Efficient Product Updates with GraphQL Mutation (API Version 2024-07)

Efficient Product Updates with GraphQL Mutation (API Version 2024-07)

Shopify Partner
12 0 3

Hello Community,

I’m currently working on updating product data using Shopify GraphQL API version 2024-07. Previously, in version 2024-01, we managed to handle most updates using a single mutation. However, with the recent changes in the new version, it seems that some fields now require separate mutations (e.g., variants, metafields, inventory).

Here are the fields we regularly update:

  • Product fields: descriptionHtml, tags, status, productType, vendor, etc.
  • Variants: options, inventoryQuantities, weight, etc.
  • Metafields: Key-value pairs like id, key, value, type, namespace.

Our Current Approach (2024-01 Version):

mutation UpdateProduct($product: ProductInput!, $variantCount: Int!) {
productUpdate: productUpdate(input: $product) {
product {
id: legacyResourceId
metafields(first: 250) {
edges {
node {
variants(first: $variantCount) {
edges {
node {
id: legacyResourceId
userErrors {

Challenges with 2024-07 Version:

  • Separate updates for variants and metafields.
  • More mutations required, leading to potential performance issues.

Proposed Solution: I am considering breaking updates into three separate mutations:

  1. Update basic product details.
  2. Batch update variants.
  3. Batch update InventoryItems

Could anyone suggest the most efficient way to handle these updates with minimal mutation calls? If there are optimizations we might have missed, I’d love to hear them!

Thanks in advance!

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