Can anyone assist with my third party pixel tracking issue?

Can anyone assist with my third party pixel tracking issue?

3 0 0

I am having problems with the tracking pixel.
I consulted this page: and changed total_price to subtotal_price
I would like to receive from Shopify on my pixel the subtotal_price ( The subtotal doesn't include taxes (unless taxes are included in the prices) or shipping costs.)

Can anyone help me with this?
I entered this pixel on Shopify but I keep getting the total_price

This is the pixel:

<img src="{{ subtotal_price | money_without_currency }}&adv_sub4={{ subtotal_price | money_without_currency }}&adv_sub5={{ order_number }}&currency={{ currency }}" width="0px" height="0px">


<script src="">






        domain: '',

        accountId: ’13144’,

        postbackType: ’’, // 'iframe' or 'pixel'

        isGlobalPixel: true,

        allowMultiConversion: false, // true or false

        conversionData: {

            sale: '{{ subtotal_price | money_without_currency }}',

            currency: '{{ currency }}',

            adv_sub1: '{{order_id}}',

            adv_sub4: '{{ subtotal_price | money_without_currency }}',

            adv_sub5: '{{ order_number }}',





Translated with (free version)

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