Re: Custom Content Type

How can I create custom content types in Shopify 2.0?

Shopify Partner
1 0 7

Hi, new to Shopify development so I'm just getting familiar with it as a CMS. I see that Shopify recently released a 2.0 version last summer with a handful of features, one of which was Custom Content Types.


However, I can't seem to find any documentation on how to create one. Is this feature released? If so can anyone point me in the direction of documentation on how to create Custom Content Types?

Replies 2 (2)

Shopify Partner
4 0 2

Hi. I am searching the same. It is weird that I can't find any info about this topic. Did you find anything?

46 0 17

It seems as if they just change the nomenclature to metaobjects.  From a cursory glance it seems it does most of what you'd expect with Custom Post Types.  Would love some feedback from anyone who has more experience with it however.