Discuss and resolve questions on Liquid, JavaScript, themes, sales channels, and site speed enhancements.
my store is https://7colors-8972.myshopify.com/
I wanted an autoplaying video for my featured product. I see from the forums this is an ongoing problem (and I think Shopify should definitely address this once and for all in the theme options).
To achieve it I found this solutions in another thread – I added
at the end of theme.liquid and it works perfectly. Genius – if you're required a click to make the video start, just emulate the click. Love it.
Unfortunately on mobile resolutions (<750px width) the responsive theme just puts an image preview and clicking it opens a lightbox with the video in it. Not exactly a good mobile experience.
How do I preserve the featured product preview block so that it keeps on being a video and not just a preview that opens a lightbox? I've been a developer for many years and the css/liquid structure is so dense I can't figure it out after many hours of staring at the code.
Solved! Go to the solution
This is an accepted solution.
To whoever needs this in the future. It's not perfect but.
section-main-product.css , there is
.product-media-modal__content > *:not(.active), .product__media-list .deferred-media { display: none; }
commenting this out will solve the problem, but will prevent all deferred media to not get loaded until shown, so it's a hit on bandwidth and also slightly screws up the gallery.
then you can add
.product__media-toggle, .product__media-icon { display: none; }
to your custom css to remove the play icon.
This is an accepted solution.
To whoever needs this in the future. It's not perfect but.
section-main-product.css , there is
.product-media-modal__content > *:not(.active), .product__media-list .deferred-media { display: none; }
commenting this out will solve the problem, but will prevent all deferred media to not get loaded until shown, so it's a hit on bandwidth and also slightly screws up the gallery.
then you can add
.product__media-toggle, .product__media-icon { display: none; }
to your custom css to remove the play icon.
This is what worked for me.
1. Create a backup:
2. Update the original file:
3. Add required CSS:
4. If anything goes wrong:
@media screen and (min-width: 750px) {
.mobile-only-video {
display: none;
{%- liquid
unless lazy_load == false
assign lazy = 'lazy'
assign desktop_columns = 1
if desktop_layout == 'columns' and media_count > 1
assign desktop_columns = 2
assign mobile_columns = 1
if mobile_layout == 'columns' and media_count > 1
assign mobile_columns = 2
if media.media_type == 'image'
assign image_class = 'image-magnify-' | append: section.settings.image_zoom
{%- capture sizes -%}
(min-width: {{ settings.page_width }}px) {{ settings.page_width | minus: 100 | times: media_width | divided_by: desktop_columns | round }}px, (min-width: 990px) calc({{ media_width | times: 100 | divided_by: desktop_columns }}vw - 10rem), (min-width: 750px) calc((100vw - 11.5rem) / 2), calc(100vw / {{ mobile_columns }} - 4rem)
{%- endcapture -%}
class="product-media-container media-type-{{ media.media_type }} media-fit-{{ media_fit }} global-media-settings gradient{% if constrain_to_viewport %} constrain-height{% endif %}"
style="--ratio: {{ media.aspect_ratio | default: 1.0 }}; --preview-ratio: {{ media.preview_image.aspect_ratio | default: 1.0 }};"
{%- comment -%}
Custom video implementation:
- Replaced deferred-media with direct video element for better mobile/desktop consistency
- Added autoplay, muted, and loop for background-video-like behavior
- Wrapped in deferred-media div to maintain styling/layout
- Removed controls for cleaner look
{%- endcomment -%}
{%- if media.media_type == 'video' -%}
<div class="media media--transparent mobile-only-video" data-media-id="{{ media.id }}">
poster="{{ media | img_url: '1024x' }}"
alt="{{ media.alt | escape }}"
aria-label="{{ media.alt | escape }}"
<source src="{{ media.sources[1].url }}" type="video/mp4">
Your browser does not support the video tag.
{%- else -%}
class="product__modal-opener product__modal-opener--{{ media.media_type }}"
data-modal="#ProductModal-{{ modal_id }}"
class="product__media-icon motion-reduce quick-add-hidden{% if media.media_type == 'image' %} product__media-icon--{{ section.settings.image_zoom }}{% endif %}"
{% case media.media_type %}
{% when 'video', 'external_video' %}
<span class="svg-wrapper">
{{- 'icon-play.svg' | inline_asset_content -}}
{% when 'model' %}
<span class="svg-wrapper">
{{- 'icon-3d-model.svg' | inline_asset_content -}}
{% else %}
<span class="svg-wrapper">
{{- 'icon-zoom.svg' | inline_asset_content -}}
{% endcase %}
{%- render 'loading-spinner' -%}
<div class="product__media media media--transparent">
| image_url: width: 1946
| image_tag:
class: image_class,
loading: lazy,
sizes: sizes,
widths: '246, 493, 600, 713, 823, 990, 1100, 1206, 1346, 1426, 1646, 1946'
class="product__media-toggle quick-add-hidden product__media-zoom-{{ section.settings.image_zoom }}"
data-media-id="{{ media.id }}"
<span class="visually-hidden">
{{ 'products.product.media.open_media' | t: index: position }}
{%- endif -%}
{%- if media.media_type != 'image' -%}
{%- if media.media_type == 'model' -%}
<product-model class="deferred-media media media--transparent" data-media-id="{{ media.id }}">
{%- else -%}
<deferred-media class="deferred-media media media--transparent" data-media-id="{{ media.id }}">
{%- endif -%}
<button id="Deferred-Poster-Modal-{{ media.id }}" class="deferred-media__poster" type="button">
<span class="deferred-media__poster-button motion-reduce">
{%- if media.media_type == 'model' -%}
<span class="visually-hidden">{{ 'products.product.media.play_model' | t }}</span>
<span class="svg-wrapper">
{{- 'icon-3d-model.svg' | inline_asset_content -}}
{%- else -%}
<span class="visually-hidden">{{ 'products.product.media.play_video' | t }}</span>
<span class="svg-wrapper">
{{- 'icon-play.svg' | inline_asset_content -}}
{%- endif -%}
| image_url: width: 1946
| image_tag:
loading: lazy,
sizes: sizes,
widths: '246, 493, 600, 713, 823, 990, 1100, 1206, 1346, 1426, 1646, 1946'
{%- liquid
case media.media_type
when 'external_video'
assign video_class = 'js-' | append: media.host
if media.host == 'youtube'
echo media | external_video_url: autoplay: true, loop: loop, playlist: media.external_id | external_video_tag: class: video_class, loading: 'lazy'
echo media | external_video_url: autoplay: true, loop: loop | external_video_tag: class: video_class, loading: 'lazy'
when 'video'
echo media | media_tag: image_size: '2048x', autoplay: true, loop: loop, controls: none, preload: 'none'
when 'model'
echo media | media_tag: image_size: '2048x', toggleable: true
{% comment %} controls: none {% endcomment %}
{%- if media.media_type == 'model' -%}
{%- if xr_button -%}
class="button button--full-width product__xr-button"
aria-label="{{ 'products.product.xr_button_label' | t }}"
data-shopify-model3d-id="{{ media.id }}"
data-shopify-title="{{ product.title | escape }}"
<span class="svg-wrapper">
{{- 'icon-3d-model.svg' | inline_asset_content -}}
{{ 'products.product.xr_button' | t }}
{%- endif -%}
{%- else -%}
{%- endif -%}
{%- endif -%}
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