How can I code customer notifications for different home delivery emails?


How can I code customer notifications for different home delivery emails?

14 1 6



     I am trying to update our Shopify notifications to send different Home Delivery emails, depending on certain criteria. I can't seem to get it to work and was hoping someone out there could help?


Just starting with the email subject line of the notification, here is what it currently is -

{% if attributes.Checkout-Method == "pickup" %}Order {{ name }} is ready for Pickup!{% elsif attributes.Checkout-Method == "delivery" %}Order {{ name }} is ready for Home Delivery!{% elsif order.note contains "dropship" or order.tags contains "dropship" %}Your order is almost on its way!{% else %}Order {{ name }} is on the way{% endif %}


I want to add another elsif statement to have different messaging if the order tags contains 'Mobile'. I have tried a few different ways to do this, such as -


{% if attributes.Checkout-Method == "pickup" %}Order {{ name }} is ready for Pickup!{% elsif attributes.Checkout-Method == "delivery" and order.tags contains “Mobile” %}Order {{ name }} has been delivered!{% elsif attributes.Checkout-Method == "delivery" %}Order {{ name }} is ready for Home Delivery!{% elsif order.note contains "dropship" or order.tags contains "dropship" %}Your order is almost on its way!{% else %}Order {{ name }} is on the way{% endif %}


But nothing I've tried has seemed to work. Does anyone have any suggestions?

Accepted Solution (1)
14 1 6

This is an accepted solution.

Thank you for your help, and the advice!


I'm not sure exactly why, but the code still wasn't working (and unfortunately I have a limit as to how many characters I can add, so I was unable to try the normalization coding).


I fiddled with it some more, and tested with other fields, and got it to work with this code - 


{% if attributes.Checkout-Method == "pickup" %}

Order {{ name }} is ready for Pickup!

{% elsif attributes.Custom-Attribute-2 contains "Mobile" %}

Order {{ name }} has been delivered!

{% elsif attributes.Checkout-Method == "delivery" %}

Order {{ name }} is ready for Home Delivery!

{% elsif order.note contains "dropship" or order.tags contains "dropship" %}

Your order is almost on its way!

{% else %}

Order {{ name }} is on the way

{% endif %}


Thank you again for your time and help!

View solution in original post

Replies 2 (2)

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Please use the format code and make effort to improve the readability with linebreaks and indentations when trying to work out syntax issues it will save you a ton of headaches and is a courtesy to contributors who are more likely to help you if you do.

If good formatting is causing linefeeds in your notifications use whitespace controls. 


Here by formatting I can see it looks like your using special quotes instead of normal quotes around mobile

, i.e. Mobile vs "Mobile"



{% if attributes.Checkout-Method == "pickup" %}
 Order {{ name }} is ready for Pickup!
{% elsif attributes.Checkout-Method == "delivery" and order.tags contains “Mobile” %}
 Order {{ name }} has been delivered!
{% elsif attributes.Checkout-Method == "delivery" %}
 Order {{ name }} is ready for Home Delivery!
{% elsif order.note contains "dropship" or order.tags contains "dropship" %}
 Your order is almost on its way!
{% else %}
 Order {{ name }} is on the way
{% endif %}


Should be


{% if attributes.Checkout-Method == "pickup" %}
 Order {{ name }} is ready for Pickup!
{% elsif attributes.Checkout-Method == "delivery" and order.tags contains "Mobile" %}
 Order {{ name }} has been delivered!
{% elsif attributes.Checkout-Method == "delivery" %}
 Order {{ name }} is ready for Home Delivery!
{% elsif order.note contains "dropship" or order.tags contains "dropship" %}
 Your order is almost on its way!
{% else %}
 Order {{ name }} is on the way
{% endif %}




Further is can help to either normalize tags to avoid non-matches due to typos by staff or apps.

This is  because of how the contains operator behaves mainly by being case sensitive or overmatching i.e. mobile == immobile.

Alternatively loop over them separately to do an exact|near match if there are other factors and set a match variable to true.


{%- assign tags == order.tags -%}
{%- assign search_string == "mobile" -%}
{%- assign tag_matched = false %}

{% for tag in tags %}
 {%- comment -%} normalize tag and string i.e. downcase, remove special characters like underscores, etc to do exact matches (==) to avoid false positives & negatives {%- endcomment -%}
  {%- assign normalized_tag == tag | downcase -%}
  {%- assign normalized_search_string == search_string | downcase -%}
  {% if normalized_tag == normalized_search_string  %}
    {%- comment -%} Set variables here {%- endcomment -%}
    {%- assign tag_matched = true %}
    {%- break -%}
  {% endif %}
{% endfor %}



{%- if tag_matched  -%}
 {%- assign mobile_order = true %}
{%- endif -%}

{% if attributes.Checkout-Method == "pickup" %}
 Order {{ name }} is ready for Pickup!
{% elsif attributes.Checkout-Method == "delivery" and mobile_order %}
 Order {{ name }} has been delivered!
{% elsif attributes.Checkout-Method == "delivery" %}
 Order {{ name }} is ready for Home Delivery!
{% elsif order.note contains "dropship" or order.tags contains "dropship" %}
 Your order is almost on its way!
{% else %}
 Order {{ name }} is on the way
{% endif %}



If your still experiencing occasional wierdness with this messaging you may want to to normalize/downcase the order.note or order.tags too. 



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14 1 6

This is an accepted solution.

Thank you for your help, and the advice!


I'm not sure exactly why, but the code still wasn't working (and unfortunately I have a limit as to how many characters I can add, so I was unable to try the normalization coding).


I fiddled with it some more, and tested with other fields, and got it to work with this code - 


{% if attributes.Checkout-Method == "pickup" %}

Order {{ name }} is ready for Pickup!

{% elsif attributes.Custom-Attribute-2 contains "Mobile" %}

Order {{ name }} has been delivered!

{% elsif attributes.Checkout-Method == "delivery" %}

Order {{ name }} is ready for Home Delivery!

{% elsif order.note contains "dropship" or order.tags contains "dropship" %}

Your order is almost on its way!

{% else %}

Order {{ name }} is on the way

{% endif %}


Thank you again for your time and help!