CDN Image URLs with resize parameters do not work in HTML editor on pages and blog posts

CDN Image URLs with resize parameters do not work in HTML editor on pages and blog posts

Shopify Partner
26 3 17

I'm noticing that image URLs like this one:

are rewritten once saved once by the HTML editor in the online store app to look like:


HTML escaping the URL parameter with & breaks the functionality of the URL parameter and the crop does not crop in this case. This seems like a bug that needs to be fixed in the HTML editor used throughout Shopify. I reproduced the same issue in the product HTML editor.

Replies 2 (2)

Shopify Partner
830 28 75



It is not an issue, these are HTML Entities



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Shopify Partner
26 3 17

Okay right, but those HTML encoded symbols do not belong in image URLs.

I probably should have used a better example than an image that didn't need a crop. Look at these two:


doesn't work:


So, in summary, if you try to use Shopify's own CDN image resize parameters inside of a Shopify HTML editor it gets broken on any subsequent saves of the editor.