Changing the default price to the price per meter

Changing the default price to the price per meter

8 1 1

Hey all,


I need some help. I'm selling a product where you can select multiple lenghts with a base lenght of 6M.


Now I configured a unit price of for example 12,49/m and this gives a total price of 74,95.


Instead of showing the 74,95 as the default price on collection pages or as the main price when you land on the product page, I want to show the 12,49/m price as the default price. How do I change this?



As you can see here, the 12,49/m is way too small underneath the current main/total price. I want the 12,49 to be the main highlighted price.



Reply 1 (1)

8 1 1

Anybody has an idea? I still haven't figured it out...