Changing the h2 tag size on product pages

Changing the h2 tag size on product pages

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Hi everyone,


Changed the product type section of my product page to a h2 tag. Problem is its changed the text size. Is there a way to change the h2 size on product only pages? 


Here is the code section,  changed the class style to lowercase which didn't help was previously uppercase


{%- if settings.show_product_type -%}<li><h2 href="{{ routes.collections_url }}/{% if collection == blank %}all{% else %}{{ collection.handle }}{% endif %}?filter.p.product_type={{ product.type | downcase | excape | replace: ' ','+' }}"
class= style="text-lowercase"
>{{ product.type }} </h2></li>{%- endif -%}


Please help been stuck on this for ages


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