Does Shopify Re-try "Events" in case if a Middleware tool Oracle Integration (OIC) is Down

Does Shopify Re-try "Events" in case if a Middleware tool Oracle Integration (OIC) is Down

Shopify Partner
4 0 2

Hi Shopify Support, 


We are planning to leverage "Shopify Events" and configure them in Oracle Integration Cloud-OIC as it supports this feature.


Simple use case is When an Order is successfully created in a Shopify Store, the event will get captured in OIC and we can process the Order request and have it created in the Target system.


Here the concern is, what if the Middleware tool is Down for an extended period of time lets say 24 hours. 

What happens to the Orders that get placed in Shopify, how will the Events get delivered to OIC once it is up and running after the 24hrs of downtime. This applies to all other Objects that are supported through EVENTS. 


Do we have any configuration setting in Shopify for it to Re-Try the events and Not Loose those Events in Shopify.


Please provide some clarity around this.




Replies 7 (7)

Shopify Partner
801 39 146

When you say Shopify Events, are you referring to this or something else?

Shopify Partner
4 0 2

Yes Kalen but this is when we query using the Rest APIs provided. But in OIC, we have the Shopify Adapter which allows us to receive events using it. I was referring to that. Any idea?

Shopify Partner
801 39 146

I'm not too familiar with the OIC Shopify Adapter - but if you know what mechanism in Shopify that's using to receive data, I can tell you how it works. AFAIK there isn't anything called "Shopify Events" that push to external sources.

Shopify Partner
4 0 2

Thanks Kalen for trying to help, I appreciate it. 

Shopify Partner
801 39 146

No worries - I took a look at the docs here and it still looks to me like OIC is pulling data from shopify. In that case, if OIC goes down and comes back up, there shouldn't be an issue. I don't think shopify is pushing to OIC, but the docs aren't entirely clear.


If OIC is registering webhooks with shopify, then the answer is yes, shopify does retry them up to 19 times:

Shopify Partner
4 0 2

Hi Kalen, 

Not sure why Shopify Does not have a specific documentation elated to this but Unfortunately OIC will not (at least i am aware of) does not use webhooks for Events.  


Shopify does not have the documentation but OIC has. Please refer to following url:

For all below Objects, EVENTS are kicked in from Shopify to OIC. 


  • Provides trigger (source) connection support for performing various types of actions against events from the following modules:
    • Customers
    • DeliveryProfiles
    • FulfillmentEvents
    • Fulfillments
    • Inventory
    • Orders
    • Products


Let me know if get a breakthrough my friend as i am new to shopify environment.



Shopify Partner
801 39 146

Happy to dive into this further on a paid basis if that's of interest.