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Hi, I'm wanting to place the logo (which will be just title of business - Soul Mix) in middle of menu items. With similar spacing like example website below.
Would like it to be responsive across screen sizes - so that logo name stays when on smaller screen. Menu goes into a hamburger menu anyway.
This is the code I used to already center the menu, not sure if it is right but any help would be really appreciated.
@media screen and (min-width: 990px){
.header--middle-left .header__inline-menu {
margin-left: auto;
min-width: 1200px !important;
text-align: center !important;
width: 100% !important;
Website: https://soul-mix.myshopify.com/
password: sumohb
Solved! Go to the solution
This is an accepted solution.
@BSS-Commerce thanks for pointing that out, have added that in and yes it is much better!
For anyone else looking to do the same thing - the code i used is to replace the entire header.liquid section with the code below. Also, make sure you put the desktop logo position as center in your builder. The code (found as solution in other thread) creates 2 menu's on either side, rest is easy.
<link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ 'component-list-menu.css' | asset_url }}" media="print" onload="this.media='all'">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ 'component-search.css' | asset_url }}" media="print" onload="this.media='all'">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ 'component-menu-drawer.css' | asset_url }}" media="print" onload="this.media='all'">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ 'component-cart-notification.css' | asset_url }}" media="print" onload="this.media='all'">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ 'component-cart-items.css' | asset_url }}" media="print" onload="this.media='all'">
{%- if settings.predictive_search_enabled -%}
<link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ 'component-price.css' | asset_url }}" media="print" onload="this.media='all'">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ 'component-loading-overlay.css' | asset_url }}" media="print" onload="this.media='all'">
{%- endif -%}
{%- if section.settings.menu_type_desktop == 'mega' -%}
<link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ 'component-mega-menu.css' | asset_url }}" media="print" onload="this.media='all'">
<noscript>{{ 'component-mega-menu.css' | asset_url | stylesheet_tag }}</noscript>
{%- endif -%}
{%- if settings.cart_type == "drawer" -%}
{{ 'component-cart-drawer.css' | asset_url | stylesheet_tag }}
{{ 'component-cart.css' | asset_url | stylesheet_tag }}
{{ 'component-totals.css' | asset_url | stylesheet_tag }}
{{ 'component-price.css' | asset_url | stylesheet_tag }}
{{ 'component-discounts.css' | asset_url | stylesheet_tag }}
{{ 'component-loading-overlay.css' | asset_url | stylesheet_tag }}
{%- endif -%}
<noscript>{{ 'component-list-menu.css' | asset_url | stylesheet_tag }}</noscript>
<noscript>{{ 'component-search.css' | asset_url | stylesheet_tag }}</noscript>
<noscript>{{ 'component-menu-drawer.css' | asset_url | stylesheet_tag }}</noscript>
<noscript>{{ 'component-cart-notification.css' | asset_url | stylesheet_tag }}</noscript>
<noscript>{{ 'component-cart-items.css' | asset_url | stylesheet_tag }}</noscript>
header-drawer {
justify-self: start;
margin-left: -1.2rem;
.header__heading-logo {
max-width: {{ section.settings.logo_width }}px;
@media screen and (min-width: 990px) {
header-drawer {
display: none;
.menu-drawer-container {
display: flex;
.list-menu {
list-style: none;
padding: 0;
margin: 0;
.list-menu--inline {
display: inline-flex;
flex-wrap: wrap;
summary.list-menu__item {
padding-right: 2.7rem;
.list-menu__item {
display: flex;
align-items: center;
line-height: calc(1 + 0.3 / var(--font-body-scale));
.list-menu__item--link {
text-decoration: none;
padding-bottom: 1rem;
padding-top: 1rem;
line-height: calc(1 + 0.8 / var(--font-body-scale));
@media screen and (min-width: 750px) {
.list-menu__item--link {
padding-bottom: 0.5rem;
padding-top: 0.5rem;
.header__inline-menu-left {
grid-area: navigation-1 !important;
@media screen and (min-width: 990px) {
.header {
grid-template-areas: "left-icon navigation-1 heading navigation icons" !important;
grid-template-columns: auto 1fr auto 1fr auto !important;
{%- style -%}
.header {
padding-top: {{ section.settings.padding_top | times: 0.5 | round: 0 }}px;
padding-bottom: {{ section.settings.padding_bottom | times: 0.5 | round: 0 }}px;
.section-header {
margin-bottom: {{ section.settings.margin_bottom | times: 0.75 | round: 0 }}px;
@media screen and (min-width: 750px) {
.section-header {
margin-bottom: {{ section.settings.margin_bottom }}px;
@media screen and (min-width: 990px) {
.header {
padding-top: {{ section.settings.padding_top }}px;
padding-bottom: {{ section.settings.padding_bottom }}px;
{%- endstyle -%}
<script src="{{ 'details-disclosure.js' | asset_url }}" defer="defer"></script>
<script src="{{ 'details-modal.js' | asset_url }}" defer="defer"></script>
<script src="{{ 'cart-notification.js' | asset_url }}" defer="defer"></script>
{%- if settings.cart_type == "drawer" -%}
<script src="{{ 'cart-drawer.js' | asset_url }}" defer="defer"></script>
{%- endif -%}
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" class="hidden">
<symbol id="icon-search" viewbox="0 0 18 19" fill="none">
<path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M11.03 11.68A5.784 5.784 0 112.85 3.5a5.784 5.784 0 018.18 8.18zm.26 1.12a6.78 6.78 0 11.72-.7l5.4 5.4a.5.5 0 11-.71.7l-5.41-5.4z" fill="currentColor"/>
<symbol id="icon-close" class="icon icon-close" fill="none" viewBox="0 0 18 17">
<path d="M.865 15.978a.5.5 0 00.707.707l7.433-7.431 7.579 7.282a.501.501 0 00.846-.37.5.5 0 00-.153-.351L9.712 8.546l7.417-7.416a.5.5 0 10-.707-.708L8.991 7.853 1.413.573a.5.5 0 10-.693.72l7.563 7.268-7.418 7.417z" fill="currentColor">
<{% if section.settings.enable_sticky_header %}sticky-header{% else %}div{% endif %} class="header-wrapper color-{{ section.settings.color_scheme }} gradient{% if section.settings.show_line_separator %} header-wrapper--border-bottom{% endif %}">
<header class="header header--{{ section.settings.logo_position }} header--mobile-{{ section.settings.mobile_logo_position }} page-width{% if section.settings.menu != blank %} header--has-menu{% endif %}">
{%- if section.settings.menu != blank -%}
<header-drawer data-breakpoint="tablet">
<details id="Details-menu-drawer-container" class="menu-drawer-container">
<summary class="header__icon header__icon--menu header__icon--summary link focus-inset" aria-label="{{ 'sections.header.menu' | t }}">
{% render 'icon-hamburger' %}
{% render 'icon-close' %}
<div id="menu-drawer" class="gradient menu-drawer motion-reduce" tabindex="-1">
<div class="menu-drawer__inner-container">
<div class="menu-drawer__navigation-container">
<nav class="menu-drawer__navigation">
<ul class="menu-drawer__menu has-submenu list-menu" role="list">
{%- for link in section.settings.menu.links -%}
{%- if link.links != blank -%}
<details id="Details-menu-drawer-menu-item-{{ forloop.index }}">
<summary class="menu-drawer__menu-item list-menu__item link link--text focus-inset{% if link.child_active %} menu-drawer__menu-item--active{% endif %}">
{{ link.title | escape }}
{% render 'icon-arrow' %}
{% render 'icon-caret' %}
<div id="link-{{ link.handle | escape }}" class="menu-drawer__submenu has-submenu gradient motion-reduce" tabindex="-1">
<div class="menu-drawer__inner-submenu">
<button class="menu-drawer__close-button link link--text focus-inset" aria-expanded="true">
{% render 'icon-arrow' %}
{{ link.title | escape }}
<ul class="menu-drawer__menu list-menu" role="list" tabindex="-1">
{%- for childlink in link.links -%}
{%- if childlink.links == blank -%}
<a href="{{ childlink.url }}" class="menu-drawer__menu-item link link--text list-menu__item focus-inset{% if childlink.current %} menu-drawer__menu-item--active{% endif %}"{% if childlink.current %} aria-current="page"{% endif %}>
{{ childlink.title | escape }}
{%- else -%}
<details id="Details-menu-drawer-submenu-{{ forloop.index }}">
<summary class="menu-drawer__menu-item link link--text list-menu__item focus-inset">
{{ childlink.title | escape }}
{% render 'icon-arrow' %}
{% render 'icon-caret' %}
<div id="childlink-{{ childlink.handle | escape }}" class="menu-drawer__submenu has-submenu gradient motion-reduce">
<button class="menu-drawer__close-button link link--text focus-inset" aria-expanded="true">
{% render 'icon-arrow' %}
{{ childlink.title | escape }}
<ul class="menu-drawer__menu list-menu" role="list" tabindex="-1">
{%- for grandchildlink in childlink.links -%}
<a href="{{ grandchildlink.url }}" class="menu-drawer__menu-item link link--text list-menu__item focus-inset{% if grandchildlink.current %} menu-drawer__menu-item--active{% endif %}"{% if grandchildlink.current %} aria-current="page"{% endif %}>
{{ grandchildlink.title | escape }}
{%- endfor -%}
{%- endif -%}
{%- endfor -%}
{%- else -%}
<a href="{{ link.url }}" class="menu-drawer__menu-item list-menu__item link link--text focus-inset{% if link.current %} menu-drawer__menu-item--active{% endif %}"{% if link.current %} aria-current="page"{% endif %}>
{{ link.title | escape }}
{%- endif -%}
{%- endfor -%}
{%- for link in section.settings.menu_2.links -%}
{%- if link.links != blank -%}
<details id="Details-menu-drawer-menu-item-{{ forloop.index }}">
<summary class="menu-drawer__menu-item list-menu__item link link--text focus-inset{% if link.child_active %} menu-drawer__menu-item--active{% endif %}">
{{ link.title | escape }}
{% render 'icon-arrow' %}
{% render 'icon-caret' %}
<div id="link-{{ link.handle | escape }}" class="menu-drawer__submenu has-submenu gradient motion-reduce" tabindex="-1">
<div class="menu-drawer__inner-submenu">
<button class="menu-drawer__close-button link link--text focus-inset" aria-expanded="true">
{% render 'icon-arrow' %}
{{ link.title | escape }}
<ul class="menu-drawer__menu list-menu" role="list" tabindex="-1">
{%- for childlink in link.links -%}
{%- if childlink.links == blank -%}
<a href="{{ childlink.url }}" class="menu-drawer__menu-item link link--text list-menu__item focus-inset{% if childlink.current %} menu-drawer__menu-item--active{% endif %}"{% if childlink.current %} aria-current="page"{% endif %}>
{{ childlink.title | escape }}
{%- else -%}
<details id="Details-menu-drawer-submenu-{{ forloop.index }}">
<summary class="menu-drawer__menu-item link link--text list-menu__item focus-inset">
{{ childlink.title | escape }}
{% render 'icon-arrow' %}
{% render 'icon-caret' %}
<div id="childlink-{{ childlink.handle | escape }}" class="menu-drawer__submenu has-submenu gradient motion-reduce">
<button class="menu-drawer__close-button link link--text focus-inset" aria-expanded="true">
{% render 'icon-arrow' %}
{{ childlink.title | escape }}
<ul class="menu-drawer__menu list-menu" role="list" tabindex="-1">
{%- for grandchildlink in childlink.links -%}
<a href="{{ grandchildlink.url }}" class="menu-drawer__menu-item link link--text list-menu__item focus-inset{% if grandchildlink.current %} menu-drawer__menu-item--active{% endif %}"{% if grandchildlink.current %} aria-current="page"{% endif %}>
{{ grandchildlink.title | escape }}
{%- endfor -%}
{%- endif -%}
{%- endfor -%}
{%- else -%}
<a href="{{ link.url }}" class="menu-drawer__menu-item list-menu__item link link--text focus-inset{% if link.current %} menu-drawer__menu-item--active{% endif %}"{% if link.current %} aria-current="page"{% endif %}>
{{ link.title | escape }}
{%- endif -%}
{%- endfor -%}
<div class="menu-drawer__utility-links">
{%- if shop.customer_accounts_enabled -%}
<a href="{%- if customer -%}{{ routes.account_url }}{%- else -%}{{ routes.account_login_url }}{%- endif -%}" class="menu-drawer__account link focus-inset h5">
{% render 'icon-account' %}
{%- liquid
if customer
echo 'customer.account_fallback' | t
echo 'customer.log_in' | t
{%- endif -%}
<ul class="list list-social list-unstyled" role="list">
{%- if settings.social_twitter_link != blank -%}
<li class="list-social__item">
<a href="{{ settings.social_twitter_link }}" class="list-social__link link">
{%- render 'icon-twitter' -%}
<span class="visually-hidden">{{ 'general.social.links.twitter' | t }}</span>
{%- endif -%}
{%- if settings.social_facebook_link != blank -%}
<li class="list-social__item">
<a href="{{ settings.social_facebook_link }}" class="list-social__link link">
{%- render 'icon-facebook' -%}
<span class="visually-hidden">{{ 'general.social.links.facebook' | t }}</span>
{%- endif -%}
{%- if settings.social_pinterest_link != blank -%}
<li class="list-social__item">
<a href="{{ settings.social_pinterest_link }}" class="list-social__link link">
{%- render 'icon-pinterest' -%}
<span class="visually-hidden">{{ 'general.social.links.pinterest' | t }}</span>
{%- endif -%}
{%- if settings.social_instagram_link != blank -%}
<li class="list-social__item">
<a href="{{ settings.social_instagram_link }}" class="list-social__link link">
{%- render 'icon-instagram' -%}
<span class="visually-hidden">{{ 'general.social.links.instagram' | t }}</span>
{%- endif -%}
{%- if settings.social_tiktok_link != blank -%}
<li class="list-social__item">
<a href="{{ settings.social_tiktok_link }}" class="list-social__link link">
{%- render 'icon-tiktok' -%}
<span class="visually-hidden">{{ 'general.social.links.tiktok' | t }}</span>
{%- endif -%}
{%- if settings.social_tumblr_link != blank -%}
<li class="list-social__item">
<a href="{{ settings.social_tumblr_link }}" class="list-social__link link">
{%- render 'icon-tumblr' -%}
<span class="visually-hidden">{{ 'general.social.links.tumblr' | t }}</span>
{%- endif -%}
{%- if settings.social_snapchat_link != blank -%}
<li class="list-social__item">
<a href="{{ settings.social_snapchat_link }}" class="list-social__link link">
{%- render 'icon-snapchat' -%}
<span class="visually-hidden">{{ 'general.social.links.snapchat' | t }}</span>
{%- endif -%}
{%- if settings.social_youtube_link != blank -%}
<li class="list-social__item">
<a href="{{ settings.social_youtube_link }}" class="list-social__link link">
{%- render 'icon-youtube' -%}
<span class="visually-hidden">{{ 'general.social.links.youtube' | t }}</span>
{%- endif -%}
{%- if settings.social_vimeo_link != blank -%}
<li class="list-social__item">
<a href="{{ settings.social_vimeo_link }}" class="list-social__link link">
{%- render 'icon-vimeo' -%}
<span class="visually-hidden">{{ 'general.social.links.vimeo' | t }}</span>
{%- endif -%}
{%- endif -%}
{%- if section.settings.logo_position == 'top-center' or section.settings.menu == blank -%}
<details-modal class="header__search">
<summary class="header__icon header__icon--search header__icon--summary link focus-inset modal__toggle" aria-haspopup="dialog" aria-label="{{ 'general.search.search' | t }}">
<svg class="modal__toggle-open icon icon-search" aria-hidden="true" focusable="false" role="presentation">
<use href="#icon-search">
<svg class="modal__toggle-close icon icon-close" aria-hidden="true" focusable="false" role="presentation">
<use href="#icon-close">
<div class="search-modal modal__content gradient" role="dialog" aria-modal="true" aria-label="{{ 'general.search.search' | t }}">
<div class="modal-overlay"></div>
<div class="search-modal__content{% if settings.inputs_shadow_vertical_offset != 0 and settings.inputs_shadow_vertical_offset < 0 %} search-modal__content-top{% else %} search-modal__content-bottom{% endif %}" tabindex="-1">
{%- if settings.predictive_search_enabled -%}
<predictive-search class="search-modal__form" data-loading-text="{{ 'accessibility.loading' | t }}">
{%- endif -%}
<form action="{{ routes.search_url }}" method="get" role="search" class="search search-modal__form">
<div class="field">
<input class="search__input field__input"
placeholder="{{ 'general.search.search' | t }}"
{%- if settings.predictive_search_enabled -%}
{%- endif -%}
<label class="field__label" for="Search-In-Modal-1">{{ 'general.search.search' | t }}</label>
<input type="hidden" name="options[prefix]" value="last">
<button class="search__button field__button" aria-label="{{ 'general.search.search' | t }}">
<svg class="icon icon-search" aria-hidden="true" focusable="false" role="presentation">
<use href="#icon-search">
{%- if settings.predictive_search_enabled -%}
<div class="predictive-search predictive-search--header" tabindex="-1" data-predictive-search>
<div class="predictive-search__loading-state">
<svg aria-hidden="true" focusable="false" role="presentation" class="spinner" viewBox="0 0 66 66" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
<circle class="path" fill="none" stroke-width="6" cx="33" cy="33" r="30"></circle>
<span class="predictive-search-status visually-hidden" role="status" aria-hidden="true"></span>
{%- endif -%}
{%- if settings.predictive_search_enabled -%}
{%- endif -%}
<button type="button" class="modal__close-button link link--text focus-inset" aria-label="{{ 'accessibility.close' | t }}">
<svg class="icon icon-close" aria-hidden="true" focusable="false" role="presentation">
<use href="#icon-close">
{%- endif -%}
{%- if section.settings.logo_position != 'middle-center' -%}
{%- if request.page_type == 'index' -%}
<h1 class="header__heading">
{%- endif -%}
<a href="{{ routes.root_url }}" class="header__heading-link link link--text focus-inset">
{%- if section.settings.logo != blank -%}
{%- assign logo_alt = section.settings.logo.alt | default: shop.name | escape -%}
{%- assign logo_height = section.settings.logo_width | divided_by: section.settings.logo.aspect_ratio -%}
{{ section.settings.logo | image_url: width: section.settings.width | image_tag:
class: 'header__heading-logo',
widths: '50, 100, 150, 200, 250, 300, 400, 500',
height: logo_height,
width: section.settings.logo_width,
alt: logo_alt
{%- else -%}
<span class="h2">{{ shop.name }}</span>
{%- endif -%}
{%- if request.page_type == 'index' -%}
{%- endif -%}
{%- endif -%}
{%- if section.settings.menu != blank -%}
{%- if section.settings.menu_type_desktop == 'dropdown' -%}
<nav class="header__inline-menu header__inline-menu-left">
<ul class="list-menu list-menu--inline" role="list">
{%- for link in section.settings.menu.links -%}
{%- if link.links != blank -%}
<details id="Details-HeaderMenu-{{ forloop.index }}">
<summary class="header__menu-item list-menu__item link focus-inset">
<span {%- if link.child_active %} class="header__active-menu-item"{% endif %}>{{ link.title | escape }}</span>
{% render 'icon-caret' %}
<ul id="HeaderMenu-MenuList-{{ forloop.index }}" class="header__submenu list-menu list-menu--disclosure gradient caption-large motion-reduce global-settings-popup" role="list" tabindex="-1">
{%- for childlink in link.links -%}
{%- if childlink.links == blank -%}
<a href="{{ childlink.url }}" class="header__menu-item list-menu__item link link--text focus-inset caption-large{% if childlink.current %} list-menu__item--active{% endif %}"{% if childlink.current %} aria-current="page"{% endif %}>
{{ childlink.title | escape }}
{%- else -%}
<details id="Details-HeaderSubMenu-{{ forloop.index }}">
<summary class="header__menu-item link link--text list-menu__item focus-inset caption-large">
<span>{{ childlink.title | escape }}</span>
{% render 'icon-caret' %}
<ul id="HeaderMenu-SubMenuList-{{ forloop.index }}" class="header__submenu list-menu motion-reduce">
{%- for grandchildlink in childlink.links -%}
<a href="{{ grandchildlink.url }}" class="header__menu-item list-menu__item link link--text focus-inset caption-large{% if grandchildlink.current %} list-menu__item--active{% endif %}"{% if grandchildlink.current %} aria-current="page"{% endif %}>
{{ grandchildlink.title | escape }}
{%- endfor -%}
{%- endif -%}
{%- endfor -%}
{%- else -%}
<a href="{{ link.url }}" class="header__menu-item list-menu__item link link--text focus-inset"{% if link.current %} aria-current="page"{% endif %}>
<span {%- if link.current %} class="header__active-menu-item"{% endif %}>{{ link.title | escape }}</span>
{%- endif -%}
{%- endfor -%}
<nav class="header__inline-menu header__inline-menu-right">
<ul class="list-menu list-menu--inline" role="list">
{%- for link in section.settings.menu_2.links -%}
{%- if link.links != blank -%}
<details id="Details-HeaderMenu-{{ forloop.index }}">
<summary class="header__menu-item list-menu__item link focus-inset">
<span {%- if link.child_active %} class="header__active-menu-item"{% endif %}>{{ link.title | escape }}</span>
{% render 'icon-caret' %}
<ul id="HeaderMenu-MenuList-{{ forloop.index }}" class="header__submenu list-menu list-menu--disclosure gradient caption-large motion-reduce global-settings-popup" role="list" tabindex="-1">
{%- for childlink in link.links -%}
{%- if childlink.links == blank -%}
<a href="{{ childlink.url }}" class="header__menu-item list-menu__item link link--text focus-inset caption-large{% if childlink.current %} list-menu__item--active{% endif %}"{% if childlink.current %} aria-current="page"{% endif %}>
{{ childlink.title | escape }}
{%- else -%}
<details id="Details-HeaderSubMenu-{{ forloop.index }}">
<summary class="header__menu-item link link--text list-menu__item focus-inset caption-large">
<span>{{ childlink.title | escape }}</span>
{% render 'icon-caret' %}
<ul id="HeaderMenu-SubMenuList-{{ forloop.index }}" class="header__submenu list-menu motion-reduce">
{%- for grandchildlink in childlink.links -%}
<a href="{{ grandchildlink.url }}" class="header__menu-item list-menu__item link link--text focus-inset caption-large{% if grandchildlink.current %} list-menu__item--active{% endif %}"{% if grandchildlink.current %} aria-current="page"{% endif %}>
{{ grandchildlink.title | escape }}
{%- endfor -%}
{%- endif -%}
{%- endfor -%}
{%- else -%}
<a href="{{ link.url }}" class="header__menu-item list-menu__item link link--text focus-inset"{% if link.current %} aria-current="page"{% endif %}>
<span {%- if link.current %} class="header__active-menu-item"{% endif %}>{{ link.title | escape }}</span>
{%- endif -%}
{%- endfor -%}
{%- else -%}
<nav class="header__inline-menu">
<ul class="list-menu list-menu--inline" role="list">
{%- for link in section.settings.menu.links -%}
{%- if link.links != blank -%}
<details id="Details-HeaderMenu-{{ forloop.index }}" class="mega-menu">
<summary class="header__menu-item list-menu__item link focus-inset">
<span {%- if link.child_active %} class="header__active-menu-item"{% endif %}>{{ link.title | escape }}</span>
{% render 'icon-caret' %}
<div id="MegaMenu-Content-{{ forloop.index }}" class="mega-menu__content gradient motion-reduce global-settings-popup" tabindex="-1">
<ul class="mega-menu__list page-width{% if link.levels == 1 %} mega-menu__list--condensed{% endif %}" role="list">
{%- for childlink in link.links -%}
<a href="{{ childlink.url }}" class="mega-menu__link mega-menu__link--level-2 link{% if childlink.current %} mega-menu__link--active{% endif %}"{% if childlink.current %} aria-current="page"{% endif %}>
{{ childlink.title | escape }}
{%- if childlink.links != blank -%}
<ul class="list-unstyled" role="list">
{%- for grandchildlink in childlink.links -%}
<a href="{{ grandchildlink.url }}" class="mega-menu__link link{% if grandchildlink.current %} mega-menu__link--active{% endif %}"{% if grandchildlink.current %} aria-current="page"{% endif %}>
{{ grandchildlink.title | escape }}
{%- endfor -%}
{%- endif -%}
{%- endfor -%}
{%- else -%}
<a href="{{ link.url }}" class="header__menu-item list-menu__item link link--text focus-inset"{% if link.current %} aria-current="page"{% endif %}>
<span {%- if link.current %} class="header__active-menu-item"{% endif %}>{{ link.title | escape }}</span>
{%- endif -%}
{%- endfor -%}
{%- endif -%}
{%- endif -%}
{%- if section.settings.logo_position == 'middle-center' -%}
{%- if request.page_type == 'index' -%}
<h1 class="header__heading">
{%- endif -%}
<a href="{{ routes.root_url }}" class="header__heading-link link link--text focus-inset">
{%- if section.settings.logo != blank -%}
{%- assign logo_alt = section.settings.logo.alt | default: shop.name | escape -%}
{%- assign logo_height = section.settings.logo_width | divided_by: section.settings.logo.aspect_ratio -%}
{{ section.settings.logo | image_url: width: section.settings.width | image_tag:
class: 'header__heading-logo',
widths: '50, 100, 150, 200, 250, 300, 400, 500',
height: logo_height,
width: section.settings.logo_width,
alt: logo_alt
{%- else -%}
<span class="h2">{{ shop.name }}</span>
{%- endif -%}
{%- if request.page_type == 'index' -%}
{%- endif -%}
{%- endif -%}
<div class="header__icons">
<details-modal class="header__search">
<summary class="header__icon header__icon--search header__icon--summary link focus-inset modal__toggle" aria-haspopup="dialog" aria-label="{{ 'general.search.search' | t }}">
<svg class="modal__toggle-open icon icon-search" aria-hidden="true" focusable="false" role="presentation">
<use href="#icon-search">
<svg class="modal__toggle-close icon icon-close" aria-hidden="true" focusable="false" role="presentation">
<use href="#icon-close">
<div class="search-modal modal__content gradient" role="dialog" aria-modal="true" aria-label="{{ 'general.search.search' | t }}">
<div class="modal-overlay"></div>
<div class="search-modal__content{% if settings.inputs_shadow_vertical_offset != 0 and settings.inputs_shadow_vertical_offset < 0 %} search-modal__content-top{% else %} search-modal__content-bottom{% endif %}" tabindex="-1">
{%- if settings.predictive_search_enabled -%}
<predictive-search class="search-modal__form" data-loading-text="{{ 'accessibility.loading' | t }}">
{%- endif -%}
<form action="{{ routes.search_url }}" method="get" role="search" class="search search-modal__form">
<div class="field">
<input class="search__input field__input"
placeholder="{{ 'general.search.search' | t }}"
{%- if settings.predictive_search_enabled -%}
{%- endif -%}
<label class="field__label" for="Search-In-Modal">{{ 'general.search.search' | t }}</label>
<input type="hidden" name="options[prefix]" value="last">
<button class="search__button field__button" aria-label="{{ 'general.search.search' | t }}">
<svg class="icon icon-search" aria-hidden="true" focusable="false" role="presentation">
<use href="#icon-search">
{%- if settings.predictive_search_enabled -%}
<div class="predictive-search predictive-search--header" tabindex="-1" data-predictive-search>
<div class="predictive-search__loading-state">
<svg aria-hidden="true" focusable="false" role="presentation" class="spinner" viewBox="0 0 66 66" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
<circle class="path" fill="none" stroke-width="6" cx="33" cy="33" r="30"></circle>
<span class="predictive-search-status visually-hidden" role="status" aria-hidden="true"></span>
{%- endif -%}
{%- if settings.predictive_search_enabled -%}
{%- endif -%}
<button type="button" class="search-modal__close-button modal__close-button link link--text focus-inset" aria-label="{{ 'accessibility.close' | t }}">
<svg class="icon icon-close" aria-hidden="true" focusable="false" role="presentation">
<use href="#icon-close">
{%- if shop.customer_accounts_enabled -%}
<a href="{%- if customer -%}{{ routes.account_url }}{%- else -%}{{ routes.account_login_url }}{%- endif -%}" class="header__icon header__icon--account link focus-inset{% if section.settings.menu != blank %} small-hide{% endif %}">
{% render 'icon-account' %}
<span class="visually-hidden">
{%- liquid
if customer
echo 'customer.account_fallback' | t
echo 'customer.log_in' | t
{%- endif -%}
<a href="{{ routes.cart_url }}" class="header__icon header__icon--cart link focus-inset" id="cart-icon-bubble">
{%- liquid
if cart == empty
render 'icon-cart-empty'
render 'icon-cart'
<span class="visually-hidden">{{ 'templates.cart.cart' | t }}</span>
{%- if cart != empty -%}
<div class="cart-count-bubble">
{%- if cart.item_count < 100 -%}
<span aria-hidden="true">{{ cart.item_count }}</span>
{%- endif -%}
<span class="visually-hidden">{{ 'sections.header.cart_count' | t: count: cart.item_count }}</span>
{%- endif -%}
</{% if section.settings.enable_sticky_header %}sticky-header{% else %}div{% endif %}>
{%- if settings.cart_type == "notification" -%}
{%- render 'cart-notification', color_scheme: section.settings.color_scheme -%}
{%- endif -%}
{% javascript %}
class StickyHeader extends HTMLElement {
constructor() {
connectedCallback() {
this.header = document.getElementById('shopify-section-header');
this.headerBounds = {};
this.currentScrollTop = 0;
this.preventReveal = false;
this.predictiveSearch = this.querySelector('predictive-search');
this.onScrollHandler = this.onScroll.bind(this);
this.hideHeaderOnScrollUp = () => this.preventReveal = true;
this.addEventListener('preventHeaderReveal', this.hideHeaderOnScrollUp);
window.addEventListener('scroll', this.onScrollHandler, false);
disconnectedCallback() {
this.removeEventListener('preventHeaderReveal', this.hideHeaderOnScrollUp);
window.removeEventListener('scroll', this.onScrollHandler);
createObserver() {
let observer = new IntersectionObserver((entries, observer) => {
this.headerBounds = entries[0].intersectionRect;
onScroll() {
const scrollTop = window.pageYOffset || document.documentElement.scrollTop;
if (this.predictiveSearch && this.predictiveSearch.isOpen) return;
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if (this.preventHide) return;
} else if (scrollTop < this.currentScrollTop && scrollTop > this.headerBounds.bottom) {
if (!this.preventReveal) {
} else {
this.isScrolling = setTimeout(() => {
this.preventReveal = false;
}, 66);
} else if (scrollTop <= this.headerBounds.top) {
this.currentScrollTop = scrollTop;
hide() {
this.header.classList.add('shopify-section-header-hidden', 'shopify-section-header-sticky');
reveal() {
this.header.classList.add('shopify-section-header-sticky', 'animate');
reset() {
this.header.classList.remove('shopify-section-header-hidden', 'shopify-section-header-sticky', 'animate');
closeMenuDisclosure() {
this.disclosures = this.disclosures || this.header.querySelectorAll('header-menu');
this.disclosures.forEach(disclosure => disclosure.close());
closeSearchModal() {
this.searchModal = this.searchModal || this.header.querySelector('details-modal');
customElements.define('sticky-header', StickyHeader);
{% endjavascript %}
<script type="application/ld+json">
"@context": "http://schema.org",
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"name": {{ shop.name | json }},
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"logo": {{ section.settings.logo | image_url: width: section.settings.logo.width | prepend: "https:" | json }},
{% endif %}
"sameAs": [
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<script type="application/ld+json">
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Hi @dekiv
Looks like your problem has been solved with the above code. But we found a problem on some smaller screens
Menus will overlap. To solve you can add the following CSS code.
.list-menu--inline {
flex-wrap: nowrap !important;
Hope this helps you.
If our suggestions are useful, please let us know by giving it a like, marking it as a solution, or donating here ☕.
B2B Solution & Custom Pricing | Product Labels by BSS
Need help from our expert? Kindly share your request with us via community@bsscommerce.com
This is an accepted solution.
@BSS-Commerce thanks for pointing that out, have added that in and yes it is much better!
For anyone else looking to do the same thing - the code i used is to replace the entire header.liquid section with the code below. Also, make sure you put the desktop logo position as center in your builder. The code (found as solution in other thread) creates 2 menu's on either side, rest is easy.
<link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ 'component-list-menu.css' | asset_url }}" media="print" onload="this.media='all'">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ 'component-search.css' | asset_url }}" media="print" onload="this.media='all'">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ 'component-menu-drawer.css' | asset_url }}" media="print" onload="this.media='all'">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ 'component-cart-notification.css' | asset_url }}" media="print" onload="this.media='all'">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ 'component-cart-items.css' | asset_url }}" media="print" onload="this.media='all'">
{%- if settings.predictive_search_enabled -%}
<link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ 'component-price.css' | asset_url }}" media="print" onload="this.media='all'">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ 'component-loading-overlay.css' | asset_url }}" media="print" onload="this.media='all'">
{%- endif -%}
{%- if section.settings.menu_type_desktop == 'mega' -%}
<link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ 'component-mega-menu.css' | asset_url }}" media="print" onload="this.media='all'">
<noscript>{{ 'component-mega-menu.css' | asset_url | stylesheet_tag }}</noscript>
{%- endif -%}
{%- if settings.cart_type == "drawer" -%}
{{ 'component-cart-drawer.css' | asset_url | stylesheet_tag }}
{{ 'component-cart.css' | asset_url | stylesheet_tag }}
{{ 'component-totals.css' | asset_url | stylesheet_tag }}
{{ 'component-price.css' | asset_url | stylesheet_tag }}
{{ 'component-discounts.css' | asset_url | stylesheet_tag }}
{{ 'component-loading-overlay.css' | asset_url | stylesheet_tag }}
{%- endif -%}
<noscript>{{ 'component-list-menu.css' | asset_url | stylesheet_tag }}</noscript>
<noscript>{{ 'component-search.css' | asset_url | stylesheet_tag }}</noscript>
<noscript>{{ 'component-menu-drawer.css' | asset_url | stylesheet_tag }}</noscript>
<noscript>{{ 'component-cart-notification.css' | asset_url | stylesheet_tag }}</noscript>
<noscript>{{ 'component-cart-items.css' | asset_url | stylesheet_tag }}</noscript>
header-drawer {
justify-self: start;
margin-left: -1.2rem;
.header__heading-logo {
max-width: {{ section.settings.logo_width }}px;
@media screen and (min-width: 990px) {
header-drawer {
display: none;
.menu-drawer-container {
display: flex;
.list-menu {
list-style: none;
padding: 0;
margin: 0;
.list-menu--inline {
display: inline-flex;
flex-wrap: wrap;
summary.list-menu__item {
padding-right: 2.7rem;
.list-menu__item {
display: flex;
align-items: center;
line-height: calc(1 + 0.3 / var(--font-body-scale));
.list-menu__item--link {
text-decoration: none;
padding-bottom: 1rem;
padding-top: 1rem;
line-height: calc(1 + 0.8 / var(--font-body-scale));
@media screen and (min-width: 750px) {
.list-menu__item--link {
padding-bottom: 0.5rem;
padding-top: 0.5rem;
.header__inline-menu-left {
grid-area: navigation-1 !important;
@media screen and (min-width: 990px) {
.header {
grid-template-areas: "left-icon navigation-1 heading navigation icons" !important;
grid-template-columns: auto 1fr auto 1fr auto !important;
{%- style -%}
.header {
padding-top: {{ section.settings.padding_top | times: 0.5 | round: 0 }}px;
padding-bottom: {{ section.settings.padding_bottom | times: 0.5 | round: 0 }}px;
.section-header {
margin-bottom: {{ section.settings.margin_bottom | times: 0.75 | round: 0 }}px;
@media screen and (min-width: 750px) {
.section-header {
margin-bottom: {{ section.settings.margin_bottom }}px;
@media screen and (min-width: 990px) {
.header {
padding-top: {{ section.settings.padding_top }}px;
padding-bottom: {{ section.settings.padding_bottom }}px;
{%- endstyle -%}
<script src="{{ 'details-disclosure.js' | asset_url }}" defer="defer"></script>
<script src="{{ 'details-modal.js' | asset_url }}" defer="defer"></script>
<script src="{{ 'cart-notification.js' | asset_url }}" defer="defer"></script>
{%- if settings.cart_type == "drawer" -%}
<script src="{{ 'cart-drawer.js' | asset_url }}" defer="defer"></script>
{%- endif -%}
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" class="hidden">
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<path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M11.03 11.68A5.784 5.784 0 112.85 3.5a5.784 5.784 0 018.18 8.18zm.26 1.12a6.78 6.78 0 11.72-.7l5.4 5.4a.5.5 0 11-.71.7l-5.41-5.4z" fill="currentColor"/>
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<{% if section.settings.enable_sticky_header %}sticky-header{% else %}div{% endif %} class="header-wrapper color-{{ section.settings.color_scheme }} gradient{% if section.settings.show_line_separator %} header-wrapper--border-bottom{% endif %}">
<header class="header header--{{ section.settings.logo_position }} header--mobile-{{ section.settings.mobile_logo_position }} page-width{% if section.settings.menu != blank %} header--has-menu{% endif %}">
{%- if section.settings.menu != blank -%}
<header-drawer data-breakpoint="tablet">
<details id="Details-menu-drawer-container" class="menu-drawer-container">
<summary class="header__icon header__icon--menu header__icon--summary link focus-inset" aria-label="{{ 'sections.header.menu' | t }}">
{% render 'icon-hamburger' %}
{% render 'icon-close' %}
<div id="menu-drawer" class="gradient menu-drawer motion-reduce" tabindex="-1">
<div class="menu-drawer__inner-container">
<div class="menu-drawer__navigation-container">
<nav class="menu-drawer__navigation">
<ul class="menu-drawer__menu has-submenu list-menu" role="list">
{%- for link in section.settings.menu.links -%}
{%- if link.links != blank -%}
<details id="Details-menu-drawer-menu-item-{{ forloop.index }}">
<summary class="menu-drawer__menu-item list-menu__item link link--text focus-inset{% if link.child_active %} menu-drawer__menu-item--active{% endif %}">
{{ link.title | escape }}
{% render 'icon-arrow' %}
{% render 'icon-caret' %}
<div id="link-{{ link.handle | escape }}" class="menu-drawer__submenu has-submenu gradient motion-reduce" tabindex="-1">
<div class="menu-drawer__inner-submenu">
<button class="menu-drawer__close-button link link--text focus-inset" aria-expanded="true">
{% render 'icon-arrow' %}
{{ link.title | escape }}
<ul class="menu-drawer__menu list-menu" role="list" tabindex="-1">
{%- for childlink in link.links -%}
{%- if childlink.links == blank -%}
<a href="{{ childlink.url }}" class="menu-drawer__menu-item link link--text list-menu__item focus-inset{% if childlink.current %} menu-drawer__menu-item--active{% endif %}"{% if childlink.current %} aria-current="page"{% endif %}>
{{ childlink.title | escape }}
{%- else -%}
<details id="Details-menu-drawer-submenu-{{ forloop.index }}">
<summary class="menu-drawer__menu-item link link--text list-menu__item focus-inset">
{{ childlink.title | escape }}
{% render 'icon-arrow' %}
{% render 'icon-caret' %}
<div id="childlink-{{ childlink.handle | escape }}" class="menu-drawer__submenu has-submenu gradient motion-reduce">
<button class="menu-drawer__close-button link link--text focus-inset" aria-expanded="true">
{% render 'icon-arrow' %}
{{ childlink.title | escape }}
<ul class="menu-drawer__menu list-menu" role="list" tabindex="-1">
{%- for grandchildlink in childlink.links -%}
<a href="{{ grandchildlink.url }}" class="menu-drawer__menu-item link link--text list-menu__item focus-inset{% if grandchildlink.current %} menu-drawer__menu-item--active{% endif %}"{% if grandchildlink.current %} aria-current="page"{% endif %}>
{{ grandchildlink.title | escape }}
{%- endfor -%}
{%- endif -%}
{%- endfor -%}
{%- else -%}
<a href="{{ link.url }}" class="menu-drawer__menu-item list-menu__item link link--text focus-inset{% if link.current %} menu-drawer__menu-item--active{% endif %}"{% if link.current %} aria-current="page"{% endif %}>
{{ link.title | escape }}
{%- endif -%}
{%- endfor -%}
{%- for link in section.settings.menu_2.links -%}
{%- if link.links != blank -%}
<details id="Details-menu-drawer-menu-item-{{ forloop.index }}">
<summary class="menu-drawer__menu-item list-menu__item link link--text focus-inset{% if link.child_active %} menu-drawer__menu-item--active{% endif %}">
{{ link.title | escape }}
{% render 'icon-arrow' %}
{% render 'icon-caret' %}
<div id="link-{{ link.handle | escape }}" class="menu-drawer__submenu has-submenu gradient motion-reduce" tabindex="-1">
<div class="menu-drawer__inner-submenu">
<button class="menu-drawer__close-button link link--text focus-inset" aria-expanded="true">
{% render 'icon-arrow' %}
{{ link.title | escape }}
<ul class="menu-drawer__menu list-menu" role="list" tabindex="-1">
{%- for childlink in link.links -%}
{%- if childlink.links == blank -%}
<a href="{{ childlink.url }}" class="menu-drawer__menu-item link link--text list-menu__item focus-inset{% if childlink.current %} menu-drawer__menu-item--active{% endif %}"{% if childlink.current %} aria-current="page"{% endif %}>
{{ childlink.title | escape }}
{%- else -%}
<details id="Details-menu-drawer-submenu-{{ forloop.index }}">
<summary class="menu-drawer__menu-item link link--text list-menu__item focus-inset">
{{ childlink.title | escape }}
{% render 'icon-arrow' %}
{% render 'icon-caret' %}
<div id="childlink-{{ childlink.handle | escape }}" class="menu-drawer__submenu has-submenu gradient motion-reduce">
<button class="menu-drawer__close-button link link--text focus-inset" aria-expanded="true">
{% render 'icon-arrow' %}
{{ childlink.title | escape }}
<ul class="menu-drawer__menu list-menu" role="list" tabindex="-1">
{%- for grandchildlink in childlink.links -%}
<a href="{{ grandchildlink.url }}" class="menu-drawer__menu-item link link--text list-menu__item focus-inset{% if grandchildlink.current %} menu-drawer__menu-item--active{% endif %}"{% if grandchildlink.current %} aria-current="page"{% endif %}>
{{ grandchildlink.title | escape }}
{%- endfor -%}
{%- endif -%}
{%- endfor -%}
{%- else -%}
<a href="{{ link.url }}" class="menu-drawer__menu-item list-menu__item link link--text focus-inset{% if link.current %} menu-drawer__menu-item--active{% endif %}"{% if link.current %} aria-current="page"{% endif %}>
{{ link.title | escape }}
{%- endif -%}
{%- endfor -%}
<div class="menu-drawer__utility-links">
{%- if shop.customer_accounts_enabled -%}
<a href="{%- if customer -%}{{ routes.account_url }}{%- else -%}{{ routes.account_login_url }}{%- endif -%}" class="menu-drawer__account link focus-inset h5">
{% render 'icon-account' %}
{%- liquid
if customer
echo 'customer.account_fallback' | t
echo 'customer.log_in' | t
{%- endif -%}
<ul class="list list-social list-unstyled" role="list">
{%- if settings.social_twitter_link != blank -%}
<li class="list-social__item">
<a href="{{ settings.social_twitter_link }}" class="list-social__link link">
{%- render 'icon-twitter' -%}
<span class="visually-hidden">{{ 'general.social.links.twitter' | t }}</span>
{%- endif -%}
{%- if settings.social_facebook_link != blank -%}
<li class="list-social__item">
<a href="{{ settings.social_facebook_link }}" class="list-social__link link">
{%- render 'icon-facebook' -%}
<span class="visually-hidden">{{ 'general.social.links.facebook' | t }}</span>
{%- endif -%}
{%- if settings.social_pinterest_link != blank -%}
<li class="list-social__item">
<a href="{{ settings.social_pinterest_link }}" class="list-social__link link">
{%- render 'icon-pinterest' -%}
<span class="visually-hidden">{{ 'general.social.links.pinterest' | t }}</span>
{%- endif -%}
{%- if settings.social_instagram_link != blank -%}
<li class="list-social__item">
<a href="{{ settings.social_instagram_link }}" class="list-social__link link">
{%- render 'icon-instagram' -%}
<span class="visually-hidden">{{ 'general.social.links.instagram' | t }}</span>
{%- endif -%}
{%- if settings.social_tiktok_link != blank -%}
<li class="list-social__item">
<a href="{{ settings.social_tiktok_link }}" class="list-social__link link">
{%- render 'icon-tiktok' -%}
<span class="visually-hidden">{{ 'general.social.links.tiktok' | t }}</span>
{%- endif -%}
{%- if settings.social_tumblr_link != blank -%}
<li class="list-social__item">
<a href="{{ settings.social_tumblr_link }}" class="list-social__link link">
{%- render 'icon-tumblr' -%}
<span class="visually-hidden">{{ 'general.social.links.tumblr' | t }}</span>
{%- endif -%}
{%- if settings.social_snapchat_link != blank -%}
<li class="list-social__item">
<a href="{{ settings.social_snapchat_link }}" class="list-social__link link">
{%- render 'icon-snapchat' -%}
<span class="visually-hidden">{{ 'general.social.links.snapchat' | t }}</span>
{%- endif -%}
{%- if settings.social_youtube_link != blank -%}
<li class="list-social__item">
<a href="{{ settings.social_youtube_link }}" class="list-social__link link">
{%- render 'icon-youtube' -%}
<span class="visually-hidden">{{ 'general.social.links.youtube' | t }}</span>
{%- endif -%}
{%- if settings.social_vimeo_link != blank -%}
<li class="list-social__item">
<a href="{{ settings.social_vimeo_link }}" class="list-social__link link">
{%- render 'icon-vimeo' -%}
<span class="visually-hidden">{{ 'general.social.links.vimeo' | t }}</span>
{%- endif -%}
{%- endif -%}
{%- if section.settings.logo_position == 'top-center' or section.settings.menu == blank -%}
<details-modal class="header__search">
<summary class="header__icon header__icon--search header__icon--summary link focus-inset modal__toggle" aria-haspopup="dialog" aria-label="{{ 'general.search.search' | t }}">
<svg class="modal__toggle-open icon icon-search" aria-hidden="true" focusable="false" role="presentation">
<use href="#icon-search">
<svg class="modal__toggle-close icon icon-close" aria-hidden="true" focusable="false" role="presentation">
<use href="#icon-close">
<div class="search-modal modal__content gradient" role="dialog" aria-modal="true" aria-label="{{ 'general.search.search' | t }}">
<div class="modal-overlay"></div>
<div class="search-modal__content{% if settings.inputs_shadow_vertical_offset != 0 and settings.inputs_shadow_vertical_offset < 0 %} search-modal__content-top{% else %} search-modal__content-bottom{% endif %}" tabindex="-1">
{%- if settings.predictive_search_enabled -%}
<predictive-search class="search-modal__form" data-loading-text="{{ 'accessibility.loading' | t }}">
{%- endif -%}
<form action="{{ routes.search_url }}" method="get" role="search" class="search search-modal__form">
<div class="field">
<input class="search__input field__input"
placeholder="{{ 'general.search.search' | t }}"
{%- if settings.predictive_search_enabled -%}
{%- endif -%}
<label class="field__label" for="Search-In-Modal-1">{{ 'general.search.search' | t }}</label>
<input type="hidden" name="options[prefix]" value="last">
<button class="search__button field__button" aria-label="{{ 'general.search.search' | t }}">
<svg class="icon icon-search" aria-hidden="true" focusable="false" role="presentation">
<use href="#icon-search">
{%- if settings.predictive_search_enabled -%}
<div class="predictive-search predictive-search--header" tabindex="-1" data-predictive-search>
<div class="predictive-search__loading-state">
<svg aria-hidden="true" focusable="false" role="presentation" class="spinner" viewBox="0 0 66 66" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
<circle class="path" fill="none" stroke-width="6" cx="33" cy="33" r="30"></circle>
<span class="predictive-search-status visually-hidden" role="status" aria-hidden="true"></span>
{%- endif -%}
{%- if settings.predictive_search_enabled -%}
{%- endif -%}
<button type="button" class="modal__close-button link link--text focus-inset" aria-label="{{ 'accessibility.close' | t }}">
<svg class="icon icon-close" aria-hidden="true" focusable="false" role="presentation">
<use href="#icon-close">
{%- endif -%}
{%- if section.settings.logo_position != 'middle-center' -%}
{%- if request.page_type == 'index' -%}
<h1 class="header__heading">
{%- endif -%}
<a href="{{ routes.root_url }}" class="header__heading-link link link--text focus-inset">
{%- if section.settings.logo != blank -%}
{%- assign logo_alt = section.settings.logo.alt | default: shop.name | escape -%}
{%- assign logo_height = section.settings.logo_width | divided_by: section.settings.logo.aspect_ratio -%}
{{ section.settings.logo | image_url: width: section.settings.width | image_tag:
class: 'header__heading-logo',
widths: '50, 100, 150, 200, 250, 300, 400, 500',
height: logo_height,
width: section.settings.logo_width,
alt: logo_alt
{%- else -%}
<span class="h2">{{ shop.name }}</span>
{%- endif -%}
{%- if request.page_type == 'index' -%}
{%- endif -%}
{%- endif -%}
{%- if section.settings.menu != blank -%}
{%- if section.settings.menu_type_desktop == 'dropdown' -%}
<nav class="header__inline-menu header__inline-menu-left">
<ul class="list-menu list-menu--inline" role="list">
{%- for link in section.settings.menu.links -%}
{%- if link.links != blank -%}
<details id="Details-HeaderMenu-{{ forloop.index }}">
<summary class="header__menu-item list-menu__item link focus-inset">
<span {%- if link.child_active %} class="header__active-menu-item"{% endif %}>{{ link.title | escape }}</span>
{% render 'icon-caret' %}
<ul id="HeaderMenu-MenuList-{{ forloop.index }}" class="header__submenu list-menu list-menu--disclosure gradient caption-large motion-reduce global-settings-popup" role="list" tabindex="-1">
{%- for childlink in link.links -%}
{%- if childlink.links == blank -%}
<a href="{{ childlink.url }}" class="header__menu-item list-menu__item link link--text focus-inset caption-large{% if childlink.current %} list-menu__item--active{% endif %}"{% if childlink.current %} aria-current="page"{% endif %}>
{{ childlink.title | escape }}
{%- else -%}
<details id="Details-HeaderSubMenu-{{ forloop.index }}">
<summary class="header__menu-item link link--text list-menu__item focus-inset caption-large">
<span>{{ childlink.title | escape }}</span>
{% render 'icon-caret' %}
<ul id="HeaderMenu-SubMenuList-{{ forloop.index }}" class="header__submenu list-menu motion-reduce">
{%- for grandchildlink in childlink.links -%}
<a href="{{ grandchildlink.url }}" class="header__menu-item list-menu__item link link--text focus-inset caption-large{% if grandchildlink.current %} list-menu__item--active{% endif %}"{% if grandchildlink.current %} aria-current="page"{% endif %}>
{{ grandchildlink.title | escape }}
{%- endfor -%}
{%- endif -%}
{%- endfor -%}
{%- else -%}
<a href="{{ link.url }}" class="header__menu-item list-menu__item link link--text focus-inset"{% if link.current %} aria-current="page"{% endif %}>
<span {%- if link.current %} class="header__active-menu-item"{% endif %}>{{ link.title | escape }}</span>
{%- endif -%}
{%- endfor -%}
<nav class="header__inline-menu header__inline-menu-right">
<ul class="list-menu list-menu--inline" role="list">
{%- for link in section.settings.menu_2.links -%}
{%- if link.links != blank -%}
<details id="Details-HeaderMenu-{{ forloop.index }}">
<summary class="header__menu-item list-menu__item link focus-inset">
<span {%- if link.child_active %} class="header__active-menu-item"{% endif %}>{{ link.title | escape }}</span>
{% render 'icon-caret' %}
<ul id="HeaderMenu-MenuList-{{ forloop.index }}" class="header__submenu list-menu list-menu--disclosure gradient caption-large motion-reduce global-settings-popup" role="list" tabindex="-1">
{%- for childlink in link.links -%}
{%- if childlink.links == blank -%}
<a href="{{ childlink.url }}" class="header__menu-item list-menu__item link link--text focus-inset caption-large{% if childlink.current %} list-menu__item--active{% endif %}"{% if childlink.current %} aria-current="page"{% endif %}>
{{ childlink.title | escape }}
{%- else -%}
<details id="Details-HeaderSubMenu-{{ forloop.index }}">
<summary class="header__menu-item link link--text list-menu__item focus-inset caption-large">
<span>{{ childlink.title | escape }}</span>
{% render 'icon-caret' %}
<ul id="HeaderMenu-SubMenuList-{{ forloop.index }}" class="header__submenu list-menu motion-reduce">
{%- for grandchildlink in childlink.links -%}
<a href="{{ grandchildlink.url }}" class="header__menu-item list-menu__item link link--text focus-inset caption-large{% if grandchildlink.current %} list-menu__item--active{% endif %}"{% if grandchildlink.current %} aria-current="page"{% endif %}>
{{ grandchildlink.title | escape }}
{%- endfor -%}
{%- endif -%}
{%- endfor -%}
{%- else -%}
<a href="{{ link.url }}" class="header__menu-item list-menu__item link link--text focus-inset"{% if link.current %} aria-current="page"{% endif %}>
<span {%- if link.current %} class="header__active-menu-item"{% endif %}>{{ link.title | escape }}</span>
{%- endif -%}
{%- endfor -%}
{%- else -%}
<nav class="header__inline-menu">
<ul class="list-menu list-menu--inline" role="list">
{%- for link in section.settings.menu.links -%}
{%- if link.links != blank -%}
<details id="Details-HeaderMenu-{{ forloop.index }}" class="mega-menu">
<summary class="header__menu-item list-menu__item link focus-inset">
<span {%- if link.child_active %} class="header__active-menu-item"{% endif %}>{{ link.title | escape }}</span>
{% render 'icon-caret' %}
<div id="MegaMenu-Content-{{ forloop.index }}" class="mega-menu__content gradient motion-reduce global-settings-popup" tabindex="-1">
<ul class="mega-menu__list page-width{% if link.levels == 1 %} mega-menu__list--condensed{% endif %}" role="list">
{%- for childlink in link.links -%}
<a href="{{ childlink.url }}" class="mega-menu__link mega-menu__link--level-2 link{% if childlink.current %} mega-menu__link--active{% endif %}"{% if childlink.current %} aria-current="page"{% endif %}>
{{ childlink.title | escape }}
{%- if childlink.links != blank -%}
<ul class="list-unstyled" role="list">
{%- for grandchildlink in childlink.links -%}
<a href="{{ grandchildlink.url }}" class="mega-menu__link link{% if grandchildlink.current %} mega-menu__link--active{% endif %}"{% if grandchildlink.current %} aria-current="page"{% endif %}>
{{ grandchildlink.title | escape }}
{%- endfor -%}
{%- endif -%}
{%- endfor -%}
{%- else -%}
<a href="{{ link.url }}" class="header__menu-item list-menu__item link link--text focus-inset"{% if link.current %} aria-current="page"{% endif %}>
<span {%- if link.current %} class="header__active-menu-item"{% endif %}>{{ link.title | escape }}</span>
{%- endif -%}
{%- endfor -%}
{%- endif -%}
{%- endif -%}
{%- if section.settings.logo_position == 'middle-center' -%}
{%- if request.page_type == 'index' -%}
<h1 class="header__heading">
{%- endif -%}
<a href="{{ routes.root_url }}" class="header__heading-link link link--text focus-inset">
{%- if section.settings.logo != blank -%}
{%- assign logo_alt = section.settings.logo.alt | default: shop.name | escape -%}
{%- assign logo_height = section.settings.logo_width | divided_by: section.settings.logo.aspect_ratio -%}
{{ section.settings.logo | image_url: width: section.settings.width | image_tag:
class: 'header__heading-logo',
widths: '50, 100, 150, 200, 250, 300, 400, 500',
height: logo_height,
width: section.settings.logo_width,
alt: logo_alt
{%- else -%}
<span class="h2">{{ shop.name }}</span>
{%- endif -%}
{%- if request.page_type == 'index' -%}
{%- endif -%}
{%- endif -%}
<div class="header__icons">
<details-modal class="header__search">
<summary class="header__icon header__icon--search header__icon--summary link focus-inset modal__toggle" aria-haspopup="dialog" aria-label="{{ 'general.search.search' | t }}">
<svg class="modal__toggle-open icon icon-search" aria-hidden="true" focusable="false" role="presentation">
<use href="#icon-search">
<svg class="modal__toggle-close icon icon-close" aria-hidden="true" focusable="false" role="presentation">
<use href="#icon-close">
<div class="search-modal modal__content gradient" role="dialog" aria-modal="true" aria-label="{{ 'general.search.search' | t }}">
<div class="modal-overlay"></div>
<div class="search-modal__content{% if settings.inputs_shadow_vertical_offset != 0 and settings.inputs_shadow_vertical_offset < 0 %} search-modal__content-top{% else %} search-modal__content-bottom{% endif %}" tabindex="-1">
{%- if settings.predictive_search_enabled -%}
<predictive-search class="search-modal__form" data-loading-text="{{ 'accessibility.loading' | t }}">
{%- endif -%}
<form action="{{ routes.search_url }}" method="get" role="search" class="search search-modal__form">
<div class="field">
<input class="search__input field__input"
placeholder="{{ 'general.search.search' | t }}"
{%- if settings.predictive_search_enabled -%}
{%- endif -%}
<label class="field__label" for="Search-In-Modal">{{ 'general.search.search' | t }}</label>
<input type="hidden" name="options[prefix]" value="last">
<button class="search__button field__button" aria-label="{{ 'general.search.search' | t }}">
<svg class="icon icon-search" aria-hidden="true" focusable="false" role="presentation">
<use href="#icon-search">
{%- if settings.predictive_search_enabled -%}
<div class="predictive-search predictive-search--header" tabindex="-1" data-predictive-search>
<div class="predictive-search__loading-state">
<svg aria-hidden="true" focusable="false" role="presentation" class="spinner" viewBox="0 0 66 66" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
<circle class="path" fill="none" stroke-width="6" cx="33" cy="33" r="30"></circle>
<span class="predictive-search-status visually-hidden" role="status" aria-hidden="true"></span>
{%- endif -%}
{%- if settings.predictive_search_enabled -%}
{%- endif -%}
<button type="button" class="search-modal__close-button modal__close-button link link--text focus-inset" aria-label="{{ 'accessibility.close' | t }}">
<svg class="icon icon-close" aria-hidden="true" focusable="false" role="presentation">
<use href="#icon-close">
{%- if shop.customer_accounts_enabled -%}
<a href="{%- if customer -%}{{ routes.account_url }}{%- else -%}{{ routes.account_login_url }}{%- endif -%}" class="header__icon header__icon--account link focus-inset{% if section.settings.menu != blank %} small-hide{% endif %}">
{% render 'icon-account' %}
<span class="visually-hidden">
{%- liquid
if customer
echo 'customer.account_fallback' | t
echo 'customer.log_in' | t
{%- endif -%}
<a href="{{ routes.cart_url }}" class="header__icon header__icon--cart link focus-inset" id="cart-icon-bubble">
{%- liquid
if cart == empty
render 'icon-cart-empty'
render 'icon-cart'
<span class="visually-hidden">{{ 'templates.cart.cart' | t }}</span>
{%- if cart != empty -%}
<div class="cart-count-bubble">
{%- if cart.item_count < 100 -%}
<span aria-hidden="true">{{ cart.item_count }}</span>
{%- endif -%}
<span class="visually-hidden">{{ 'sections.header.cart_count' | t: count: cart.item_count }}</span>
{%- endif -%}
</{% if section.settings.enable_sticky_header %}sticky-header{% else %}div{% endif %}>
{%- if settings.cart_type == "notification" -%}
{%- render 'cart-notification', color_scheme: section.settings.color_scheme -%}
{%- endif -%}
{% javascript %}
class StickyHeader extends HTMLElement {
constructor() {
connectedCallback() {
this.header = document.getElementById('shopify-section-header');
this.headerBounds = {};
this.currentScrollTop = 0;
this.preventReveal = false;
this.predictiveSearch = this.querySelector('predictive-search');
this.onScrollHandler = this.onScroll.bind(this);
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this.addEventListener('preventHeaderReveal', this.hideHeaderOnScrollUp);
window.addEventListener('scroll', this.onScrollHandler, false);
disconnectedCallback() {
this.removeEventListener('preventHeaderReveal', this.hideHeaderOnScrollUp);
window.removeEventListener('scroll', this.onScrollHandler);
createObserver() {
let observer = new IntersectionObserver((entries, observer) => {
this.headerBounds = entries[0].intersectionRect;
onScroll() {
const scrollTop = window.pageYOffset || document.documentElement.scrollTop;
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if (!this.preventReveal) {
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this.isScrolling = setTimeout(() => {
this.preventReveal = false;
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this.currentScrollTop = scrollTop;
hide() {
this.header.classList.add('shopify-section-header-hidden', 'shopify-section-header-sticky');
reveal() {
this.header.classList.add('shopify-section-header-sticky', 'animate');
reset() {
this.header.classList.remove('shopify-section-header-hidden', 'shopify-section-header-sticky', 'animate');
closeMenuDisclosure() {
this.disclosures = this.disclosures || this.header.querySelectorAll('header-menu');
this.disclosures.forEach(disclosure => disclosure.close());
closeSearchModal() {
this.searchModal = this.searchModal || this.header.querySelector('details-modal');
customElements.define('sticky-header', StickyHeader);
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please, after doing this I have an error message on my header, can you help me please?
Missing translations, no color scheme
I cannot see my cart anymore on the top right, and on mobile version I cannot see the menu anymore 😞
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