Thanks.

Replies 9 (9)

Shopify Partner
393 34 119

Maybe Matrixify with the DELETE image command.

Part time Shopify SEO, based in NZ. Sometimes freelance outside the 9-5.
Shopify Partner
304 32 359

Hello @UpperMountain 

Renars here from Matrixify (Excelify).
Thank you for suggesting the use of our app @KieranR

You sure can do this with our app in bulk!
The process is quite simple - in Matrixify (Excelify) app, export Products with Basic Columns and Images. Open "Advanced" tab un Products and remove/add columns so that you only have columns:

  • ID
  • Handle
  • Image Src
  • Image Command


In the exported file you should have multiple rows for each product, each row being a different image. For each image you wish to delete, set the "Image Command" column to the value "DELETE".

Save and import the file. The app will find an item by ID and Handle and delete image/s that are listed in the Image Src column and marked with DELETE Image Command.

I hope that this is what you were looking for, if you have any questions or issues, feel free to reach out to us directly.

Matrixify | Bulk Import Export Update | |
20 0 14

Thanks @Renars and @KieranR

Renars, to get started I'd pay the $50/month rate? 

How long will 12-13K photo deletions take?

Can your app also take MPN's from my master spreadsheet and put them into my Google shopping feed in Shopify?

Shopify Partner
393 34 119

@UpperMountain having recently gone through a pretty large scale shopping feed re-platform, and after evaluating a bunch, I'd highly recommend DataFeedWatch purely for it's flexibility and price point. I think Matrixify can do some feed stuff but at a quick glance at the interface on my store, it looks OK, pretty basic. Not sure how robust it is when you get into the nitty gritty of feed optimization at large scale.

For the purpose of feed generation, optimization and management: DFW on the other hand has almost infinitely flexible config options with many input and output and conditional rules. Pretty reasonable pricing too IMO for what it lets you do, but I guess that depends on your SKU count.

Part time Shopify SEO, based in NZ. Sometimes freelance outside the 9-5.
20 0 14

Thanks, I'm not objectionable to the price of $50 if it works as described.

Shopify Partner
393 34 119

Yeah Matrixify is awesome, pretty much a must-have on all the stores I work on. It's really a shame that it's essentially plugging basic holes in missing Shopify functionality. Shopify has a feature gaps all over the place with CRUD / bulk / export / import that should be part of the platform admin UI imo.

Part time Shopify SEO, based in NZ. Sometimes freelance outside the 9-5.
Shopify Partner
304 32 359

Sorry about the late reply 😕

>Renars, to get started I'd pay the $50/month rate? 

That depends on the number of Products you will be updating. if it's over 5000 Products but below 50 000 then yes, you would need to take Big subscription (50 USD). If the Product count is under 5000 then you can take the Basic plan (20 USD).

Of course, you are free to cancel the app subscription by uninstalling the app or switching to the Demo plan when you are finished.

>How long will 12-13K photo deletions take?

That is really really hard to estimate as it depends on way too many factors, for example, app subscription plan, store API Call limit, product count, how many images per product, Shopify API response time, etc. etc.

>Can your app also take MPN's from my master spreadsheet and put them into my Google shopping feed in Shopify?

To answer this, we would need to understand more details on what exactly needs to be achieved. I would then suggest reaching out to Matrixify (Excelify) support directly.

>Like so?

Yes! The data looks good, as simple as that 🙂


>Yeah Matrixify is awesome, pretty much a must-have on all the stores I work on. It's really a shame that it's essentially plugging basic holes in missing Shopify functionality. Shopify has a feature gaps all over the place with CRUD / bulk / export / import that should be part of the platform admin UI imo.

Amazing to hear that you have been enjoying the app and using it on most stores. 

Indeed a lot of functionality that we offer normally should be a part of Shopify native import/export features. But as over time Shopify also improves their import/export features, then we also have a great motivation to develop more and more features that app users are requesting.

Matrixify | Bulk Import Export Update | |
20 0 14

@Renars  Like so?

Screen Shot 2021-05-06 at 7.41.54 PM.png

Shopify Partner
87 5 25

I see this is an old post, but I wanted to share the solution for the people who are coming from search.

You can easily delete product images from your products by using the Smart Bulk Delete Products app.

To be fully transparent, I am the founder of the app. You can also watch the demo video here.