Re: Page Speed/Shopify Expert Help

How can I improve my Blockshop theme page loading speed?

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7 0 0

Hi Everyone,

I use the Blockshop theme by Troop themes and I'm not really happy with the page loading speed. I reached out to a few Shopify experts. One quoted me $3000+ for an overhaul, which is way out of my budget. Another expert more confusingly told me that there wasn't much they could do to improve my site speed and kind of brushed me off. I'm a little at a loss, because I know my site is slow. On the Shopify admin speed score, I have a 19-21 (it varies). Can anyone offer me any advice on how to move forward? I appreciate it in advance!

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Shopify Partner
261 31 134

How many apps do you have installed? 

Available for pagespeed consulting
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18 apps.

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18 apps

Shopify Partner
261 31 134

That's probably the main issue.

The person who quoted 3k was probably quoting that for replacing the functionality of your apps from scratch.

The person who brushed you off probably did so because the most he could only increase your score by like 5-7 points, and it would take him 3 hours.

Here's an experiment.

Go to your shopify admin

go to themes

Find your main theme and duplicate it.

Go to edit the code of the duplicated theme 

In theme.liquid, find this line {{ content_for_header }}

replace it with


{{ content_for_header }}


Then go back to your themes and preview the duplicated theme, at the bottom, click the share preview button and copy that link.

Put that link into pagespeed insights and then compare the difference.

Very important note: you don't want to actually run your site without content for header, as that will break some vital shopify functions.

Available for pagespeed consulting
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Hi thanks for your reply! I did what you suggested and the page speed score was 18 on the preview, vs 16 for my live site. 

This is so bad I really don't know what to do!

Shopify Partner
261 31 134

Interesting, can you share the url so I can take a look?

Available for pagespeed consulting
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New Member
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Preview with your suggested code change:

1 0 0


Page speed measures the time it takes the substance on a URL to stack. Site speed, then again, speaks to how your site is performing generally. It's scored by administrations like Google PageSpeed Insights which take a gander at different load times on your site in aggregate.

best way to imporve page speed are:
Use fast and reliable hosting
Use a content delivery network (CDN)
Organize your tracking with Google Tag Manager
Prioritize testing and optimizing your mobile performance
Use pop-ups sparingly
Weigh the benefits of installing another app for your site
Compress and reduce images in size and number
Decrease thumbnail image sizes
Ease up on homepage hero slides
Reduce redirects and remove broken links

New Member
7 0 0

This is a great checklist thank you!