Homepage is redirecting... strange

Homepage is redirecting... strange

3 0 0

I had a new staff member attempting to block a customer from ordering, somehow she ended up in the theme code, she thinks, on her phone...


Now the homepage wont load, I may catch a quick glimpse before it  is hijacked to this:




Not a true redirect. 

We have no login requirements in the preferences, and I cannot figure out how to stop the homepage from being hijacked by this script. The index.liquid looks fine to me 


<div class="index-sections">
{{ content_for_index }}


I am totally lost and don't want to break it further. The rest of the site works just fine, menus and navigation are good.  PLLEEEASE help

Replies 2 (2)

3 0 0

OK I see a string she entered in the code when I look at view source, however I cant figure out how to delete it using shopify interface

{%- if customer and customer.tags contains 'blocked' -%} <script> sessionStorage.setItem("blocked", "true"); window.location.href = "/account/logout?return_url=%2Faccount"; </script> {% endif %} {%- if template contains 'login' -%} <script> const blocked = sessionStorage.getItem("blocked"); if (blocked) { alert( "You're not allowed to log in. Please contact us for more information" ); sessionStorage.clear(); } </script> {% endif %}

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I think I have it Jimmy rigged for now...