GraphQL Customer Account API Refresh token

GraphQL Customer Account API Refresh token

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Im using the new Customer Account API. Im experiencing an issue with the refresh token response. I am following the example documented here. I am succesfully geting a response when requesting a refresh token but there are two fields missing "id_token" and "refresh_token".  

Response im receiving
access_token: 'atkn_xyz',
token_type: 'bearer',
expires_in: 7200,
scope: ' openid email'

Response I was expecting
access_token: 'atkn_xyz',
token_type: 'bearer',
expires_in: 7200,
scope: ' openid email',
id_token: '...',
refresh_token: '...'

Could you help me figure out what the issue might be? is there an error in the docs or should i be receiveing these fields?


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