How can I fix a GraphQL error during a product launch?

How can I fix a GraphQL error during a product launch?

2 0 1

Hi guys,


Inneed of some urgent help as I have a web drop happening tonight (in 2 hours!)

I was happily uploading images to all my products I’m launching this evening and suddenly received the error message below…

any advice welcome as I’m a little stressed and have no idea how to fix this! 


GraphQL execution failed with errors: [

"name": "GraphQLError",

"message": "cannot specify variants during update",

"path": [



"locations": [

"line": 1,

"column": 207



"source": 1

"name": '

"body": "fragment UserError on DisplayableError {typename field message } mutation ProductUpdate(Sinput: Productinput!, §numberOfCollections: Int!, SvariantimageTransformInput: ImageTransformInput!) {_typename productUpdate(input: Sinput) {-typename product {—typename id title descriptionHtml hasOnlyDefaultVariant status totalVariants productType templateSuffix hasVariantWithBundleComponents options {typename id name values } vendor featuredimage {_typename url(transform: $variantimageTransforminput) ) collectionsPreview: collections(first: §numberOfCollections) {-typename edges {_typename node (typename id title )} }} userErrors f-typename ...

UserError } })",


"line"; 0,

"column": 0

Replies 4 (4)

7 0 3

Same exact message I have been receiving for about the past hour this morning when trying to upload pictures to products from the mobile app.

2 0 1

No way! So annoying.


its showing when I use the app on both my iPhone and iPad. Perhaps if I try it on a web browser it might work? Did you try this?

7 0 3

Yes.  I was able to email a photo to myself, save it to my computer and then upload it to the same product page via my desktop.  Without error.  This could be a good work around temporarily for you with your time schedule!?   


Certainly in no way a good process moving forward if this error last longer! 🤕

7 0 3

****Appears to be fixed now!! 


Was just able to upload product images taken from my mobile to the mobile apps specific product landing pages with no ERROR! 🙂