Error: X numbers of links on this page have no anchor text error from SEMRush

Error: X numbers of links on this page have no anchor text error from SEMRush

3 0 0

Hello team,

I have run the site audit for my store (company URL: ) and found the below error.

6,836 links on this page have no anchor text

Can you please give a solution from where and how I can resolve this error?

Replies 2 (2)

Shopify Partner
116 9 31

Is the 6k links on one page or entire site? 

No anchor text means that there is no visible text in the <a></a> tags.

Taking a quick peak I do not see these. Maybe there is an error upon loading the page crawler with the seo tool? I notice when your site is loading all of the links/text appear blank until fully loaded. 

Bailey Paserk
3 0 0

Hello Bailey,

Thank you for your response.
Here are the answer of your questions:
1. 6K on the entire site.
2. Yes, I have seen this error on SEMRush.

Hence, can you please provide a proper solution for this? Where I have to add anchor text in "Edit code"?