Emergency Cart Lagging issue, Quantity not updating and freezing

Emergency Cart Lagging issue, Quantity not updating and freezing

Shopify Partner
3 0 0

Hi everyone,

I’m experiencing an issue with my Shopify store where the cart quantity is lagging and not updating properly on the cart page. This issue occurs inconsistently across different devices and browsers for my client but not for me. Here’s what I’ve observed:


  • Issue Details:

    • The cart quantity doesn’t update correctly when users change the number of items in their cart after going to the cart page from the checkout page.
    • There’s a noticeable lag, and sometimes the quantity displayed remains the same, even after making adjustments. If they try to change the quantity on the cart page it just loads and never does anything.
    • The problem occurs primarily on Safari (both on MacBook and iPad) and Google Chrome for my client, but it works fine on my iphone, laptop, etc.
  • Troubleshooting Steps Taken:

    • I’ve cleared the cache and disabled all browser extensions, but the issue persists.
    • I tested the site on multiple devices and browsers with the same results.
    • The theme’s JavaScript files have been checked for syntax errors, and I’ve updated the theme js file, but the problem still occurs.
  • Additional Information:

    • The theme being used is a custom or third-party theme that might be outdated.
    • There are no recent changes or third-party apps that should be affecting the cart functionality. I've checked and don't see the issue.


I’m seeking advice on how to resolve this issue. Has anyone else experienced something similar, and if so, how did you fix it? Would updating the theme help, or should I contact the theme developer for specific guidance? Any insights would be greatly appreciated!

Replies 3 (3)

118 10 22

Hi @leahnmcc,


Could you kindly send us your store URL so we can take a look at the issue?



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Shopify Partner
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Hi @bundler-marko 


Sure, it is www.ecoslay.com




Shopify Partner
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If someone could help with this or if this happened or your site and you fixed it please let me know *crosses fingers* it could greatly help me!