Re: Currency switcher


Currency switcher

Shopify Partner
20 0 3

Hello, please, can you help me,Untitled.pngthe currency switcher is on the announcement bar, when I scroll down the page, the announcement bar disappears, but the currency switcher remains, is it possible to make the currency switcher an integral part of the announcement bar. Thank you very much)

Accepted Solution (1)

Shopify Partner
165 33 42

This is an accepted solution.

Hello @ecom_armenia,

Can you please share the URL of your store  

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Replies 4 (4)

Shopify Partner
165 33 42

This is an accepted solution.

Hello @ecom_armenia,

Can you please share the URL of your store  

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Shopify Partner
20 0 3

I write you message. Thank you very much.

Shopify Partner
165 33 42

Hello @ecom_armenia,


  • Navigate to the Online Store.
  • Go to Themes -> Edit Code -> search for the file style.css, go to the end of the file, and paste the above code.


.doubly-float {
    position: absolute !important;



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Thank you very much. It's work!