Framer Website DNS Settings on Shopify

Framer Website DNS Settings on Shopify

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I’m trying to connect my domain purchased on shopify to the website building tool framer. I’m editing the DNS settings in shopify but framer instructions says to copy 2 different Type A ‘@’ Name records, where shopify only allows one.


Replies 2 (2)

Shopify Partner
72 9 23

Hi there,

If you want to use your Shopify domain on another platform like Framer, you’ll need to transfer your Shopify domain to another domain provider, as Shopify’s DNS settings only allow for one Type A ‘@’ Name record.

To do that, follow these steps:

1. Google: “Transfer your Shopify-managed domain to another domain provider.”
2. Find the link: at with the detailed instructions on how to transfer your domain.

Once your domain is transferred, you’ll be able to set up the DNS records as needed for Framer.

If you need further assistance with this process, please let me know!


Best Regards,
Keshan Vishwajith
Shopify Certified Theme Developer
Feel free to drop me an email

Shopify Partner
3911 395 1440

Are you trying to do the below (

Make sure you fully understand what you're doing or you may affect your Shopify site. As for adding two records -- you'd be fine with only one (at least for starters), using 2 is a form of load-balancing and fail-safe.

You may also try to use CNAME instead of A.

Configure a domain

To configure a ‘naked’ or ‘apex’ domain (, you’ll need to set up two A records and one CNAME (for the redirect) in your DNS settings with the following values.



Depending on your DNS provider the name is either the full domain, or an “@”. Similarly for the subdomain, it will be either the full domain or just “www”.

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