Re: Slow Store Speed - Go Daddy?

Can Go Daddy hosting slow down my online store speed?

10 0 2


Could having your domain hosted with Go Daddy contribute to a slow Shopify Online Store speed?

If so, is it simple/possible to transfer your domain over to be hosted by Shopify?

Best regards,


Replies 7 (7)

10 0 2

Hi Syed,

Thanks for your reply. Wasn't looking for an audit of my site's speed at this stage. If you have any thoughts on the question I asked I would very much appreciate hearing them.

Best regards,


Shopify Partner
7865 1786 3127

Hi @Marc73 

I don't have experience with GoDaddy but the domain transfer to Shopify is totally simple and I think it's rather simple.

I found this tutorial you can check it out.

No sure if Go Daddy make your store speed slower, but if you transfer the domain to Shopify, you will find it easier to manager the admin tasks for the domain, saving your time, I mean.

Page speed is really a headache, especially on mobile, normally, we usually suggest merchants optimize their images and turn on Lazy loading first before doing anything else, because the heavy images contribute a lot to the slow speed of the store. If you are interested, I have a few suggestions about image optimizing tools here (you can find some tools to minify CSS, Javascript files there as well).

If you find my answer helpful, please give me a 'like' 😉

Thank you and wish you the best of luck!




10 0 2


Thanks for your input.

I'll take a look at the links you provided.


Shopify Partner
2474 228 666

I doubt it. A domain is just a pointer to your server. Technically, there could be a delay if something is wrong with GoDaddy, but unlikely in my opinion.

I use GoDaddy for most of my domains (including Shopify stores).

• Creator of Order Automator [auto tag, fulfill, connect FBA, daily jobs]
• Co-Creator of Product Automator [suite of features for products / collections]
• Shopify developer for 10+ years, store owner for 7 years
• Blog: Shopify Tips, Guides, and Automation Tactics
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Hi @JoesIdeas 

Thanks. Makes sense.


Shopify Partner
33 0 9

From my experience, I don't think that a domain name can have an impact on your Shopify store because Godday will redirect your visitor to your Shopify store

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