How can I remove leftover app codes from liquid files?

How can I remove leftover app codes from liquid files?

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We tried a lot of apps from App Store and removed them. But codes pieces left our liqued files. We want to remove these codes. Because of codes left Our site performance become too low. Can not reach theme support. Is there any one to help us


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Hello @Cemal84,

 How many apps have you uninstalled from the Shopify store?


Wahab Ahmad 

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You can probably find most of the old app code in your theme.liquid layout file.

Other common areas you might find extra code:

- cart.liquid
- collection.liquid
- product.liquid

Those are the main template files, so you'll want to check there then trace the included snippets as well for a thorough check.

If you'd like a professional to handle it, we have an App Analysis service here: that addresses this.

We see this quite often, with leftover app code. It's because after deleting an app from your Shopify store, access is removed so the app cannot clean up after itself.

• Creator of Order Automator [auto tag, fulfill, connect FBA, daily jobs]
• Co-Creator of Product Automator [suite of features for products / collections]
• Shopify developer for 10+ years, store owner for 7 years
• Blog: Shopify Tips, Guides, and Automation Tactics

Not applicable

Hi Cemal84, 

Aibek is here from Growavelabs Agency:

I think we can help you with this problem.


We can analyze and make speed optimization for you. For free. 

You just need to fill out this form:
Or you can email us with all details regarding your shop here:


Hope to talk with you soon.