Discuss and resolve questions on Liquid, JavaScript, themes, sales channels, and site speed enhancements.
Hi all,
For one our of stores we're using the Ella theme.
We're facing a weird issue.
In our collections template, we're including title and description of the collection to be displayed.
We have a brands page displaying all the brands (vendors) of the store, say A, B, C etc.
When someone clicks on Brand A and lands on A's collection page, only the title is visible. Description is missing.
As in, if someone visits https://storename/collections/vendors?q=VENDOR the description is missing..
However if we visit https://storename/collections/VENDOR then both title & description is present.
This is problematic because most users would visit the brand's (vendor) page from the all brands page.
I'm not sure how to fix this because the theme code seems fine.
Any clue on how to resolve this please?
Here's the collections-description.liquid code - the part responsible for displaying title & description:
<div class="changing on collection collection-info collection-info--{{ position }} align-{{ collection_description_align_tb }}{% if show_sub_collection %} show_sub_collection{% endif %}{% if settings.banner_animation == 'effect_fade_up' %} scroll-trigger animate--slide-in{% endif %}" {% if sub_collection_layout == 'slider' %} data-loader-script="{{ 'halo.slide-sub-collection.js' | asset_url }}" {% endif %} style="--desc-color: {{ collection_description_color }};" > {%- if show_breadcrumb -%} <div class="collection-breadcrumb text-{{ breadcrumb_alignment }}" style="--breadcrumb-color: {{ breadcrumb_color }}; --breadcrumb-color-mb: {{ breadcrumb_color_mb }};--breadcrumb-bg: {% if breadcrumb_gradient != blank and breadcrumb_gradient != 'rgba(0,0,0,0)' %}{{ breadcrumb_gradient }}{% elsif breadcrumb_bg != blank and breadcrumb_bg != 'rgba(0,0,0,0)' %}{{ breadcrumb_bg }}{% endif %};--breadcrumb-bg-mb: {% if breadcrumb_gradient_mb != blank and breadcrumb_gradient_mb != 'rgba(0,0,0,0)' %}{{ breadcrumb_gradient_mb }}{% elsif breadcrumb_bg_mb != blank and breadcrumb_bg_mb != 'rgba(0,0,0,0)' %}{{ breadcrumb_bg_mb }}{% endif %}" > {% render 'breadcrumb' %} </div> {%- endif -%} {%- if show_page_title -%} <h1 class="collection-title page-header text-{{ page_title_alignment }}">{{ collection.title | escape }}</h1> {%- endif -%} {%- if show_collection_description -%} <div class="collection-info-item"> <div class="collection-description halo-text-format text-{{ collection_description_align }}" style="{% if collection_description_align == 'left' or collection_description_align == 'right' %}margin: 0;{% endif %}" > {%- if show_read_more_read_less -%} <div class="short-description"> {%- liquid assign desc = collection.description | strip_html assign word_number = 50 assign countWord = desc | split: ' ' assign countWordSize = countWord.size -%} {{ desc | truncatewords: word_number }} </div> <div class="full-description">{{ collection.description }}</div> <button type="button" class="link link-underline read-description more{% if word_number > countWordSize %} hidden{% endif %}" > <span class="text">{{ 'sections.collection_template.read_more' | t }}</span> </button> {%- else -%} {{ collection.description }} {%- endif -%} <div class="full-description">{{ collection.description }}</div> </div> </div> {%- endif -%} {%- if show_sub_collection -%} {%- if sub_collection_position == 'absolute' -%} {%- if linklists[collection.handle] != blank -%} <div class="collection-info-item sub-collection{% if show_sub_collection_image == true %} has-image{% else %} no-image{% endif %}{% if sub_collection_layout == 'slider' %} has-slider {% else %} no-slider{% endif %}"> <div class="collection-sub-list list-unstyled text-{{ collection_description_align }}" {% if sub_collection_layout == 'slider' %} {%- if settings.layout_body == 'default' %} data-rows="6"{% else %} data-rows="8"{% endif %} data-sub-collection-slider data-link="{{ linklists[collection.handle].links.size }}" {% endif %} > {%- liquid if sub_collection_type == 'some' assign limit = 5 else assign limit = 10000 endif -%} {%- for link in linklists[collection.handle].links limit: limit -%} <div class="item" {% if forloop.first %} data-first {% endif -%} {% if forloop.last %} data-last {% endif %} > <a href="{{ link.url }}"> {%- if show_sub_collection_image -%} {%- assign subImg = link.object.image | img_url: '210x', format: 'jpg' -%} {%- if link.object -%} <img class="sub-image" src="{{ subImg }}" alt="{{ link.title }}"> {%- endif -%} {%- endif -%} <span class="sub-title">{{ link.title | escape }}</span></a > </div> {%- endfor -%} </div> </div> {%- endif -%} {%- endif -%} {%- endif -%} </div> {%- if show_sub_collection -%} {%- if sub_collection_position == 'relative' -%} {%- if linklists[collection.handle] != blank -%} <div class="collection-info-item sub-collection{% if show_sub_collection_image == true %} has-image{% else %} no-image{% endif %}{% if sub_collection_layout == 'slider' %} has-slider {% else %} no-slider{% endif %} no-show-more" data-collection-links > <div class="collection-sub-wrapper text-{{ collection_description_align }}"> {%- if sub_collection_title -%} <div class="item-title text-{{ collection_description_align }}"> <span>{{ sub_collection_title }}</span> </div> {%- endif -%} <div class="collection-sub-list list-unstyled text-{{ collection_description_align }}" {% if sub_collection_layout == 'slider' %} {%- if settings.layout_body == 'default' %} data-rows="6"{% else %} data-rows="8"{% endif %} data-sub-collection-slider data-link="{{ linklists[collection.handle].links.size }}" {% endif %} {% if sub_collection_layout == 'grid' %} data-sub-collection-show-more style="--max-height: {{maxheight_sub_collection}}; --max-height-mb: 110" {% endif %} > {%- liquid if sub_collection_type == 'some' assign limit = 5 else assign limit = 10000 endif -%} {%- for link in linklists[collection.handle].links limit: limit -%} <div class="item"> <a href="{{ link.url }}"> {%- if show_sub_collection_image -%} {%- assign subImg = link.object.image | img_url: '210x', format: 'jpg' -%} {%- if link.object -%} <img class="sub-image" src="{{ subImg }}" alt="{{ link.title }}"> {%- endif -%} {%- endif -%} <span class="sub-title">{{ link.title | escape }}</span></a > </div> {%- endfor -%} </div> </div> <div class="button-show-more" data-des-max="{{maxheight_sub_collection}}" data-des-max-mb="110" style="display: none;" > <button type="button" class="button" data-show-more-text="{{ 'products.product.read_more' | t }}" data-show-less-text="{{ 'products.product.read_less' | t }}" data-show-more-sub-collection > {{ 'products.product.read_more' | t }} </button> </div> </div> {%- endif -%} {%- endif -%} {%- endif -%} <style type="text/css" media="screen"> #HeaderCollectionSection-{{ section.id }} .collection-info-item.sub-collection {padding-top: {{ all_sub_collection_padding_top }};padding-bottom: {{ all_sub_collection_padding_bottom }};margin-top: {{ sub_collection_mg_top }}; {%- if colors_bg_gradient != blank -%} background: {{ colors_bg_gradient }};padding-left: 15px;padding-right: 15px {%- else -%} background-color: {{ colors_bg }}; {%- if colors_bg != blank and colors_bg != 'rgba(0,0,0,0)' -%} padding-left: 15px;padding-right: 15px {%- endif -%} {%- endif -%} } #HeaderCollectionSection-{{ section.id }} .collection-sub-list .item {padding-left: {{ sub_collection_grid_gap }};padding-right: {{ sub_collection_grid_gap }};margin-right: 0} {%- if sub_collection_layout == 'slider' and show_sub_collection_image == false -%} #HeaderCollectionSection-{{ section.id }} .collection-sub-list .item {margin-bottom: 0} {%- endif -%} #HeaderCollectionSection-{{ section.id }} .collection-info-item.sub-collection .item-title span{font-size: {{ fontsize_sub_collection }};font-weight: {{ fontweight_sub_collection }};text-transform: {{ sub_collection_text_transform }};color: {{ sub_collection_title_color }};display: block;background-image: linear-gradient(transparent 97%, {{ sub_collection_title_color}} 3%);background-repeat: repeat-x;background-position-y: -4px;display: inline-block} #HeaderCollectionSection-{{ section.id }} .collection-sub-list .item a {font-size: {{ fontsize_sub_collection }};font-weight: {{ fontweight_sub_collection }};text-transform: {{ sub_collection_text_transform }};color: {{ color_sub_collection }};padding-top: {{ sub_collection_padding_top }};padding-bottom: {{ sub_collection_padding_bottom }};border: 1px solid {{ sub_collection_border }};text-align: center;{%- if sub_collection_background_gradient != blank -%}background: {{ sub_collection_background_gradient }}{%- else -%}background-color: {{ sub_collection_background }}{%- endif -%}} #HeaderCollectionSection-{{ section.id }} .collection-info-item .button-show-more .button {font-size: {{ fontsize_sub_collection }}} {%- if show_sub_collection_image -%} #HeaderCollectionSection-{{ section.id }} .collection-sub-list .item a .sub-image {margin-bottom: 10px} {%- endif -%} {%- if sub_collection_background != blank or sub_collection_background != 'rgba(0,0,0,0)' or sub_collection_border != blank or sub_collection_border != 'rgba(0,0,0,0)' -%} #HeaderCollectionSection-{{ section.id }} .collection-info-item.sub-collection.has-image .item-title {margin-bottom: 15px} {%- else -%} #HeaderCollectionSection-{{ section.id }} .collection-info-item.sub-collection.has-image .item-title {margin-bottom: 5px} {%- endif -%} @media (min-width: 1025px) { #HeaderCollectionSection-{{ section.id }} .collection-sub-list .item a:hover {border-color: {{ sub_collection_border_hover }} !important; color: {{ sub_collection_color_hover }} !important; {%- if sub_collection_background_gradient_hover != blank -%} background: {{ sub_collection_background_gradient_hover }} !important {%- else -%} background: {{ sub_collection_background_hover }} !important {%- endif -%} } {%- if sub_collection_background == blank or sub_collection_background == 'rgba(0,0,0,0)' -%} #HeaderCollectionSection-{{ section.id }} .collection-sub-list .item a:hover {text-decoration: underline;text-underline-offset: 0.1em} {%- endif -%} {%- if sub_collection_title -%} #HeaderCollectionSection-{{ section.id }} .collection-info-item.sub-collection .item-title {padding-top: {{ sub_collection_padding_top }}} {%- endif -%} } @media (max-width: 767px) {#HeaderCollectionSection-{{ section.id }} [data-sub-collection-show-more] {margin-left: -15px;margin-right: -15px}#HeaderCollectionSection-{{ section.id }} .collection-sub-list .item {padding-left: 10px; padding-right: 10px}} </style> <script type="text/javascript" > window.addEventListener('load', () => { const collectionLinksElement = document.querySelector('[data-collection-links]') const collectionLinksList = [...collectionLinksElement.querySelectorAll('ul li.item')] const firstLink = collectionLinksList[0] const lastLink = collectionLinksList.pop() collectionLinksElement.classList.add('initialized') const scrollToLastObserver = new IntersectionObserver((entries) => { if (entries[0].isIntersecting) { collectionLinksElement.classList.add('disable-last') } else { collectionLinksElement.classList.remove('disable-last') } }, { threshold: 0.6 }) const scrollToFirstObserver = new IntersectionObserver((entries) => { if (entries[0].isIntersecting) { collectionLinksElement.classList.add('disable-first') } else { collectionLinksElement.classList.remove('disable-first') } }, { threshold: 0.6 }) window.read_description = { more: `{{ 'sections.collection_template.read_more' | t }}`, less: `{{ 'sections.collection_template.read_less' | t }}` }; function checkOverflow() { const subCollection = document.querySelector('[data-sub-collection-show-more]'); const readMoreButtons = document.querySelectorAll('[data-show-more-sub-collection]'); const item = subCollection.querySelector('.item'); const mgBot = parseInt(getComputedStyle(item).getPropertyValue('margin-bottom').split('px')[0]); if (subCollection.clientHeight < subCollection.scrollHeight - mgBot) { readSubCollectionToggle(); document.querySelector('.collection-info-item.sub-collection').classList.remove('no-show-more'); } else { // readMoreButtons.forEach(button => button.remove()); } } function readSubCollectionToggle() { const readMoreButtons = document.querySelectorAll('[data-show-more-sub-collection]'); if (readMoreButtons.length > 0) { readMoreButtons.forEach(button => { button.addEventListener('click', e => { event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); var $this = event.target, textShowMore = $this.getAttribute('data-show-more-text'), textShowLess = $this.getAttribute('data-show-less-text'), desMax = $this.closest('.button-show-more').dataset.desMax desMaxMb = $this.closest('.button-show-more').dataset.desMaxMb; if($this.classList.contains('is-less')) { $this.closest('.button-show-more').classList.remove('is-less'); $this.classList.remove('is-less'); $this.closest('.button-show-more').classList.add('is-show'); $this.classList.add('is-show'); $this.innerText = textShowMore; if (window.innerWidth > 1024) { document.querySelector('[data-sub-collection-show-more]').style.setProperty('--max-height', `${desMax}`); } else { document.querySelector('[data-sub-collection-show-more]').style.setProperty('--max-height-mb', `${desMaxMb}`); } } else { $this.closest('.button-show-more').classList.remove('is-show'); $this.classList.remove('is-show'); $this.closest('.button-show-more').classList.add('is-less'); $this.classList.add('is-less'); $this.innerText = textShowLess; if (window.innerWidth > 1024) { document.querySelector('[data-sub-collection-show-more]').style.setProperty('--max-height', 'unset'); } else { document.querySelector('[data-sub-collection-show-more]').style.setProperty('--max-height-mb', 'unset'); } } }) }) } } checkOverflow(); scrollToLastObserver.observe(lastLink) scrollToFirstObserver.observe(firstLink) }) </script>
Any help is greatly appreciated, thanks!
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