Hiding all product tags from product listing except for specific ones

Hiding all product tags from product listing except for specific ones

3 0 2


My site is: eccommerce.us

Is there a way hide all tags except for certain ones that we want?

In this case we want to hide everything except tags with: New, Open Box, or Used




Reply 1 (1)

2860 684 757

Hi @ineedcsshelp,

Please follow these steps:
- Step 1: Go to Online store > Themes > Actions > Edit code.
- Step 2: Go to Assets > theme.scss.liquid and paste this at the bottom of the file:

.tags-list a{
    display: none;
.tags-list [href="/collections/all/new"],
.tags-list [href="/collections/all/open-box"],
.tags-list [href="/collections/all/used"]{
    display: block !important;

Hope it helps!

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