How can I change the 'Quick View' button text to Spanish on my website?

How can I change the 'Quick View' button text to Spanish on my website?

13 0 1

Hello community

I want to change some text that appears on my website. It is exactly the "Quick view" button that appears when I place the mouse pointer over the image. You can see screenshot for more information.


Captura de pantalla 2023-11-16 a las 13.20.58 copia.jpg


This text actually appears in English, but it should appear in Spanish, since the language of my store is Spanish.

I have tried all the "official" ways to make the change, but I can't.

Could it be done from code?

Someone help me?

The url of my store is

The theme of my store is "Impulse"

Millions of thanks 🙂

Reply 1 (1)

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830 28 74



click on "Actions" and then choose "Edit languages and replace the Quick view with Vista rápida

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