Re: get json from a third-party source via javascript in shopify

get json from a third-party source via javascript in shopify

Shopify Partner
35 0 3

I need to get json from a third-party source using a javascript, but when I do this I get a header error.


I did this using fetch() method:


fetch('', { mode: 'cors' });


And this option didn't help me - mode: 'cors'. I get this error:


has been blocked by CORS policy: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource. If an opaque response serves your needs, set the request's mode to 'no-cors' to fetch the resource with CORS disabled.


Also, I made this solution:


$.getJSON('', function(data) {
    // Code


And also did a solution using XMLHttpRequest and etc. I have tried many methods and ways to get the json blacken javascript I want, but I always get the error I wrote above.


Please help me to get json through javascript, in shopify, or tell me how to do it.


I contacted the technical support shopify, but tech support could not give a specific answer to this question, and advised to write my question here.


Thank you.


Replies 6 (6)

34 0 9
What is it you're trying to do or solve? There seems to be some security protocol to consider but I'd be happy to help if I can.
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Shopify Partner
35 0 3

Thanks for the answer.
I just want to get json from a third-party source via javascript. Is this possible? If not, what could be the solution?

34 0 9

You should be able to, it might be a Cross Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) issue... Do you have that resource blocked for External IPS?

I reckon you'd get an answer in this forum: if none of us on Shopify manages to help!

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34 0 9

Hi Max! I was wondering if they helped over in stack overflow?

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Shopify Partner
35 0 3

Hello. Yes, I asked that question on stackoverflow. And I was told that this problem cannot be solved without reference to the server side. I need to write my own application to do this. This is so silly!

34 0 9

That's so frustrating! Shame we didn't find a solution for it. 😞

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