Checkout UI App or Snippet to Hide Properties from Line Items at Checkout - Checkout Extensibility

Checkout UI App or Snippet to Hide Properties from Line Items at Checkout - Checkout Extensibility

Shopify Partner
2 0 1

Hey guys, good day to you all!

In Checkout Extensibility I'm looking for a way to customize or hide the line items properties, since we lost access to checkout.liquid is not so clear how we are able to do this will custom apps.


Is there a way to create an app that does this? 
Or maybe there's already an app that allow us to do this?

Thank you in advance,

Replies 6 (6)

Shopify Partner
2 0 1

Same issue here, do you get any solution to this @leonardo_ardila ?

Shopify Partner
7 0 2

hi @leonardo_ardila 
If you do not want to show cart item property on checkout you can achieve this functionality just applying _ on front of your cart item property key.

New Member
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Dear AbhinavTiwari


I've been hit with this problem too.
You say "just put _ in front of the cart item property key", what exactly is the change?
Is it the code edit in the admin panel? Or is it Checkout.liquid?


I would appreciate an answer.

Shopify Partner
2001 147 205

Please refer how you need to change your property 




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Dear gr_trading


Thank you for your response.


I found out how to set it up.


I have a question.
Is the liquid in the image the product details? Can you tell me what liquid it is?

Also, I am looking for a way to "Hide Line Item Property in Order Summary on Checkout screen".

What would the liquid be in that case?

It would be helpful if you could also tell me how to set this up specifically and where to find the source code to change it.


Thank you in advance.

Shopify Partner
2001 147 205

Hi @shirakawa1 ,


Please refer the detail explanation of implementation.

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