Re: Collection page load more button fails to load more products but the same ones

Collection page load more button fails to load more products but the same ones

4 0 1

Hi, everyone.

I found an issue of my shopify store when I try to load more products on my products collection page when the language was set as other language. When the language is English (Default Language), everything works fine as as I click the load more button: loading the next 24 products on this page; But if I switch the language to Spanish or Chinese, the load more button is down: it keeps loading the same 24 items products on the page. I want to see what cause this problem? 


Language was set as Chinese, therefore the issue occurs.

Replies 3 (3)

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oh sorry current show pagination please show me load more 



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4 0 1

Hello, my friend. I have switched back to load more, please check. I made it pagination but the second page still can not be loaded.

4 0 1

It seems like I have found a reason of this issue, when the language was not set as English, load more button still indicates a link of page=2 without the corresponding language inside, which induces a failure of loading the second page of products. I wonder how to solve this.