Displaying estimated shipping times by variant

Displaying estimated shipping times by variant

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Im looking to display estimated shipping times respective of a specific variant. For example, if we have a size Medium in stock, it would display some thing like "Ships in 24 hours" when the variant is chosen. Then if another variant, size Large for example, is not in stock but can be ordered from manufacturer and shipped in a few days, it would display something like "Ships in 1-4 days". Are there any apps or plug-ins that can do this or is a developer required? If you are a developer and are familiar with a project like this, please contact. Currently, we've had to simply write out each variant's shipping time in the description and it would be much more visible to buyers if it were placed by the variant selections/cart, and displayed each shipping time depending on variant chosen.

Replies 2 (2)

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Hello @ecombros ,

Yes you need developer for tis customization.
Please drop an email to discuss further. 


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13 0 6

Hi Ecombros,

We are looking for the same solution - please let me know if you were able to find a suitable app.

