Color filters don't work with hex values from metaobjects


Color filters don't work with hex values from metaobjects

Shopify Partner
19 0 6

I'm using category metafields to handle variant colors. In my theme, I get hex values from color metaobjects to set swatch colors. That works great. But for some reason, color filters do not work on these hex values.


// Get a hex color code from a color metaobject.
{% assign color_code = product.metafields.shopify.color-pattern.value[0].color %}

{{ color_code }} // Output: #000000

{{ color_code | color_brightness }} // Output: nothing (blank string)

// This works fine.
{{ '#000000' | color_brightness }} // Output: 0.0



As far as I can tell, color_code === '#000000', so why does the filter work on the string but not the variable?

Accepted Solution (1)

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6921 623 1461

This is an accepted solution.

Hi @diegovogel Also try non-black colors to see if result changes,

Check if string pseudo-coercion {{ color_code | append:"" | color_brightness }}  works.


Or I doubt it but try yet another .value {{ color_code.value | color_brightness }},

Because .value is shopify liquid's newest bugbear when coding  , and that's ontop of shopify making some objects default to weird ~string/not~string outputs when called directly instead of the object, or properly defined properties like the color object for "convenience" or "compatibility" reasons  



To roll your own brigthness the forumula is : ((Red value X 299) + (Green value X 587) + (Blue value X 114)) / 1000

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Replies 5 (5)

Shopify Partner
6921 623 1461

This is an accepted solution.

Hi @diegovogel Also try non-black colors to see if result changes,

Check if string pseudo-coercion {{ color_code | append:"" | color_brightness }}  works.


Or I doubt it but try yet another .value {{ color_code.value | color_brightness }},

Because .value is shopify liquid's newest bugbear when coding  , and that's ontop of shopify making some objects default to weird ~string/not~string outputs when called directly instead of the object, or properly defined properties like the color object for "convenience" or "compatibility" reasons  



To roll your own brigthness the forumula is : ((Red value X 299) + (Green value X 587) + (Blue value X 114)) / 1000

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Shopify Partner
19 0 6

@PaulNewton the pseudo-coercion worked! I've never seen that before in Liquid. Is it basically typecasting?

Shopify Partner
6921 623 1461

Not really a low level concept of programmatic "types" in liquid it's a template language

, but outputs sometimes need a push to strings , as do INTs sometimes: {{ "1" | plus: 0  }} == 1

Note metafield "types" etc don't count as typecasts either.


The annoying thing here is the docs specially say that it outputs a "hexidecimal color code" which intuitively any sane person would assume is already a string but noooooo it's not really in this case.


If you have the time on the docs there is a feedback action: "Was this section helpful? Yes No" , to explain this confusion.

Or if you have the time to champion it make a minimum reproducible case and either submit a complaint to shopify support about confusing color system usage ,or argue that it's a bug* the way it works in practice and how it's presented.

, or  use your partner dashboard to submit a bug report to shopify partner support.

Just keep in mind compiler jocks at shopify will probably just say it's  "working as intended" , ignoring the confusion and how it needs to be used in reality.

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Shopify Partner
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@PaulNewton Side note: it has always been awkward/painful to inspect values in Liquid IMO. At least compared to other contexts like JS and PHP. The new `theme console` command is helpful, although somewhat buggy in my experience. And outputting to the page only works for strings. Do you have any other tips for inspecting variables/objects?

Shopify Partner
6921 623 1461

Shopify has no real introspection for liquid processing not even source maps(for liquid),

You can use the | JSON filter etc  on some objects and properties to get structure data or to diagnose properties though some objects do not work with the JSON filter; and no there is no documented list of which do and dont.


In themes it can help to setup a dedicated page with a custom-liquid section using the visual theme editor for testing liquid insitu.


There's also setting up your own proxy app as a browser REPL



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