Can I set dual shipping conditions based on price and weight?

Can I set dual shipping conditions based on price and weight?

2 0 2



I would like set a shipping rate for certain price and weight?

Both price and weight condition must be met in order for this shipping rate to be available?

I this possible?



Replies 3 (3)

Shopify Partner
408 25 71

Hey @Fish1 ,

Unfortunately, you cannot set up shipping rate based on 2 conditions in Shopify natively. You would need to use a third party app like ShipMagic to do so.

Automate & bulk assign products to shipping profile: Auto Shipping Profiles: Shipr
Calculate accurate shipping rates: Shipping Calculator: ShipMagic
Hide, rename, reorder payment methods at checkout: Payment Customization: PayMix

1 0 0

Also looking for this. 

79 0 7

Hello @Fish1 


there is one solution using APP if you would like to use by app. 

see this:


you can add one condition ex: price on the Shopify rate and another condition on the above ShipFy app. 

see below screenshot:



you can add both condition, weight and price on the app to hide/show shipping rates.


NoteMake sure you are not using any automatic discount app? Like wholesale, bundle, volume, etc.. because such an app generates draft orders and our app does not work on draft order checkout.