Export shopify orders without including removed items

Export shopify orders without including removed items

3 0 1
Hello everybody.
I have a simple enquiry.
When i export shopify orders, removed items are still included within the order csv file as unremoved.
Is there any workaround for this issue?
If anyone can walk me through code amendment in my theme to solve this i shall be much thankful.
Thanks a lot.
Replies 4 (4)

Shopify Partner
336 26 107

Hey @Hasan_Mgharbel ,


When an order is edited and a line item is removed or the quantity is reduced, what happens on the Shopify backend is they "refund" those line items (more info here). 


The Lineitem Quantity field in the default Shopify order CSV will remain unchanged in this case and it currently doesn't include a column for the refunded quantity.


I'm not familiar with theme development, but I don't think changing the theme code will resolve this since the Shopify default CSV can't be modified.


If you're open to using an app and you just need an order CSV export that excludes removed line items and also to export the current line item quantity, our app EZ Exporter can help with this.


In the app, we have a pre-built template called "Orders Excluding Removed/Refunded Line Items (Last 30 Days)" that already takes care of this and can be customized further.

Co-Founder / Developer at Highview Apps
Our Shopify Apps: EZ Exporter | EZ Inventory | EZ Importer | EZ Notify | EZ Fulfill

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611 49 106

Unfortunately, Shopify only includes the original items and quantities.


Our Report Toaster app can help with this. You can use the Net Quantity field to represent the quantity after any removals or refunds. 


Please feel free to check it out. Chances are you can get by with your free version. Feel free to reach out if you have any questions.

16 0 18

Also reported here: 


Seems to have been no solution yet. 

4 0 0

this issue has been around for years and is still a problem