Re: SEO hidden text

Does hidden text on Shopify 2.0 impact SEO?

Shopify Partner
9 0 4

I have a client that wants to have very little copy on his site. Some of the copy he wants to only show upon hover. That copy is important to our SEO. With a Shopify 2.0 store,  will that copy still count towards SEO if it's hidden until the customer hovers over it?

Replies 2 (2)

Shopify Partner
20 4 7

Yes it will,

Thinking of a similar process, it is same as in css as using display none - the content is still there and unless otherwise stated, will be indexable

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UK Based Shopify Plus Agency Expert:
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Hi WinxDigital,


I assume hiding the text into the background color or setting the key words font-size to 0px also helps SEO. Is that correct?


What if I setup two "Rich Text" Sections full of keywords in h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, and hide the sections using the button looks like an eye. If I understand your "display none theory" correctly, this is a similar situation and it also helps SEO. Is that correct?