Re: Cannot make Telephone number required on Checkout Page

Cannot make Telephone number required on Checkout Page

9 0 2



The Telephone Number field in my checkout page has suddenly become optional (it used to be required) even though my settings are set as required. I am unable to change it. 


Does anyone have the same issue and if there is any solutions to make telephone number required in the checkout page? 

Replies 7 (7)

Shopify Partner
11206 226 2317

Can you confirm that you have the "required" option selected for Shipping address phone number in your checkout settings? If you do have required selected consider sharing your store so the members can see what the checkout looks like.

★ I jump on these forums in my free time to help and share some insights. Not looking to be hired, and not looking for work. ★
9 0 2

Thanks Jason for the reply. Yes, I have the setting as "required". 


This is my store.

9 0 2

Looks like there is no answer to why this is happening. As a, stop-gap measure, we changed the text from Phone (optional) to Phone (required). But it still doesn't solve the underlying issue. Not sure if anyone else experiencing this, or have a solution. 

1 0 0

i have the same problem, mobile phone and Company were desactivated and still on settings, but i can see them on checkout page, i tried to activate and desactivate them, and still same problem

Shopify Partner
3 0 1

Hi Shopify, please help us out as this is causing a lot of disruption in our business model

9 0 2

I reached out to the support and it seems like the setting for shipping number required is now only if shipping is required. If you have a digital product that does not require shipping, this setting does not seem to apply to the billing details. 


This seems to be a recent change. Previously, the setting applied to both shipping and billing details. If you also face an issue, I advise you to reach out to Shopify support so that they can log more of the same issues and find a solution. 

2 0 1

1. Go to Settings.

2. Go to Checkout.

3. Go to Customize Sign Up Labels in "Marketing Options".

4. Go to Checkout & System.

5. Under "Checkout & System" find out the heading "Checkout Contact".

6. Under this heading scroll down and find "Optional phone label".

7. Under this column remove "Optional" and write "Mandatory". 

8. Change "Phone Tooltip" also and save that's it......