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Hi, Im using the Dawn theme and looked through a tutorial for removing the express checkout but the theme Im using doesnt have the code thats mentioned in the tutorial so it got me nowhere, can anyone help?
Very much appreciated,
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Hi Emma and others,
It seems like since mid of 2022, the liquid / CSS code to hide the checkout button does not work anymore. To hide the express checkout payment method, you will need an app that utilize Shopify Functions. (a way for an app to communicate with Shopify to remove certain payment methods)
I have made an app to hide the Paypal Express (and other express checkout method like Apple Pay, Google Pay etc) on the top part of checkout page, and customer can still select Paypal method at the payment step.
The app is made using native Shopify Functions, thus it does not affect your store existing layout or functionality at all. You don't need to be on Shopify Plus plan to use the app, your store can be on any Shopify Plan.
The app name is Yagi Express Payment Hider (https://apps.shopify.com/yagi-express-payment-hider)
The app also have a workaround which you can hide the express checkout buttons for returning customers with saved address, but you will need to create a placeholder shipping rate for it to work, this will also work with one-page checkout.
Hope this can help!
Axel Kee
Hey there, @Luosto. Thanks for taking the time to bring this question to the Shopify Community. I hope you're doing well today!
Before diving in deeply with this issue, I just have a few questions I'd like you to answer, so I can advise on some next steps:
When you can, please follow up with me here, so we can continue chatting about this situation, and find a solution!
Imogen | Social Care @ Shopify
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Hi, i wouldnt mind using it but I just feel like I dont know anyone who would use paypal express so I dont know if its just confusing for the customer?
Hey again, @Luosto!
I totally understand your questions of how useful PayPal Express Checkout may be within your store. PayPal is actually one of the most popular payment methods for online business across the board, so we recommend having it as an available option with your store. With the express checkout option, this allows PayPal customers to avoid entering in their payment information, as it should be saved on their device, and then can be used on your store. This leads to a higher store conversion rate, and less abandoned carts, which ultimately leads to revenue for you!
If you did decide that you didn't want to feature PayPal Express within your store, you can disable this payment option via the Settings > Payments > PayPal Express section of your Shopify Admin. This would remove the button from your checkout, and your cart page, if it's present there as well.
Further, another option to remove the button could be reaching out to our Theme Specliasts, and requesting their assistance to editing the coding of your theme to remove the button. If you're using a Shopify Theme, they can use some of the 'Free Design Time' to make this change for you. You can reach out to our Live Team using this link here to see if they could make that change for you.
Personally, I recommend leaving it on, as it will lead to higher conversion in your store! However, if you do want to remove it, consider one of the options I provided for you above!
Imogen | Social Care @ Shopify
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Is there a solution to removing the Paypal express checkout option? I'm also using the Dawn theme.
Hi there, @OGCorals. Thanks for jumping in on this thread.
For awhile, folks were using a third party option of adding custom coding to their store to hide these buttons in their checkout. As of November 2022, this option no longer works As a result, there is currently no way to hide these buttons in the first step of your checkout without turning off the gateway entirely.
These buttons exist as a way to help customers quickly and easily complete their purchases in your store, and their inclusion does add to conversions. However, we do know that many folks have reached out looking for a way to hide the buttons to avoid any potential customer confusion.
As there is no solution beyond shutting off the associated payment gateways currently, we're collecting feedback to let people know just how desired this functionality is. I've gone ahead and passed your request to our Product Team so they can look into supporting this function natively in the future. I can't comment on what the result of passing this feedback along may be, but you can feel confident in knowing that folks have been the ongoing requests for a solution.
Do you mind me asking why you were looking to remove these express options from your checkout? Any additional context you provide will be helpful when we pass feedback along to the team for their consideration.
Imogen | Social Care @ Shopify
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I'm sorry but that's not a good idea.
Just read comment before, all is explicated why having this PayPal express button is hurting so much our cvr and can't have e-mails from abandoned order.
And forcing people to create an account hurts even more!
It really sucks to force people to use this button.
Hi there, @Jason_Diederlé. Thank you for jumping into the thread and providing us with your feedback.
I appreciate the sentiment you've shared in your post. The suggestions that I've made in my previous posts aren't solutions as much as they are methods to mitigate the issues that users may run into from not being able to hide the express checkout button. With that being said, nothing would be a greater solution that being able to remove the express checkout button in it's entirety.
I've gone ahead and let the Product Team know that the ability to hide the buttons would be incredibly valuable for our merchants. I'm happy to share your feedback with them, as well, so they have some additional context.
If possible, can you share some context with me around why hiding this button would be helpful for you? This extra context would be helpful when it comes time to share feedback with our Teams.
Imogen | Social Care @ Shopify
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We're in the same boat. That Paypal Express button at the beginning of the checkout process is both confussing and misleading my customers into making them think that we ONLY accept Paypal as a method of payment.
In the past month alone, we've had customers reach out saying that they have abandoned their cart because they refuse to use Paypal. I then need to explain the whole Shopify checkout process for them to understand.
Then.... and THIS IS BIG!!!!! We've had customers click that Paypal Express button to only abandon their checkout process, but Paypal still authorizes the amount and refuse to release the hold for 21 days! And because the customer abandoned their cart, no information shows up in our Paypal account for us to revert anything. And guess who gets SH!T on because Shopify refuses to let us remove that freaking button...... Us the merchant! Wake up Shopify!!!! We've been with you for 10 years, but if the higher ups don't care about us making them money.... Maybe I'll go to, lets say WooCommerce, and let them make money off of us.
How long will it take for Shopify, better yet Tobias, to get their head out of their "you-know-what"? This issue as been lingering in the forums for as long as we've been a merchant. Oh..... and as of typing this.... I've been on hold with Paypal for 3 hours 17 minutes to try and help MY customer. Which is more than what I can say about Shopify customer service.
If someone at Shopify wishes to reach out to us.... You know how to reach us.
Having the same issue. It's very confusing for out customers, what I-Bead said; that Paypal Express button at the beginning of the checkout process is both confusing and misleading my customers into making them think that we ONLY accept Paypal as a method of payment.
Paypal is a great payment, but this is too much 'in your face'.
We are experiencing the same problem in our store have you had any answers to your question, This is impacting our online sales as customers are confused with payment methods available. Is there any coding solution just to hide this select or even add all our payment methods.
Hey there @Ellen_Das and @Trina_Affleck. Thank you for taking the time to follow up on this thread! I appreciate the passion you folks have in regards to this topic.
At this time, I have no updates to share regarding being able to hide these buttons in the checkout steps. This request is very popular, however, so our developers are definitely aware of the interest behind such a feature being available.
With that being said, Express Checkout options often convert at a higher rate than regular checkout, and help increase customer trust in the site as a recognizable payment provider. According to the Baymard Institute, 26 percent of US online shoppers have abandoned an order in the past quarter solely due to a ‘too long/complicated checkout process’. Check out our blog post here for more information.
Thanks again for taking the time to follow up!
Imogen | Social Care @ Shopify
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Some further points possibly not already raised by others:
1) There is nothing Express about Paypal Express Checkout (it sucks). Paypal loyalists are happy to pick it up at the final checkout step. For everyone else, it is a confusing and unwanted distraction at the first step of checkout.
2) Express checkout as a _concept_ is good (eg. Shopify payments). But many sellers, for various reasons, may not use Shopify payments.
3) Paypal charges merchants more when users checkout within Paypal (instead of processing their credit card details directly if engaged as the credit card gateway). By forcing more users to use Paypal 'Express' Shopify is forcing these merchants to pay more for payment processing.
Shopify is not going to help on this issue...they are clearly getting addition $$$ from PayPal in order to place this in such a prominent place. You may find a short work around by editing the source code directly, which shopify will DETECT and send you a nice email telling you how helpful and profitable the paypal button really is (profit for who?)
The issue we're facing is that in European countries citizens are issued with their own fiscal tax ID. Many retailers, including our clients who have multiple European stores, require this tax ID for their own financial reporting.
As it stands, all Express Checkout methods including PayPal Express, Apple Pay and Google Pay do not pass this Tax ID along with the created order, which causes issues for our clients.
As our clients use Shopify Plus, we're able to add additional custom fields to the checkout to accommodate this extra Tax input field. However, express would bypass this entirely.
We'd very much like to keep PayPal as a payment option on the last step of the checkout, but want the ability to remove the Express option.
We have gathered more than 500 sellers in 10 threads about this topic already, with more 1000 sellers reading and liking without commenting. It is unbelievable that Shopify is not doing what the customers want and hiding these checkout buttons at the beginning of the checkout.
It is so unbelievable technical easy to offer that feature, and it goes beyond my understanding how you can ignore that for so long. And it is costing us all so much money because of your stubbornness as a company.
If I ever change my shop system, it will because of your unbelievable bad support on this topic, just make it happen already, I still want to offer PayPal but not PayPal Express for god’s sake.
Best wishes from an unhappy customer
Yes but the "Paypal checkout" UX is just awfull and should not be presented first.
I really don't understand how Shopify which is great at UX can let that happen.
In our checkout page the PayPal Express button is on top of everthing. A customer survey and measurements using HotJar shows that people think that we ONLY offer PayPal as a payment method and leave the checkout page without first scrolling down and checking other payment methods. Where other shops have a 30% checkout rate, our Shopify shop is not higher tah 6% (!!). If you switch of PayPal Express, the entire PayPal payment method is disabled.
Shopify seems to be oblivious to all complaints, which is ridiculous. Europe is NOT the same as USA or Canada.
Hi I am also finding it difficult to remove express checkout from the checkouts/informations page. I would like to remove it as it leads to an off site checkout which I therefore do not capture the customer information I use for email marketing. I do want to have PayPal as an option for payment at final checkout, so disabeling it entirely is not the option for me. I have tried for hours with various CSS codes to no avail. A solution would be appreciated. Warm regards JM1984
Hey there, @JM1984. Thanks for joining in on our conversation here!
I appreciate you jumping in and providing us with that context around why you're looking to hide this button. I'm wondering if you've had the chance to check out the information I've provided in my previous post?
I'm curious: what theme are you currently using in your store? Knowing such information would help me in determining what next steps would be best to help you get some support on this.
One idea I have currently is that you could look into having 'Customer Accounts' activated in your store. This would make it so your customers would be required to create an account to shop with you. This ensures that you capture your customer's emails, even while the PayPal Express button is still functional. This isn't a solution to the problem - but definitely something I wanted to put on your radar!
What style of business are you operating? It's awesome that you're so mindful about your marketing and the resources needed to be successful with it. I'm curious to know more about your business, too! If you like, feel free to drop a link to your store here so we can all take a look!
Imogen | Social Care @ Shopify
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We are facing the same issue. When having activated Paypal, we are receiving multiple complaints a day by customers that the express button is confusing and many think that we now only accept paypal as a payment option. hard to believe it's so difficult to provide the option to not show the express button...
we would love to use paypal as a payment option as it is quite often used, but if there is no way to hide the express button, we will definitely not active paypal on our shopify page as it leads to too much confusion and frustration among our customers
Hello @Luosto!
Hope you are doing well.
You can hide the express checkout button instead of removing it by adding custom CSS code to your theme file.
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Hi Emma and others,
It seems like since mid of 2022, the liquid / CSS code to hide the checkout button does not work anymore. To hide the express checkout payment method, you will need an app that utilize Shopify Functions. (a way for an app to communicate with Shopify to remove certain payment methods)
I have made an app to hide the Paypal Express (and other express checkout method like Apple Pay, Google Pay etc) on the top part of checkout page, and customer can still select Paypal method at the payment step.
The app is made using native Shopify Functions, thus it does not affect your store existing layout or functionality at all. You don't need to be on Shopify Plus plan to use the app, your store can be on any Shopify Plan.
The app name is Yagi Express Payment Hider (https://apps.shopify.com/yagi-express-payment-hider)
The app also have a workaround which you can hide the express checkout buttons for returning customers with saved address, but you will need to create a placeholder shipping rate for it to work, this will also work with one-page checkout.
Hope this can help!
Axel Kee
Hey there, @soulchild37 aka Axel!
Thanks a bunch for jumping in on this thread, and providing a third party application solution to this issue!
I've gone ahead and marked your reply here as a 'Solution' - so other users in the future who are looking up information on this topic can quickly find your reply, and your app!
Thanks again for helping make the Shopify Community the best ecommerce community around!
Imogen | Social Care @ Shopify
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Hi everyone,
Not a good news to see that a Shopify Staff is validating this extension as "THE ANSWER".
Paying a monthly subscription to hide a <div/> cannot be a satisfying solution.
It could mean Shopify has no plan to provide a simple preference to hide those very badly placed alternative checkout options.
Hey there, @HWorks. Thanks for jumping in on our thread here!
To be clear, my marking of one of the comments here as a 'solution' does not make it the only solution, nor should it be interpreted that our Development Team is not looking into this sort of functionality becoming native in the future. My marking of one of these comments as a 'solution' is to assist merchants with finding a quick method of hiding this information in the checkout while we do not offer the native functionality to do so at this time.
I definitely appreciate your concern around that, but I wanted to make sure that I clarified for you what the intention behind that step was, especially because marked solutions in the forums should not be taken as a signal that Shopify is, or is not, working on something, as anyone can mark a reply as a 'solution' if it assist with solving their issue. This app may be one of many that help alleviate this frustration of not being able to hide these express checkout buttons, and can be a potential solution as such.
Thanks again for following up.
Imogen | Social Care @ Shopify
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Hi @Imogen I have raised this in the past several times with Shopify but they are either unwilling or unable to help and it is beyond frustrating but I am trying once again.
Every single order that is paid for via PayPal Express comes through with the incorrect billing details . This is NOT customer error. This did not happen when we had the ability to hide the Express option as the customer was required to complete the delivery section prior to selecting PayPal. This is a problem between PayPal and Shopify.
I have a gift delivery business so the delivery (recipient) and billing (sender) details are different to each other in every order but PayPal Express only sends through the delivery (recipient's) details for both Delivery AND Billing.
This creates a mess of every other part of the order with all communication going out addressed to the wrong person (recipient) rather than the Sender (Billing) which in turn creates mild panic with the client who is then worried the recipient will receive billing details along with their gift. As we can't change the billing details once the payment has gone through we are stuck with having to look like incompetent fools and have ended up with a customer database full of profiles with the incorrect name, address and phone number attached.
I don't know why this is so hard to fix and seeing that the new one page checkout has been rolled out with the Express Options top and centre I don't believe for a minute that it is actually being "worked on" and we will ever again have the option to hide these buttons but can Shopify at least consider working with PayPal to ensure we are being provided with the correct information we need to service our clients?
Hi there, @Gem3. Thanks for taking the time to follow up on this thread.
I can definitely see how your case here is impacted by these express checkout options are visible in your checkout. You mentioned that you've spoken to folks at Shopify in the past about this issue with orders coming in through Express PayPal checkouts - what sort of information did they provide you?
I'm curious about the differences in the express checkout method vs. the other methods your customers use to checkout in your store. Is there an information collection steps that is missing that is causing the mix-up with the information? Do you use an app in your store that assists with making sure you have the information you need when orders come in through the alternative methods? I'm just curious to pinpoint what the difference may be here that's causing the mix-up with the information.
I'm sure this has been suggested to you before, but turning off PayPal would remove that express PayPAl button, and in turn, stop this PayPal specific error from occurring. How many orders do you have coming in through PayPal? You can see an exact number by viewing your analytics (let me know if you need help with this) and then you can consider turning it off, or leaving it on, depending on the order volume that PayPal makes up for.
Your issue appears to be an accessory to the inability to hide these checkout options. If possible, follow up with me when you can letting me know what other folks from Shopify have mentioned to you when you've brought this up to them. I'd like to pass this feedback along to our team, but any additional context you can provide is appreciated.
Imogen | Social Care @ Shopify
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Hi @Imogen
The problem is only with PayPal not the other express payment options as far as I can tell. I do not want to remove PayPal entirely as we are based in Australia and PayPal is commonly used by our customers. I am not using any apps, nor should I have to - the system worked just fine prior to having the Express Payment Options at the beginning of checkout forced on us.
The issue is very simple really - PayPal Express only sends through the Delivery Details (as entered within PayPal by the customer using PayPal Express) and dumps this info in both Shipping & Billing within Shopify. I have tested this myself and it is not anything the customer is doing wrong. We do not receive the purchasers details at all - no name, no address, no contact number. How am I supposed to successfully run a business if I can't contact my customers?
When we had the ability to hide the express option, the client was required to complete the Delivery section when checking out prior to selecting PayPal - this step is skipped with PayPal Express and they need to enter the delivery details within PayPal and then PayPal send this to Shopify as both Delivery and Billing.
I don't know how else to explain this and can't understand why Shopify cant understand / see that this is happening and get it fixed.
Further to this whole mess, I was recently hit with an 'unauthorised charge' chargeback from a customer's bank and was unable to prove that they placed the order because their was no mention of them in the order, all thanks to the incorrect info being entered by PayPal and/or Shopify. This is completely unfair because the problem lies with PayPal & Shopify yet I am the one who has been left out of pocket.
I have raised this with Shopify in writing twice and the only response I ever get is they will raise it and "prioritise a solution" but clearly this is false as the problem just continues with Shopify not giving a toss about merchants or the problems they are causing them.
This has not been solved. Adding yet another app that may clash with other apps is not a solution.
Hi all,
Paypal isn't known that well in the county where I sell the most, Belgium. The express checkout seems to "chase away" people. They trust the website less. It is a big negative point about Shopify compared to other websites. Hopefully there will be a solution in the future.
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